MilwaukeeBucks (full stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 allen,ray         SG 41 38.8  338  676 .500 103 233 .442  166  191 .869 23.0
 2 robinson,glenn    SF 37 36.6  338  725 .466  34 107 .318   93  121 .769 21.7
 3 cassell,sam       PG 37 36.6  285  608 .469  13  48 .271  153  177 .864 19.9
 4 thomas,tim        SF 35 26.4  156  342 .456  63 141 .447   78  103 .757 12.9
 5 hunter,lindsey    PG 41 23.3  129  366 .352  65 197 .330   39   52 .750  8.8
 6 caffey,jason      PF 32 19.6   84  168 .500   0   0 .000   67   92 .728  7.3
 7 williams,scott     C 36 20.6  101  218 .463   0   1 .000   28   33 .848  6.4
 8 kersey,jerome     PF  5 12.0   12   23 .522   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  5.0
 9 redd,michael      SG  1 20.0    2   11 .182   0   2 .000    1    2 .500  5.0
10 johnson,ervin      C 41 25.9   59  103 .573   0   0 .000   27   52 .519  3.5
11 ham,darvin        SF 26 17.7   32   65 .492   2   2 1.00   25   40 .625  3.5
12 pope,mark         PF 33 15.0   35   74 .473   2  12 .167   10   17 .588  2.5
13 alston,rafer      PG 17  9.4   15   46 .326   3  15 .200    6    7 .857  2.3
14 hart,jason        PG  1 10.0    1    1 1.00   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  2.0
15 przybilla,joel     C 14  7.4    6   12 .500   0   0 .000    2    5 .400  1.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 allen,ray         224  5.5  53  1.3 110  2.7   8  0.2 25.5  52 1.3  229  5.6
 2 robinson,glenn    110  3.0  44  1.2 103  2.8  21  0.6 18.9  65 1.8  244  6.6
 3 cassell,sam       300  8.1  46  1.2 110  3.0   4  0.1 20.9  14 0.4  123  3.3
 4 thomas,tim         60  1.7  34  1.0  48  1.4  16  0.5 13.2  30 0.9  142  4.1
 5 hunter,lindsey    112  2.7  48  1.2  28  0.7   4  0.1  8.8  11 0.3   75  1.8
 6 caffey,jason       25  0.8  18  0.6  32  1.0   9  0.3  9.4  61 1.9  177  5.5
 7 williams,scott     24  0.7  31  0.9  23  0.6  21  0.6  9.0  52 1.4  212  5.9
 8 kersey,jerome       3  0.6   4  0.8   1  0.2   2  0.4  6.6   0 0.0   14  2.8
 9 redd,michael        1  1.0   0  0.0   1  1.0   0  0.0 -2.0   2 2.0    3  3.0
10 johnson,ervin      24  0.6  22  0.5  23  0.6  66  1.6 11.1 115 2.8  336  8.2
11 ham,darvin         21  0.8  15  0.6  27  1.0  16  0.6  5.4  49 1.9  102  3.9
12 pope,mark          25  0.8   8  0.2   6  0.2  10  0.3  3.5  31 0.9   69  2.1
13 alston,rafer       45  2.6   6  0.4  10  0.6   0  0.0  4.2   2 0.1   18  1.1
14 hart,jason          1  1.0   0  0.0   2  2.0   0  0.0  0.8   0 0.0    0  0.0
15 przybilla,joel      1  0.1   2  0.1   7  0.5  10  0.7  2.1  11 0.8   29  2.1

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     9915 1593 3438  .463  285  758 .376  696  894 .779 4167 117.28 101.6
Opponents  9915 1510 3423  .441  203  593 .342  780 1021 .764 4003 109.40  97.6

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals     976  908  331  531  187   25    1    4  495 1773  43.2
Opponents 1000  830  303  569  161   20    3    1  528 1773  43.2

Record 26 - 15         Home 15 -  5         Away 11 - 10

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 allen,ray        1590  945   31.62   0   0   0  89   1  41  28.53
 2 robinson,glenn   1355  803   24.79   5   1   2  78   1  37  28.45
 3 cassell,sam      1355  736   27.37   6   0   1  98   2  37  26.07
 4 thomas,tim        924  453   23.97   2   0   0  76   1   4  23.53
 5 hunter,lindsey    955  362   18.04   1   0   0  70   1   3  18.19
 6 caffey,jason      626  235   23.18   0   0   0  72   3  13  18.02
 7 williams,scott    741  230   21.02   4   0   1 106   0  20  14.90
 8 kersey,jerome      60   25   26.40   0   0   0   8   0   0  20.00
 9 redd,michael       20    5   -4.80   0   0   0   1   0   0  12.00
10 johnson,ervin    1061  145   20.53   3   0   0 125   2  13   6.56
11 ham,darvin        460   91   14.74   3   0   0  73   0  11   9.50
12 pope,mark         494   82   11.20   0   0   0  76   0  21   7.97
13 alston,rafer      160   39   21.23   0   0   0  15   0   1  11.70
14 hart,jason         10    2    3.60   0   0   0   0   0   0   9.60
15 przybilla,joel    104   14   13.38   1   0   0  21   0   4   6.46

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 allen,ray           6.8    1.6    3.3    0.2    1.6    6.9
 2 robinson,glenn      3.9    1.6    3.6    0.7    2.3    8.6
 3 cassell,sam        10.6    1.6    3.9    0.1    0.5    4.4
 4 thomas,tim          3.1    1.8    2.5    0.8    1.6    7.4
 5 hunter,lindsey      5.6    2.4    1.4    0.2    0.6    3.8
 6 caffey,jason        1.9    1.4    2.5    0.7    4.7   13.6
 7 williams,scott      1.6    2.0    1.5    1.4    3.4   13.7
 8 kersey,jerome       2.4    3.2    0.8    1.6    0.0   11.2
 9 redd,michael        2.4    0.0    2.4    0.0    4.8    7.2
10 johnson,ervin       1.1    1.0    1.0    3.0    5.2   15.2
11 ham,darvin          2.2    1.6    2.8    1.7    5.1   10.6
12 pope,mark           2.4    0.8    0.6    1.0    3.0    6.7
13 alston,rafer       13.5    1.8    3.0    0.0    0.6    5.4
14 hart,jason          4.8    0.0    9.6    0.0    0.0    0.0
15 przybilla,joel      0.5    0.9    3.2    4.6    5.1   13.4