WashingtonWizards (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 arenas,gilbert    PG 80 42.3  746 1668 .447 199 540 .369  655  799 .820 29.3
 2 jamison,antawn    PF 82 40.1  660 1494 .442 147 373 .394  217  297 .731 20.5
 3 butler,caron      SF 75 36.1  494 1086 .455  41 120 .342  289  332 .870 17.6
 4 daniels,antonio   PG 80 28.6  230  550 .418  23 101 .228  284  336 .845  9.6
 5 hayes,jarvis      SF 21 24.6   77  183 .421  17  47 .362   25   30 .833  9.3
 6 haywood,brendan    C 79 23.7  222  432 .514   0   0 .000  131  224 .585  7.3
 7 atkins,chucky     PG 28 19.8   66  174 .379  33  92 .359   22   31 .710  6.7
 8 jeffries,jared    SF 77 25.4  187  415 .451  16  50 .320   99  168 .589  6.4
 9 thomas,etan       PF 70 15.6  127  240 .529   0   0 .000   73  123 .593  4.7
10 taylor,donell     SG 51  9.1   53  136 .390   4  17 .235   30   43 .698  2.7
11 thomas,billy      PG 18  8.8   17   46 .370  10  30 .333    4    4 1.00  2.7
12 blatche,andray    PF 29  6.1   26   67 .388   3  13 .231   10   12 .833  2.2
13 storey,awvee      SG 25  4.7   16   41 .390   3   7 .429    8   14 .571  1.7
14 booth,calvin       C 33  7.7   20   47 .426   1   2 .500    5    9 .556  1.4
15 ruffin,michael    PF 76 13.3   34   77 .442   0   2 .000   37   74 .500  1.4

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 arenas,gilbert    484  6.0 161  2.0 297  3.7  25  0.3 25.6  59 0.7  280  3.5
 2 jamison,antawn    158  1.9  90  1.1 137  1.7  12  0.1 20.8 167 2.0  765  9.3
 3 butler,caron      186  2.5 127  1.7 175  2.3  18  0.2 16.8 114 1.5  466  6.2
 4 daniels,antonio   284  3.5  52  0.7  89  1.1   8  0.1 10.9  19 0.2  172  2.1
 5 hayes,jarvis       27  1.3  16  0.8  22  1.0   1  0.0  8.6  19 0.9   76  3.6
 6 haywood,brendan    46  0.6  30  0.4  97  1.2 104  1.3  9.4 200 2.5  467  5.9
 7 atkins,chucky      69  2.5  14  0.5  30  1.1   0  0.0  6.2  12 0.4   45  1.6
 8 jeffries,jared    148  1.9  58  0.8  99  1.3  50  0.6  8.9 164 2.1  379  4.9
 9 thomas,etan        13  0.2  19  0.3  51  0.7  67  1.0  6.2  94 1.3  272  3.9
10 taylor,donell      45  0.9  30  0.6  34  0.7   4  0.1  2.7  16 0.3   53  1.0
11 thomas,billy       10  0.6  11  0.6   6  0.3   2  0.1  3.0  10 0.6   21  1.2
12 blatche,andray     10  0.3   5  0.2  12  0.4   7  0.2  1.9  12 0.4   38  1.3
13 storey,awvee        4  0.2   3  0.1   5  0.2   1  0.0  1.2   8 0.3   22  0.9
14 booth,calvin       12  0.4   9  0.3   8  0.2   9  0.3  2.2  19 0.6   52  1.6
15 ruffin,michael     27  0.4  33  0.4  38  0.5  31  0.4  3.7 122 1.6  271  3.6

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19832 2975 6656  .447  497 1394 .357 1889 2496 .757 8336 106.44 101.7
Opponents 19848 3014 6477  .465  501 1379 .363 1655 2222 .745 8184 105.94  99.8

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1523 1855  658 1100  339   14    0    0 1035 3379  41.2
Opponents 1766 2074  537 1276  341   30    0    0  964 3441  42.0

Record 42 - 40         Home 27 - 14         Away 15 - 26

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 arenas,gilbert   3381 2346   29.04   3   0   0 286   4  80  33.31
 2 jamison,antawn   3287 1684   24.88   1   0   0 189   1  80  24.59
 3 butler,caron     2706 1318   22.36   2   0   0 238   4  54  23.38
 4 daniels,antonio  2285  767   18.30   2   0   0  96   0  17  16.11
 5 hayes,jarvis      517  196   16.74   0   0   0  38   0  13  18.20
 6 haywood,brendan  1876  575   19.07   2   0   0 232   2  70  14.71
 7 atkins,chucky     553  187   14.95   1   0   0  58   1   2  16.23
 8 jeffries,jared   1953  489   16.83   1   0   0 223   3  77  12.02
 9 thomas,etan      1090  327   18.97   2   0   0 143   2   8  14.40
10 taylor,donell     465  140   14.17   0   0   0  47   0   1  14.45
11 thomas,billy      158   48   16.33   0   0   0  24   0   1  14.58
12 blatche,andray    178   65   14.90   0   0   0  36   0   0  17.53
13 storey,awvee      118   43   12.61   0   0   0  22   0   1  17.49
14 booth,calvin      253   46   13.80   0   0   0  44   0   2   8.73
15 ruffin,michael   1012  105   13.45   0   0   0 179   1   4   4.98

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 arenas,gilbert      6.9    2.3    4.2    0.4    0.8    4.0
 2 jamison,antawn      2.3    1.3    2.0    0.2    2.4   11.2
 3 butler,caron        3.3    2.3    3.1    0.3    2.0    8.3
 4 daniels,antonio     6.0    1.1    1.9    0.2    0.4    3.6
 5 hayes,jarvis        2.5    1.5    2.0    0.1    1.8    7.1
 6 haywood,brendan     1.2    0.8    2.5    2.7    5.1   11.9
 7 atkins,chucky       6.0    1.2    2.6    0.0    1.0    3.9
 8 jeffries,jared      3.6    1.4    2.4    1.2    4.0    9.3
 9 thomas,etan         0.6    0.8    2.2    3.0    4.1   12.0
10 taylor,donell       4.6    3.1    3.5    0.4    1.7    5.5
11 thomas,billy        3.0    3.3    1.8    0.6    3.0    6.4
12 blatche,andray      2.7    1.3    3.2    1.9    3.2   10.2
13 storey,awvee        1.6    1.2    2.0    0.4    3.3    8.9
14 booth,calvin        2.3    1.7    1.5    1.7    3.6    9.9
15 ruffin,michael      1.3    1.6    1.8    1.5    5.8   12.9