WashingtonWizards (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 arenas,gilbert    PG 55 37.6  358  914 .392 125 333 .375  237  317 .748 19.6
 2 hughes,larry      SG 61 33.8  401 1009 .397  79 232 .341  267  335 .797 18.8
 3 stackhouse,jerry  SF 26 29.8  128  321 .399  23  65 .354   83  103 .806 13.9
 4 brown,kwame        C 74 30.2  288  589 .489   1   2 .500  228  334 .683 10.9
 5 hayes,jarvis      SF 70 29.2  278  695 .400  40 131 .305   77   98 .786  9.6
 6 dixon,juan        PG 71 20.8  247  637 .388  59 198 .298  111  139 .799  9.4
 7 thomas,etan       PF 79 24.1  257  526 .489   0   0 .000  191  295 .647  8.9
 8 haywood,brendan    C 77 19.3  200  388 .515   0   1 .000  137  234 .585  7.0
 9 blake,steve       PG 75 18.5  157  407 .386  75 202 .371   55   67 .821  5.9
10 laettner,christi  PF 48 20.5  119  256 .465   6  21 .286   40   50 .800  5.9
11 jeffries,jared    PF 82 23.3  177  469 .377   5  30 .167  105  171 .614  5.7
12 knight,brevin     PG 32 18.7   58  138 .420   1   5 .200   19   27 .704  4.2
13 baxter,lonny      PF 12 11.2   16   32 .500   0   1 .000    9   12 .750  3.4
14 butler,mitchell   SG 41 13.5   54  124 .435  11  30 .367   15   24 .625  3.3
15 whitney,chris     PG 16 11.6   17   45 .378   8  18 .444    5    5 1.00  2.9
16 braggs,torraye    PF  4  5.5    3    5 .600   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  1.5
17 white,jahidi       C  1  4.0    0    1 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 arenas,gilbert    275  5.0 103  1.9 226  4.1  12  0.2 16.4  55 1.0  254  4.6
 2 hughes,larry      148  2.4  95  1.6 152  2.5  26  0.4 15.3  96 1.6  326  5.3
 3 stackhouse,jerry  103  4.0  24  0.9  88  3.4   3  0.1 11.1  16 0.6   94  3.6
 4 brown,kwame       112  1.5  66  0.9 140  1.9  52  0.7 13.9 178 2.4  550  7.4
 5 hayes,jarvis      106  1.5  71  1.0 110  1.6  11  0.2  7.8  71 1.0  264  3.8
 6 dixon,juan        137  1.9  82  1.2 104  1.5   4  0.1  7.4  30 0.4  148  2.1
 7 thomas,etan        68  0.9  36  0.5 113  1.4 123  1.6 11.5 183 2.3  528  6.7
 8 haywood,brendan    43  0.6  32  0.4  80  1.0 100  1.3  9.1 186 2.4  387  5.0
 9 blake,steve       209  2.8  57  0.8 128  1.7   7  0.1  6.3  18 0.2  117  1.6
10 laettner,christi   89  1.9  37  0.8  42  0.9  28  0.6  9.5  50 1.0  232  4.8
11 jeffries,jared     93  1.1  48  0.6 107  1.3  28  0.3  6.5 180 2.2  424  5.2
12 knight,brevin     102  3.2  52  1.6  44  1.4   0  0.0  7.0  11 0.3   61  1.9
13 baxter,lonny        5  0.4   2  0.2   5  0.4   5  0.4  4.2  11 0.9   31  2.6
14 butler,mitchell    32  0.8  22  0.5  24  0.6   4  0.1  3.7  24 0.6   71  1.7
15 whitney,chris      14  0.9   6  0.4   6  0.4   2  0.1  3.4   3 0.2   15  0.9
16 braggs,torraye      1  0.2   0  0.0   1  0.2   0  0.0  1.2   3 0.8    5  1.2
17 white,jahidi        0  0.0   0  0.0   1  1.0   1  1.0 -1.2   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19830 2758 6556  .421  433 1269 .341 1579 2211 .714 7528  94.89  91.8
Opponents 19830 3061 6741  .454  424 1238 .342 1444 1874 .771 7990 112.92  97.4

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1537 1712  733 1371  406   26    2    2 1115 3507  42.8
Opponents 1966 1783  787 1268  446   26    0    0 1048 3568  43.5

Record 25 - 57         Home 17 - 24         Away  8 - 33

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 arenas,gilbert   2068 1078   20.99   6   0   1 176   2  52  25.02
 2 hughes,larry     2061 1148   21.77   3   1   0 147   2  61  26.74
 3 stackhouse,jerry  774  362   17.84   4   1   0  49   0  17  22.45
 4 brown,kwame      2236  805   22.05   2   0   0 144   0  57  17.28
 5 hayes,jarvis     2045  673   12.81   0   0   0 157   1  42  15.80
 6 dixon,juan       1476  664   17.20   1   0   0 111   1  16  21.59
 7 thomas,etan      1903  705   22.96   4   0   0 219   1  15  17.78
 8 haywood,brendan  1485  537   22.70   2   0   0 154   0  59  17.36
 9 blake,steve      1390  444   16.30   0   0   0 100   0  14  15.33
10 laettner,christi  985  284   22.22   1   0   1 102   1  18  13.84
11 jeffries,jared   1913  464   13.27   1   0   0 212   3  38  11.64
12 knight,brevin     597  136   18.01   2   0   0  50   0  12  10.93
13 baxter,lonny      134   41   18.09   0   0   0  23   0   0  14.69
14 butler,mitchell   552  134   13.09   0   0   0  54   0   4  11.65
15 whitney,chris     185   47   14.14   0   0   0   6   0   5  12.19
16 braggs,torraye     22    6   10.91   0   0   0   8   0   0  13.09
17 white,jahidi        4    0   -9.99   0   0   0   0   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 arenas,gilbert      6.4    2.4    5.2    0.3    1.3    5.9
 2 hughes,larry        3.4    2.2    3.5    0.6    2.2    7.6
 3 stackhouse,jerry    6.4    1.5    5.5    0.2    1.0    5.8
 4 brown,kwame         2.4    1.4    3.0    1.1    3.8   11.8
 5 hayes,jarvis        2.5    1.7    2.6    0.3    1.7    6.2
 6 dixon,juan          4.5    2.7    3.4    0.1    1.0    4.8
 7 thomas,etan         1.7    0.9    2.9    3.1    4.6   13.3
 8 haywood,brendan     1.4    1.0    2.6    3.2    6.0   12.5
 9 blake,steve         7.2    2.0    4.4    0.2    0.6    4.0
10 laettner,christi    4.3    1.8    2.0    1.4    2.4   11.3
11 jeffries,jared      2.3    1.2    2.7    0.7    4.5   10.6
12 knight,brevin       8.2    4.2    3.5    0.0    0.9    4.9
13 baxter,lonny        1.8    0.7    1.8    1.8    3.9   11.1
14 butler,mitchell     2.8    1.9    2.1    0.3    2.1    6.2
15 whitney,chris       3.6    1.6    1.6    0.5    0.8    3.9
16 braggs,torraye      2.2    0.0    2.2    0.0    6.5   10.9
17 white,jahidi        0.0    0.0    9.9   12.0    0.0    0.0