MemphisGrizzlies (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 gasol,pau         PF 78 31.5  506 1049 .482   4  15 .267  365  511 .714 17.7
 2 posey,james       SF 82 29.9  368  770 .478 112 290 .386  278  335 .830 13.7
 3 wells,bonzi       SG 59 24.9  295  675 .437  21  61 .344  117  156 .750 12.3
 4 miller,mike       SF 65 27.2  270  616 .438  80 215 .372  102  141 .723 11.1
 5 williams,jason    PG 72 29.4  290  713 .407 120 364 .330   82   98 .837 10.9
 6 swift,stromile    PF 77 19.8  268  571 .469   1   4 .250  190  262 .725  9.4
 7 wright,lorenzen    C 65 25.8  257  586 .439   0   5 .000   96  131 .733  9.4
 8 battier,shane     SF 79 24.6  242  543 .446  65 186 .349  120  164 .732  8.5
 9 watson,earl       PG 81 20.6  172  464 .371  26 106 .245   90  138 .652  5.7
10 person,wesley     SG 16 17.8   33  107 .308  11  43 .256    6    8 .750  5.2
11 outlaw,bo         SF 82 19.6  159  312 .510   0   4 .000   61  116 .526  4.6
12 tsakalidis,jake    C 40 13.3   67  133 .504   0   0 .000   36   61 .590  4.2
13 smith,theron      SF 20  8.9   16   43 .372   6  12 .500    6    8 .750  2.2
14 bell,troy         PG  6  5.7    4   18 .222   0   4 .000    3    3 1.00  1.8
15 jones,dahntay     SG 20  7.7   15   53 .283   1   4 .250    5   11 .455  1.8
16 humphrey,ryan     PF  2  5.5    1    4 .250   0   1 .000    0    0 .000  1.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 gasol,pau         198  2.5  44  0.6 187  2.4 132  1.7 18.9 206 2.6  600  7.7
 2 posey,james       122  1.5 137  1.7 112  1.4  40  0.5 15.2  92 1.1  403  4.9
 3 wells,bonzi       104  1.8  71  1.2 129  2.2  16  0.3  8.8  57 1.0  199  3.4
 4 miller,mike       232  3.6  59  0.9 107  1.6  14  0.2 11.9  42 0.6  216  3.3
 5 williams,jason    492  6.8  92  1.3 136  1.9   5  0.1 14.9  25 0.3  147  2.0
 6 swift,stromile     38  0.5  56  0.7  88  1.1 118  1.5 10.4 141 1.8  378  4.9
 7 wright,lorenzen    71  1.1  45  0.7  77  1.2  58  0.9 10.9 144 2.2  445  6.8
 8 battier,shane     101  1.3 101  1.3  56  0.7  58  0.7 10.5 102 1.3  303  3.8
 9 watson,earl       402  5.0  91  1.1 146  1.8  19  0.2  8.6  49 0.6  178  2.2
10 person,wesley      23  1.4   5  0.3  16  1.0   2  0.1  2.7   2 0.1   18  1.1
11 outlaw,bo          90  1.1  73  0.9  69  0.8  70  0.9  7.8 125 1.5  342  4.2
12 tsakalidis,jake    18  0.5   9  0.2  23  0.6  22  0.6  5.1  37 0.9  128  3.2
13 smith,theron        7  0.3   5  0.2  14  0.7   5  0.2  2.7  13 0.7   41  2.0
14 bell,troy           4  0.7   1  0.2   6  1.0   0  0.0 -0.5   3 0.5    4  0.7
15 jones,dahntay      12  0.6   5  0.2  12  0.6   6  0.3  1.0   7 0.3   23  1.1
16 humphrey,ryan       1  0.5   1  0.5   2  1.0   0  0.0  0.2   2 1.0    3  1.5

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19880 2963 6657  .445  447 1314 .340 1557 2143 .727 7930 110.58  96.7
Opponents 19880 2859 6550  .436  369 1091 .338 1643 2150 .764 7730 101.52  94.3

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1915 1903  795 1180  565   49    5    2 1047 3428  41.8
Opponents 1674 1888  673 1319  461   39    1    7 1098 3606  44.0

Record 50 - 32         Home 31 - 10         Away 19 - 22

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 gasol,pau        2459 1381   28.72   4   0   0 185   1  78  26.96
 2 posey,james      2452 1126   24.34   9   2   1 248   5  82  22.04
 3 wells,bonzi      1467  728   17.05  11   1   0 159   2  17  23.82
 4 miller,mike      1770  722   20.98   2   0   0 162   3  65  19.58
 5 williams,jason   2116  782   24.28   4   1   0  97   0  68  17.74
 6 swift,stromile   1527  727   25.08   0   0   0 188   4  10  22.85
 7 wright,lorenzen  1675  610   20.27  10   1   1 192   4  46  17.48
 8 battier,shane    1947  669   20.43   0   0   0 187   1   1  16.49
 9 watson,earl      1669  460   20.08   2   0   0 175   3  14  13.23
10 person,wesley     284   83    7.27   0   0   0  11   0   0  14.03
11 outlaw,bo        1604  379   19.09   5   0   0 170   0   1  11.34
12 tsakalidis,jake   533  170   18.46   2   0   0  79   1  28  15.31
13 smith,theron      178   44   14.43   0   0   0  18   0   0  11.87
14 bell,troy          34   11   -4.59   0   0   0   6   0   0  15.53
15 jones,dahntay     154   36    6.00   0   0   0  23   0   0  11.22
16 humphrey,ryan      11    2    2.18   0   0   0   3   0   0   8.73

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 gasol,pau           3.9    0.9    3.7    2.6    4.0   11.7
 2 posey,james         2.4    2.7    2.2    0.8    1.8    7.9
 3 wells,bonzi         3.4    2.3    4.2    0.5    1.9    6.5
 4 miller,mike         6.3    1.6    2.9    0.4    1.1    5.9
 5 williams,jason     11.2    2.1    3.1    0.1    0.6    3.3
 6 swift,stromile      1.2    1.8    2.8    3.7    4.4   11.9
 7 wright,lorenzen     2.0    1.3    2.2    1.7    4.1   12.8
 8 battier,shane       2.5    2.5    1.4    1.4    2.5    7.5
 9 watson,earl        11.6    2.6    4.2    0.5    1.4    5.1
10 person,wesley       3.9    0.8    2.7    0.3    0.3    3.0
11 outlaw,bo           2.7    2.2    2.1    2.1    3.7   10.2
12 tsakalidis,jake     1.6    0.8    2.1    2.0    3.3   11.5
13 smith,theron        1.9    1.3    3.8    1.3    3.5   11.1
14 bell,troy           5.6    1.4    8.5    0.0    4.2    5.6
15 jones,dahntay       3.7    1.6    3.7    1.9    2.2    7.2
16 humphrey,ryan       4.4    4.4    8.7    0.0    8.7   13.1