TorontoRaptors (full stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 bosh,chris        PF 29 37.2  263  511 .515   2   9 .222  173  212 .816 24.2
 2 bargnani,andrea    C 40 35.6  271  582 .466  56 155 .361   86  115 .748 17.1
 3 jack,jarrett      PG 41 26.5  178  356 .500  44 101 .436  115  136 .846 12.6
 4 turkoglu,hedo     SF 35 27.7  112  279 .401  43 125 .344   62   81 .765  9.4
 5 weems,sonny       SG 39 23.5  165  299 .552   2   7 .286   30   40 .750  9.3
 6 derozan,demar     SF 36 22.8  134  253 .530   0   3 .000   64   87 .736  9.2
 7 calderon,jose     PG 39 24.6  141  314 .449  38  99 .384   39   50 .780  9.2
 8 wright,antoine    SF 36 24.7  113  264 .428  39 112 .348   37   54 .685  8.4
 9 johnson,amir      PF 41 18.5  135  203 .665   0   4 .000   43   64 .672  7.6
10 banks,marcus      PG  7  8.1   13   22 .591   3   6 .500   13   15 .867  6.0
11 belinelli,marco   SG 28 14.1   55  129 .426  20  52 .385   36   44 .818  5.9
12 nesterovic,rasho   C 21 10.7   38   74 .514   0   0 .000    1    4 .250  3.7
13 evans,reggie      PF 28 11.0   34   69 .493   0   0 .000   27   60 .450  3.4
14 o'bryant,patrick   C  6  4.5    3    7 .429   0   1 .000    1    2 .500  1.2

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 bosh,chris         84  2.9  20  0.7  75  2.6  23  0.8 26.2  79 2.7  300 10.3
 2 bargnani,andrea    52  1.3  11  0.3  58  1.4  55  1.4 15.8  51 1.3  233  5.8
 3 jack,jarrett      218  5.3  26  0.6  79  1.9   3  0.1 15.5  17 0.4  115  2.8
 4 turkoglu,hedo     127  3.6  31  0.9  53  1.5  14  0.4 12.3  20 0.6  165  4.7
 5 weems,sonny        62  1.6  26  0.7  47  1.2  12  0.3  9.8  28 0.7  129  3.3
 6 derozan,demar      26  0.7  18  0.5  28  0.8   4  0.1  8.2  30 0.8  107  3.0
 7 calderon,jose     229  5.9  25  0.6  55  1.4   1  0.0 12.8  13 0.3   85  2.2
 8 wright,antoine     37  1.0  21  0.6  34  0.9   8  0.2  7.9  28 0.8  126  3.5
 9 johnson,amir       32  0.8  18  0.4  26  0.6  33  0.8 10.6  74 1.8  199  4.9
10 banks,marcus        9  1.3   5  0.7  10  1.4   0  0.0  5.6   1 0.1    4  0.6
11 belinelli,marco    29  1.0  12  0.4  20  0.7   1  0.0  5.2   3 0.1   34  1.2
12 nesterovic,rasho   15  0.7   4  0.2  11  0.5   8  0.4  4.2  17 0.8   45  2.1
13 evans,reggie        8  0.3  14  0.5  22  0.8   4  0.1  4.6  30 1.1  105  3.8
14 o'bryant,patrick    1  0.2   1  0.2   4  0.7   4  0.7  1.0   0 0.0    5  0.8

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     9914 1655 3362  .492  247  674 .366  727  964 .754 4284 116.10 104.5
Opponents  9914 1628 3437  .474  312  821 .380  813 1018 .799 4381 123.15 106.9

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals     929  857  232  522  170   14    0    0  391 1652  40.3
Opponents  969  830  302  481  185    5    0    0  443 1671  40.8

Record 19 - 22         Home 12 - 10         Away  7 - 12

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 bosh,chris       1079  701   33.78   0   0   0  69   0  29  31.18
 2 bargnani,andrea  1426  684   21.28   2   0   0  93   0  40  23.02
 3 jack,jarrett     1085  515   28.19   1   0   0  69   0  24  22.78
 4 turkoglu,hedo     970  329   21.27   2   0   0 105   2  30  16.28
 5 weems,sonny       915  362   19.95   0   0   0  72   0  19  18.99
 6 derozan,demar     819  332   17.35   0   0   0  73   0  24  19.46
 7 calderon,jose     958  359   25.01   1   0   0  68   0  17  17.99
 8 wright,antoine    890  302   15.37   5   0   0  72   0   8  16.29
 9 johnson,amir      759  313   27.42   1   0   0 124   1   5  19.79
10 banks,marcus       57   42   32.84   0   0   0   7   0   0  35.37
11 belinelli,marco   396  166   17.61   0   0   0  28   0   1  20.12
12 nesterovic,rasho  224   77   19.07   0   0   0  27   0   7  16.50
13 evans,reggie      309   95   19.96   2   0   0  44   0   1  14.76
14 o'bryant,patrick   27    7   10.67   0   0   0   6   0   0  12.44

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 bosh,chris          3.7    0.9    3.3    1.0    3.5   13.3
 2 bargnani,andrea     1.8    0.4    2.0    1.9    1.7    7.8
 3 jack,jarrett        9.6    1.2    3.5    0.1    0.8    5.1
 4 turkoglu,hedo       6.3    1.5    2.6    0.7    1.0    8.2
 5 weems,sonny         3.3    1.4    2.5    0.6    1.5    6.8
 6 derozan,demar       1.5    1.1    1.6    0.2    1.8    6.3
 7 calderon,jose      11.5    1.3    2.8    0.1    0.7    4.3
 8 wright,antoine      2.0    1.1    1.8    0.4    1.5    6.8
 9 johnson,amir        2.0    1.1    1.6    2.1    4.7   12.6
10 banks,marcus        7.6    4.2    8.4    0.0    0.8    3.4
11 belinelli,marco     3.5    1.5    2.4    0.1    0.4    4.1
12 nesterovic,rasho    3.2    0.9    2.4    1.7    3.6    9.6
13 evans,reggie        1.2    2.2    3.4    0.6    4.7   16.3
14 o'bryant,patrick    1.8    1.8    7.1    7.1    0.0    8.9