MemphisGrizzlies (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 randolph,zach     PF 75 36.3  598 1188 .503   8  43 .186  300  396 .758 20.1
 2 gay,rudy          SF 54 39.9  409  869 .471  57 144 .396  194  241 .805 19.8
 3 conley,mike       PG 81 35.5  423  953 .444  80 217 .369  181  247 .733 13.7
 4 gasol,marc         C 81 31.9  364  691 .527   3   7 .429  220  294 .748 11.7
 5 mayo,o.j.         SG 71 26.3  304  747 .407  96 264 .364   99  131 .756 11.3
 6 arthur,darrell    PF 80 20.1  310  624 .497   0   6 .000  109  134 .813  9.1
 7 allen,tony        SG 72 20.8  251  492 .510   4  23 .174  137  182 .753  8.9
 8 young,sam         SG 78 20.2  233  494 .472  17  50 .340   89  116 .767  7.3
 9 powe,leon         PF 16  8.8   30   60 .500   0   2 .000   28   46 .609  5.5
10 battier,shane     SF 23 24.2   43  101 .426  14  42 .333   15   17 .882  5.0
11 henry,xavier      SG 38 13.9   65  160 .406   2  17 .118   33   52 .635  4.3
12 vasquez,greivis   SG 70 12.3   95  233 .408  25  86 .291   34   44 .773  3.6
13 haddadi,hamed      C 30  5.7   30   58 .517   0   1 .000   15   23 .652  2.5
14 williams,jason    PG 11 11.2    9   29 .310   3  15 .200    0    0 .000  1.9
15 smith,ishmael     PG 15  7.5   11   32 .344   0   2 .000    5   11 .455  1.8
16 carroll,demarre   SF  7  5.6    4    9 .444   0   0 .000    2    2 1.00  1.4
17 thabeet,hasheem    C 45  8.3   17   39 .436   0   0 .000   19   35 .543  1.2
18 law,acie          PG 11  8.5    3   19 .158   0   6 .000    6   10 .600  1.1
19 carney,rodney     SF  2  2.5    1    3 .333   0   1 .000    0    0 .000  1.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 randolph,zach     163  2.2  63  0.8 151  2.0  25  0.3 24.2 326 4.3  914 12.2
 2 gay,rudy          153  2.8  91  1.7 135  2.5  58  1.1 19.9  82 1.5  336  6.2
 3 conley,mike       528  6.5 144  1.8 176  2.2  18  0.2 17.0  32 0.4  247  3.0
 4 gasol,marc        200  2.5  74  0.9 146  1.8 136  1.7 16.2 154 1.9  569  7.0
 5 mayo,o.j.         145  2.0  73  1.0  99  1.4  26  0.4  9.5  35 0.5  170  2.4
 6 arthur,darrell     53  0.7  52  0.7  88  1.1  63  0.8  8.9 115 1.4  342  4.3
 7 allen,tony        104  1.4 129  1.8  86  1.2  44  0.6 10.0  69 1.0  192  2.7
 8 young,sam          71  0.9  68  0.9  61  0.8  23  0.3  7.1  40 0.5  187  2.4
 9 powe,leon           5  0.3   3  0.2   7  0.4   1  0.1  3.8   8 0.5   25  1.6
10 battier,shane      32  1.4  16  0.7  16  0.7  10  0.4  8.2  32 1.4   92  4.0
11 henry,xavier       18  0.5  11  0.3  13  0.3   3  0.1  2.6   9 0.2   37  1.0
12 vasquez,greivis   151  2.2  22  0.3  70  1.0   4  0.1  4.1  13 0.2   74  1.1
13 haddadi,hamed       5  0.2   2  0.1  11  0.4  13  0.4  3.5  24 0.8   68  2.3
14 williams,jason     28  2.5   3  0.3   7  0.6   1  0.1  3.6   0 0.0    8  0.7
15 smith,ishmael      15  1.0   5  0.3   8  0.5   0  0.0  1.2   1 0.1    5  0.3
16 carroll,demarre     2  0.3   1  0.1   0  0.0   1  0.1  2.2   2 0.3    8  1.1
17 thabeet,hasheem     4  0.1   9  0.2  17  0.4  15  0.3  1.6  24 0.5   75  1.7
18 law,acie           14  1.3   4  0.4  10  0.9   0  0.0  0.9   3 0.3   11  1.0
19 carney,rodney       0  0.0   1  0.5   0  0.0   0  0.0  1.1   1 0.5    1  0.5

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19891 3200 6801  .471  309  926 .334 1486 1981 .750 8195 111.33  99.9
Opponents 19890 2967 6489  .457  587 1593 .368 1482 1948 .761 8003 106.49  97.6

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1691 1705  771 1101  441   23    0    0  970 3361  41.0
Opponents 1724 1754  613 1303  505   22    0    0  905 3292  40.1

Record 46 - 36         Home 30 - 11         Away 16 - 25

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 randolph,zach    2719 1504   31.99   3   0   0 175   0  74  26.55
 2 gay,rudy         2152 1069   23.98   3   0   0 132   2  54  23.84
 3 conley,mike      2873 1107   23.02   0   0   0 182   0  81  18.49
 4 gasol,marc       2585  951   24.44   5   0   0 265   2  81  17.66
 5 mayo,o.j.        1869  803   17.25   2   0   0 126   0  17  20.62
 6 arthur,darrell   1611  729   21.30   0   0   0 228   4   9  21.72
 7 allen,tony       1501  643   22.95   3   0   0 161   0  31  20.56
 8 young,sam        1578  572   16.81   1   0   0 120   0  46  17.40
 9 powe,leon         140   88   21.00   3   0   0  24   0   0  30.17
10 battier,shane     557  115   16.24   1   0   0  31   0   0   9.91
11 henry,xavier      527  165    8.88   0   0   0  48   0  16  15.03
12 vasquez,greivis   860  249   15.84   0   0   0  83   0   1  13.90
13 haddadi,hamed     171   75   29.05   1   0   0  29   0   0  21.05
14 williams,jason    123   21   15.41   1   0   0   2   0   0   8.20
15 smith,ishmael     113   27    7.43   0   0   0  11   0   0  11.47
16 carroll,demarre    39   10   18.77   0   0   0   5   0   0  12.31
17 thabeet,hasheem   374   53    9.18   0   0   0  73   0   0   6.80
18 law,acie           94   12    5.11   0   0   0  10   0   0   6.13
19 carney,rodney       5    2   21.60   0   0   0   0   0   0  19.20

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 randolph,zach       2.9    1.1    2.7    0.4    5.8   16.1
 2 gay,rudy            3.4    2.0    3.0    1.3    1.8    7.5
 3 conley,mike         8.8    2.4    2.9    0.3    0.5    4.1
 4 gasol,marc          3.7    1.4    2.7    2.5    2.9   10.6
 5 mayo,o.j.           3.7    1.9    2.5    0.7    0.9    4.4
 6 arthur,darrell      1.6    1.5    2.6    1.9    3.4   10.2
 7 allen,tony          3.3    4.1    2.8    1.4    2.2    6.1
 8 young,sam           2.2    2.1    1.9    0.7    1.2    5.7
 9 powe,leon           1.7    1.0    2.4    0.3    2.7    8.6
10 battier,shane       2.8    1.4    1.4    0.9    2.8    7.9
11 henry,xavier        1.6    1.0    1.2    0.3    0.8    3.4
12 vasquez,greivis     8.4    1.2    3.9    0.2    0.7    4.1
13 haddadi,hamed       1.4    0.6    3.1    3.6    6.7   19.1
14 williams,jason     10.9    1.2    2.7    0.4    0.0    3.1
15 smith,ishmael       6.4    2.1    3.4    0.0    0.4    2.1
16 carroll,demarre     2.5    1.2    0.0    1.2    2.5    9.8
17 thabeet,hasheem     0.5    1.2    2.2    1.9    3.1    9.6
18 law,acie            7.1    2.0    5.1    0.0    1.5    5.6
19 carney,rodney       0.0    9.6    0.0    0.0    9.6    9.6