BostonCeltics (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 pierce,paul       SF 82 38.0  687 1513 .454 147 384 .383  550  738 .745 25.3
 2 walker,antoine    PF 81 41.9  711 1720 .413 221 603 .367  249  348 .716 23.4
 3 stith,bryant      SG 78 32.1  245  611 .401  91 242 .376  175  207 .845  9.7
 4 anderson,kenny    PG 33 25.7   88  227 .388  11  33 .333   59   71 .831  7.5
 5 potapenko,vitaly   C 82 23.2  248  521 .476   0   0 .000  115  158 .728  7.5
 6 williams,eric     SF 81 21.5  162  448 .362  46 139 .331  165  231 .714  6.6
 7 battie,tony        C 40 21.1  108  201 .537   0   3 .000   44   69 .638  6.5
 8 palacio,milt      PG 58 19.7  126  267 .472  12  36 .333   78   92 .848  5.9
 9 overton,doug      PG  7 20.6   15   44 .341   1   4 .250    7   11 .636  5.4
10 carr,chris        SG 35  8.8   53  112 .473  17  37 .459   46   60 .767  4.8
11 brown,randy       PG 54 22.9  100  237 .422   0   3 .000   23   40 .575  4.1
12 blount,mark        C 64 17.2  101  200 .505   0   0 .000   46   66 .697  3.9
13 brunson,rick      PG  7 20.3   10   35 .286   2  11 .182    4    9 .444  3.7
14 herren,chris      PG 25 16.3   29   96 .302  16  55 .291    9   12 .750  3.3
15 mccarty,walter    SF 60  8.0   45  126 .357  19  56 .339   22   28 .786  2.2
16 griffin,adrian    SF 44  8.6   33   97 .340   9  26 .346   18   24 .750  2.1
17 moiso,jerome      PF 24  5.6   12   30 .400   0   1 .000   11   26 .423  1.5

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 pierce,paul       253  3.1 138  1.7 262  3.2  69  0.8 22.5  94 1.1  522  6.4
 2 walker,antoine    445  5.5 138  1.7 301  3.7  49  0.6 23.7 151 1.9  719  8.9
 3 stith,bryant      168  2.2  93  1.2  90  1.2  14  0.2 10.8  65 0.8  284  3.6
 4 anderson,kenny    134  4.1  44  1.3  52  1.6   2  0.1  9.3  16 0.5   73  2.2
 5 potapenko,vitaly   64  0.8  52  0.6 105  1.3  23  0.3  8.8 206 2.5  495  6.0
 6 williams,eric     112  1.4  64  0.8  76  0.9  13  0.2  6.1  64 0.8  207  2.6
 7 battie,tony        16  0.4  27  0.7  37  0.9  60  1.5  9.8  73 1.8  233  5.8
 8 palacio,milt      151  2.6  48  0.8  80  1.4   0  0.0  7.1  25 0.4  102  1.8
 9 overton,doug       19  2.7   4  0.6  13  1.9   0  0.0  3.9   3 0.4   15  2.1
10 carr,chris         11  0.3   4  0.1  19  0.5   3  0.1  3.7  11 0.3   44  1.3
11 brown,randy       154  2.9  62  1.1  56  1.0  10  0.2  5.9  23 0.4   99  1.8
12 blount,mark        32  0.5  39  0.6  62  1.0  76  1.2  5.7  97 1.5  231  3.6
13 brunson,rick       24  3.4   7  1.0   9  1.3   1  0.1  4.1   2 0.3    9  1.3
14 herren,chris       56  2.2  14  0.6  20  0.8   0  0.0  3.3   4 0.2   21  0.8
15 mccarty,walter     39  0.7  14  0.2  20  0.3   7  0.1  2.4  24 0.4   81  1.4
16 griffin,adrian     27  0.6  18  0.4  18  0.4   5  0.1  3.0  27 0.6   87  2.0
17 moiso,jerome        3  0.1   3  0.1  18  0.8   4  0.2  1.1  12 0.5   42  1.8

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19830 2773 6485  .428  592 1633 .363 1621 2190 .740 7759  99.88  94.6
Opponents 19830 2935 6392  .459  430 1170 .368 1634 2178 .750 7934 108.59  96.8

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1708 1952  769 1238  336   39    3    1  897 3264  39.8
Opponents 1885 1903  650 1325  440   48    1    3  888 3537  43.1

Record 36 - 46         Home 20 - 21         Away 16 - 25

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 pierce,paul      3120 2071   28.34   9   1   0 251   3  82  31.86
 2 walker,antoine   3396 1892   27.18  16   2   0 251   2  81  26.74
 3 stith,bryant     2504  756   16.09   1   0   0 182   0  73  14.49
 4 anderson,kenny    849  246   17.36   1   0   0  62   0  28  13.91
 5 potapenko,vitaly 1901  611   18.31   7   0   1 228   2   7  15.43
 6 williams,eric    1745  535   13.60   0   0   0 179   1  10  14.72
 7 battie,tony       845  260   22.21   1   0   0 126   3  25  14.77
 8 palacio,milt     1141  342   17.22   0   0   0  83   0   9  14.39
 9 overton,doug      144   38    9.17   0   0   0  15   0   1  12.67
10 carr,chris        309  169   20.35   0   0   0  45   1   0  26.25
11 brown,randy      1238  223   12.39   1   0   0 132   1  36   8.65
12 blount,mark      1098  248   15.90   2   0   0 183   0  50  10.84
13 brunson,rick      142   26    9.80   0   0   0  16   0   0   8.79
14 herren,chris      408   83    9.82   1   0   0  43   0   7   9.76
15 mccarty,walter    478  131   14.54   0   0   0  82   0   1  13.15
16 griffin,adrian    377   93   17.03   0   0   0  45   0   0  11.84
17 moiso,jerome      135   35    9.24   0   0   0  29   0   0  12.44

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 pierce,paul         3.9    2.1    4.0    1.1    1.4    8.0
 2 walker,antoine      6.3    2.0    4.3    0.7    2.1   10.2
 3 stith,bryant        3.2    1.8    1.7    0.3    1.2    5.4
 4 anderson,kenny      7.6    2.5    2.9    0.1    0.9    4.1
 5 potapenko,vitaly    1.6    1.3    2.7    0.6    5.2   12.5
 6 williams,eric       3.1    1.8    2.1    0.4    1.8    5.7
 7 battie,tony         0.9    1.5    2.1    3.4    4.1   13.2
 8 palacio,milt        6.4    2.0    3.4    0.0    1.1    4.3
 9 overton,doug        6.3    1.3    4.3    0.0    1.0    5.0
10 carr,chris          1.7    0.6    3.0    0.5    1.7    6.8
11 brown,randy         6.0    2.4    2.2    0.4    0.9    3.8
12 blount,mark         1.4    1.7    2.7    3.3    4.2   10.1
13 brunson,rick        8.1    2.4    3.0    0.3    0.7    3.0
14 herren,chris        6.6    1.6    2.4    0.0    0.5    2.5
15 mccarty,walter      3.9    1.4    2.0    0.7    2.4    8.1
16 griffin,adrian      3.4    2.3    2.3    0.6    3.4   11.1
17 moiso,jerome        1.1    1.1    6.4    1.4    4.3   14.9