SanAntonioSpurs (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 duncan,tim        PF 69 36.6  592 1181 .501   2  12 .167  352  588 .599 22.3
 2 parker,tony       PG 75 34.4  423  946 .447  62 199 .312  191  272 .702 14.7
 3 ginobili,emanuel  SG 77 29.4  330  789 .418  88 245 .359  239  298 .802 12.8
 4 turkoglu,hidayet  SF 80 25.9  262  645 .406 101 241 .419  114  161 .708  9.2
 5 nesterovic,rados   C 82 28.7  328  700 .469   0   0 .000   54  114 .474  8.7
 6 rose,malik        PF 67 18.7  173  404 .428   0   3 .000  183  225 .813  7.9
 7 bowen,bruce       SF 82 32.0  211  502 .420  77 212 .363   66  114 .579  6.9
 8 mercer,ron        SF 39 13.2   90  211 .427   2   7 .286   13   17 .765  5.0
 9 horry,robert      SF 81 15.9  141  348 .405  41 108 .380   69  107 .645  4.8
10 carter,anthony    PG  5 17.4   11   37 .297   0   3 .000    0    0 .000  4.4
11 brown,devin       SG 58 10.8   85  196 .434   4  14 .286   60   74 .811  4.0
12 heal,shane        PG  6 12.0    7   24 .292   4  18 .222    4    5 .800  3.7
13 willis,kevin       C 48  7.8   70  150 .467   0   1 .000   24   39 .615  3.4
14 hart,jason        PG 53 12.5   71  159 .447   2   9 .222   33   43 .767  3.3
15 ward,charlie      PG 36 11.8   45  130 .346  25  68 .368    4    6 .667  3.3
16 carroll,matt      SG  3  7.3    2    5 .400   0   0 .000    2    4 .500  2.0
17 garcia,alex       SG  2  6.5    1    7 .143   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  1.5

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 duncan,tim        213  3.1  62  0.9 183  2.7 185  2.7 27.6 227 3.3  859 12.4
 2 parker,tony       411  5.5  61  0.8 179  2.4   7  0.1 14.7  43 0.6  237  3.2
 3 ginobili,emanuel  291  3.8 136  1.8 161  2.1  16  0.2 14.8  86 1.1  344  4.5
 4 turkoglu,hidayet  154  1.9  80  1.0  94  1.2  32  0.4 10.8  52 0.7  358  4.5
 5 nesterovic,rados  114  1.4  51  0.6 107  1.3 165  2.0 12.9 257 3.1  633  7.7
 6 rose,malik         69  1.0  36  0.5 112  1.7  24  0.4  7.8 109 1.6  319  4.8
 7 bowen,bruce       113  1.4  84  1.0  90  1.1  33  0.4  7.6  45 0.5  253  3.1
 8 mercer,ron         22  0.6  14  0.4  26  0.7   5  0.1  3.1  10 0.3   49  1.3
 9 horry,robert      101  1.2  48  0.6  55  0.7  49  0.6  6.7 108 1.3  272  3.4
10 carter,anthony     12  2.4   4  0.8  12  2.4   0  0.0  1.1   2 0.4   11  2.2
11 brown,devin        33  0.6  15  0.3  38  0.7   4  0.1  4.0  38 0.7  130  2.2
12 heal,shane          5  0.8   1  0.2   5  0.8   0  0.0  1.8   1 0.2    4  0.7
13 willis,kevin       11  0.2  21  0.4  32  0.7   9  0.2  3.2  37 0.8   98  2.0
14 hart,jason         81  1.5  28  0.5  29  0.5   5  0.1  4.5  10 0.2   79  1.5
15 ward,charlie       45  1.2  17  0.5  27  0.8   3  0.1  3.4   2 0.1   48  1.3
16 carroll,matt        1  0.3   1  0.3   4  1.3   0  0.0  0.0   1 0.3    3  1.0
17 garcia,alex         0  0.0   2  1.0   1  0.5   0  0.0 -1.1   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19755 2842 6434  .442  408 1140 .358 1409 2069 .681 7501 105.32  91.5
Opponents 19755 2613 6388  .409  311  951 .327 1372 1844 .744 6909  84.22  84.3

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1676 1667  661 1155  537   19    0    3 1028 3697  45.1
Opponents 1419 1837  635 1194  381   43    2    5  909 3368  41.1

Record 57 - 25         Home 33 -  8         Away 24 - 17

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 duncan,tim       2525 1538   36.21   4   0   0 164   1  68  29.24
 2 parker,tony      2577 1099   20.52   1   0   0 148   0  75  20.47
 3 ginobili,emanuel 2260  987   24.24   3   0   0 181   0  38  20.96
 4 turkoglu,hidayet 2074  739   20.03   0   0   0 165   0  44  17.10
 5 nesterovic,rados 2354  710   21.51   0   0   0 247   5  82  14.48
 6 rose,malik       1256  529   20.04   5   0   0 164   1  13  20.22
 7 bowen,bruce      2624  565   11.33   4   0   1 166   1  82  10.34
 8 mercer,ron        516  195   11.26   0   0   0  37   0   0  18.14
 9 horry,robert     1289  392   20.16   1   0   0 165   0   1  14.60
10 carter,anthony     87   22    3.03   0   0   1   9   0   2  12.14
11 brown,devin       628  234   17.73   0   0   1  61   0   0  17.89
12 heal,shane         72   22    7.17   0   0   0   2   0   0  14.67
13 willis,kevin      373  164   19.56   1   0   0  61   0   0  21.10
14 hart,jason        660  177   17.42   0   0   0  59   0   5  12.87
15 ward,charlie      425  119   13.98   0   0   0  33   0   0  13.44
16 carroll,matt       22    6    0.00   0   0   0   5   0   0  13.09
17 garcia,alex        13    3   -8.31   0   0   0   0   0   0  11.08

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 duncan,tim          4.0    1.2    3.5    3.5    4.3   16.3
 2 parker,tony         7.7    1.1    3.3    0.1    0.8    4.4
 3 ginobili,emanuel    6.2    2.9    3.4    0.3    1.8    7.3
 4 turkoglu,hidayet    3.6    1.9    2.2    0.7    1.2    8.3
 5 nesterovic,rados    2.3    1.0    2.2    3.4    5.2   12.9
 6 rose,malik          2.6    1.4    4.3    0.9    4.2   12.2
 7 bowen,bruce         2.1    1.5    1.6    0.6    0.8    4.6
 8 mercer,ron          2.0    1.3    2.4    0.5    0.9    4.6
 9 horry,robert        3.8    1.8    2.0    1.8    4.0   10.1
10 carter,anthony      6.6    2.2    6.6    0.0    1.1    6.1
11 brown,devin         2.5    1.1    2.9    0.3    2.9    9.9
12 heal,shane          3.3    0.7    3.3    0.0    0.7    2.7
13 willis,kevin        1.4    2.7    4.1    1.2    4.8   12.6
14 hart,jason          5.9    2.0    2.1    0.4    0.7    5.7
15 ward,charlie        5.1    1.9    3.0    0.3    0.2    5.4
16 carroll,matt        2.2    2.2    8.7    0.0    2.2    6.5
17 garcia,alex         0.0    7.4    3.7    0.0    0.0    0.0