OrlandoMagic (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 mcgrady,tracy     SF 77 40.1  788 1724 .457  59 166 .355  430  587 .733 26.8
 2 armstrong,darrel  PG 75 36.9  413 1002 .412 143 403 .355  220  249 .884 15.9
 3 hill,grant        SF  4 33.2   19   43 .442   1   1 1.00   16   26 .615 13.8
 4 miller,mike       SG 82 29.1  368  845 .436 148 364 .407   91  128 .711 11.9
 5 garrity,pat       SF 76 20.8  223  576 .387  97 224 .433   85   98 .867  8.3
 6 amaechi,john       C 82 20.9  237  592 .400   0   7 .000  176  279 .631  7.9
 7 outlaw,charles    PF 80 31.7  226  368 .614   1   2 .500  129  225 .573  7.3
 8 brown,dee         PG  7 22.1   16   44 .364  12  32 .375    4    5 .800  6.9
 9 doleac,michael     C 77 18.2  220  527 .417   0   3 .000   50   59 .847  6.4
10 williams,monty    SF 82 14.8  162  364 .445   1  13 .077   85  133 .639  5.0
11 hudson,troy       PG 75 13.4  125  372 .336  22 109 .202   85  104 .817  4.8
12 declercq,andrew   PF 67 13.5  107  193 .554   0   0 .000   47   82 .573  3.9
13 reid,don          PF 65 11.8   82  145 .566   0   0 .000   46   75 .613  3.2
14 alexander,cory    PG 24  9.2   18   56 .321   4  16 .250   12   18 .667  2.2
15 robinson,james    SG  6  8.3    4   11 .364   2   5 .400    0    0 .000  1.7
16 perry,elliot      PG  8  5.5    5   11 .455   0   1 .000    0    0 .000  1.2

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 mcgrady,tracy     352  4.6 116  1.5 198  2.6 118  1.5 26.3 192 2.5  580  7.5
 2 armstrong,darrel  524  7.0 135  1.8 200  2.7  13  0.2 20.1  94 1.3  343  4.6
 3 hill,grant         25  6.2   5  1.2  11  2.8   2  0.5 18.2   8 2.0   25  6.2
 4 miller,mike       140  1.7  51  0.6  97  1.2  19  0.2 11.1  66 0.8  327  4.0
 5 garrity,pat        51  0.7  40  0.5  68  0.9  15  0.2  5.9  51 0.7  210  2.8
 6 amaechi,john       74  0.9  28  0.3 124  1.5  29  0.4  5.2  77 0.9  268  3.3
 7 outlaw,charles    225  2.8 105  1.3 141  1.8 137  1.7 15.7 211 2.6  619  7.7
 8 brown,dee          12  1.7   4  0.6   7  1.0   0  0.0  6.1   0 0.0   11  1.6
 9 doleac,michael     65  0.8  37  0.5  59  0.8  41  0.5  5.5  70 0.9  273  3.5
10 williams,monty     79  1.0  29  0.4  85  1.0  16  0.2  4.9  86 1.0  243  3.0
11 hudson,troy       162  2.2  37  0.5  92  1.2   3  0.0  4.2  38 0.5  105  1.4
12 declercq,andrew    32  0.5  41  0.6  51  0.8  33  0.5  5.2  91 1.4  236  3.5
13 reid,don           21  0.3  23  0.4  48  0.7  54  0.8  5.0  84 1.3  242  3.7
14 alexander,cory     36  1.5  16  0.7  25  1.0   0  0.0  2.4   0 0.0   25  1.0
15 robinson,james      0  0.0   4  0.7   4  0.7   1  0.2  1.8   0 0.0    8  1.3
16 perry,elliot        5  0.6   3  0.4   6  0.8   0  0.0  1.2   1 0.1    4  0.5

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19955 3013 6873  .438  490 1346 .364 1476 2068 .714 7992 104.55  97.5
Opponents 19955 2830 6499  .435  367 1058 .347 1885 2566 .735 7912 104.91  96.5

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1803 2071  674 1216  481   35    4    7 1069 3519  42.9
Opponents 1793 1946  695 1325  435   51    5    9 1061 3670  44.8

Record 43 - 39         Home 26 - 15         Away 17 - 24

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 mcgrady,tracy    3087 2065   31.46  10   2   1 160   0  77  32.11
 2 armstrong,darrel 2767 1189   26.09   5   1   0 155   2  75  20.63
 3 hill,grant        133   55   26.26   0   0   0   9   0   4  19.85
 4 miller,mike      2390  975   18.36   1   0   1 200   2  62  19.58
 5 garrity,pat      1579  628   13.57   4   0   0 241   3   1  19.09
 6 amaechi,john     1710  650   11.86   3   0   0 175   1  36  18.25
 7 outlaw,charles   2534  582   23.85   5   0   0 241   4  69  11.02
 8 brown,dee         155   48   13.24   0   0   0  10   0   0  14.86
 9 doleac,michael   1398  490   14.45   2   0   2 239  10  21  16.82
10 williams,monty   1211  410   15.82   3   1   1 136   1   0  16.25
11 hudson,troy      1008  357   14.87   0   0   0  82   0   7  17.00
12 declercq,andrew   903  261   18.66   2   0   1 198   2  51  13.87
13 reid,don          764  210   20.51   0   0   1 190   4   7  13.19
14 alexander,cory    222   52   12.38   0   0   0  29   0   0  11.24
15 robinson,james     50   10   10.08   0   0   0   5   0   0   9.60
16 perry,elliot       44   10   10.91   0   0   0   1   0   0  10.91

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 mcgrady,tracy       5.5    1.8    3.1    1.8    3.0    9.0
 2 armstrong,darrel    9.1    2.3    3.5    0.2    1.6    6.0
 3 hill,grant          9.0    1.8    4.0    0.7    2.9    9.0
 4 miller,mike         2.8    1.0    1.9    0.4    1.3    6.6
 5 garrity,pat         1.6    1.2    2.1    0.5    1.6    6.4
 6 amaechi,john        2.1    0.8    3.5    0.8    2.2    7.5
 7 outlaw,charles      4.3    2.0    2.7    2.6    4.0   11.7
 8 brown,dee           3.7    1.2    2.2    0.0    0.0    3.4
 9 doleac,michael      2.2    1.3    2.0    1.4    2.4    9.4
10 williams,monty      3.1    1.1    3.4    0.6    3.4    9.6
11 hudson,troy         7.7    1.8    4.4    0.1    1.8    5.0
12 declercq,andrew     1.7    2.2    2.7    1.8    4.8   12.5
13 reid,don            1.3    1.4    3.0    3.4    5.3   15.2
14 alexander,cory      7.8    3.5    5.4    0.0    0.0    5.4
15 robinson,james      0.0    3.8    3.8    1.0    0.0    7.7
16 perry,elliot        5.5    3.3    6.5    0.0    1.1    4.4