NYKnicks (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 anthony,carmelo   SF 27 36.2  247  536 .461  53 125 .424  164  188 .872 26.3
 2 stoudemire,amare  PF 78 36.8  744 1482 .502  10  23 .435  473  597 .792 25.3
 3 billups,chauncey  PG 21 31.7  104  258 .403  41 125 .328  119  132 .902 17.5
 4 felton,raymond    PG 54 38.5  339  801 .423  88 268 .328  157  181 .867 17.1
 5 chandler,wilson   SF 51 34.4  328  712 .461  86 245 .351   96  119 .807 16.4
 6 gallinari,danilo  SF 48 34.9  211  509 .415  83 239 .347  259  290 .893 15.9
 7 douglas,toney     PG 81 24.3  314  755 .416 143 383 .373   85  107 .794 10.6
 8 fields,landry     SG 82 31.0  299  602 .497  86 219 .393  113  147 .769  9.7
 9 williams,shawne   SF 64 20.7  164  385 .426  85 212 .401   41   49 .837  7.1
10 walker,bill       SG 61 12.9  104  236 .441  59 153 .386   31   44 .705  4.9
11 carter,anthony    PG 19 16.3   35   76 .461   8  28 .286    6    6 1.00  4.4
12 brown,derrick     SF  8 11.1   12   18 .667   3   4 .750    7   13 .538  4.2
13 turiaf,ronny       C 64 17.8  103  163 .632   0   0 .000   61   98 .622  4.2
14 mozgov,timofey     C 34 13.4   52  112 .464   0   0 .000   31   44 .705  4.0
15 williams,shelden  PF 18 11.2   21   39 .538   0   0 .000   24   29 .828  3.7
16 mason,roger       SG 26 12.3   26   77 .338  16  44 .364    7   10 .700  2.9
17 randolph,anthony  PF 17  7.6   14   45 .311   1   4 .250    6   12 .500  2.1
18 jeffries,jared    PF 24 19.3   19   50 .380   1   3 .333    8   19 .421  2.0
19 rautins,andy      PG  5  4.8    3    7 .429   1   4 .250    1    2 .500  1.6
20 balkman,renaldo   PF  3  6.3    1    4 .250   1   2 .500    0    0 .000  1.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 anthony,carmelo    81  3.0  25  0.9  64  2.4  15  0.6 23.6  41 1.5  181  6.7
 2 stoudemire,amare  203  2.6  71  0.9 250  3.2 150  1.9 23.6 198 2.5  637  8.2
 3 billups,chauncey  116  5.5  19  0.9  48  2.3   2  0.1 17.9  13 0.6   65  3.1
 4 felton,raymond    487  9.0  97  1.8 176  3.3  11  0.2 21.2  40 0.7  194  3.6
 5 chandler,wilson    86  1.7  34  0.7  67  1.3  69  1.4 16.6  62 1.2  303  5.9
 6 gallinari,danilo   82  1.7  38  0.8  58  1.2  18  0.4 15.8  48 1.0  229  4.8
 7 douglas,toney     243  3.0  89  1.1  89  1.1   4  0.0 11.6  65 0.8  244  3.0
 8 fields,landry     155  1.9  80  1.0 107  1.3  17  0.2 14.1 105 1.3  519  6.3
 9 williams,shawne    47  0.7  39  0.6  46  0.7  51  0.8  8.2  60 0.9  239  3.7
10 walker,bill        34  0.6  21  0.3  37  0.6   6  0.1  4.9  16 0.3  122  2.0
11 carter,anthony     44  2.3  18  0.9  25  1.3   5  0.3  6.4   7 0.4   39  2.1
12 brown,derrick       4  0.5   4  0.5   7  0.9   2  0.2  4.9   9 1.1   15  1.9
13 turiaf,ronny       92  1.4  35  0.5  41  0.6  73  1.1  7.7  64 1.0  207  3.2
14 mozgov,timofey     15  0.4  14  0.4  32  0.9  23  0.7  4.5  41 1.2  104  3.1
15 williams,shelden   12  0.7   5  0.3   6  0.3   4  0.2  5.3  19 1.1   50  2.8
16 mason,roger        21  0.8   6  0.2   6  0.2   2  0.1  3.4   5 0.2   43  1.7
17 randolph,anthony    7  0.4   4  0.2  10  0.6   8  0.5  2.5  11 0.6   40  2.4
18 jeffries,jared     25  1.0  24  1.0  17  0.7  14  0.6  5.0  42 1.8   81  3.4
19 rautins,andy        3  0.6   1  0.2   7  1.4   0  0.0  0.2   0 0.0    1  0.2
20 balkman,renaldo     0  0.0   1  0.3   1  0.3   0  0.0  0.5   1 0.3    3  1.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19788 3140 6867  .457  765 2081 .368 1689 2087 .809 8734 117.98 106.5
Opponents 19785 3242 6870  .472  536 1442 .372 1650 2165 .762 8670 115.88 105.7

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1757 1743  625 1094  474   45    0    0  847 3316  40.4
Opponents 1682 1703  586 1173  361   40    0    0  964 3611  44.0

Record 42 - 40         Home 23 - 18         Away 19 - 22

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 anthony,carmelo   978  711   31.26   3   0   0  90   1  27  34.90
 2 stoudemire,amare 2871 1971   30.73  18   0   0 274   2  78  32.95
 3 billups,chauncey  665  368   27.12   2   0   0  52   1  21  26.56
 4 felton,raymond   2079  923   26.47   5   0   0 113   0  54  21.31
 5 chandler,wilson  1756  838   23.15   1   0   0 152   2  30  22.91
 6 gallinari,danilo 1673  764   21.69   2   0   0 117   0  48  21.92
 7 douglas,toney    1970  856   22.87   0   0   0 177   0   9  20.86
 8 fields,landry    2540  797   21.88   1   0   0 114   0  81  15.06
 9 williams,shawne  1322  454   19.15   2   0   0 164   3  11  16.48
10 walker,bill       784  298   18.12   3   0   0  81   0   1  18.24
11 carter,anthony    309   84   18.99   0   0   0  30   0   0  13.05
12 brown,derrick      89   34   21.17   0   0   0  11   0   0  18.34
13 turiaf,ronny     1139  267   20.65   6   0   0 160   1  21  11.25
14 mozgov,timofey    457  135   15.94   2   0   0  76   1  14  14.18
15 williams,shelden  201   66   22.99   0   0   0  34   1   6  15.76
16 mason,roger       319   75   13.43   0   0   0  25   0   0  11.29
17 randolph,anthony  130   35   15.97   0   0   0  15   0   0  12.92
18 jeffries,jared    463   47   12.34   0   0   0  54   1   9   4.87
19 rautins,andy       24    8    2.50   0   0   0   0   0   0  16.00
20 balkman,renaldo    19    3    3.79   0   0   0   4   0   0   7.58

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 anthony,carmelo     4.0    1.2    3.1    0.7    2.0    8.9
 2 stoudemire,amare    3.4    1.2    4.2    2.5    3.3   10.6
 3 billups,chauncey    8.4    1.4    3.5    0.1    0.9    4.7
 4 felton,raymond     11.2    2.2    4.1    0.3    0.9    4.5
 5 chandler,wilson     2.4    0.9    1.8    1.9    1.7    8.3
 6 gallinari,danilo    2.4    1.1    1.7    0.5    1.4    6.6
 7 douglas,toney       5.9    2.2    2.2    0.1    1.6    5.9
 8 fields,landry       2.9    1.5    2.0    0.3    2.0    9.8
 9 williams,shawne     1.7    1.4    1.7    1.9    2.2    8.7
10 walker,bill         2.1    1.3    2.3    0.4    1.0    7.5
11 carter,anthony      6.8    2.8    3.9    0.8    1.1    6.1
12 brown,derrick       2.2    2.2    3.8    1.1    4.9    8.1
13 turiaf,ronny        3.9    1.5    1.7    3.1    2.7    8.7
14 mozgov,timofey      1.6    1.5    3.4    2.4    4.3   10.9
15 williams,shelden    2.9    1.2    1.4    1.0    4.5   11.9
16 mason,roger         3.2    0.9    0.9    0.3    0.8    6.5
17 randolph,anthony    2.6    1.5    3.7    3.0    4.1   14.8
18 jeffries,jared      2.6    2.5    1.8    1.5    4.4    8.4
19 rautins,andy        6.0    2.0    9.9    0.0    0.0    2.0
20 balkman,renaldo     0.0    2.5    2.5    0.0    2.5    7.6