PortlandTrailBlazers (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 aldridge,lamarcu  PF 81 39.7  707 1415 .500   4  23 .174  351  444 .791 21.8
 2 matthews,wesley   SG 82 33.7  440  979 .449 154 378 .407  266  315 .844 15.9
 3 wallace,gerald    SF 23 35.8  134  269 .498  27  80 .338   69   90 .767 15.8
 4 miller,andre      PG 81 32.7  388  844 .460   4  37 .108  249  292 .853 12.7
 5 batum,nicolas     SF 80 31.6  367  807 .455 118 342 .345  138  164 .841 12.4
 6 roy,brandon       SG 47 27.9  209  523 .400  38 114 .333  117  138 .848 12.2
 7 fernandez,rudy    SG 78 23.4  213  575 .370 116 361 .321  126  146 .863  8.6
 8 mills,patrick     PG 64 12.2  135  328 .412  47 133 .353   36   47 .766  5.5
 9 cunningham,dante  SF 56 19.7  126  291 .433   0   4 .000   32   45 .711  5.1
10 camby,marcus       C 59 26.1  117  294 .398   0   1 .000   43   70 .614  4.7
11 barron,earl        C  2 19.0    3   11 .273   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  3.5
12 johnson,armon     PG 38  7.3   46  101 .455   5  12 .417   13   22 .591  2.9
13 johnson,chris      C 10 10.7    7   18 .389   0   0 .000   13   18 .722  2.7
14 przybilla,joel     C 31 14.4   21   34 .618   0   0 .000   13   23 .565  1.8
15 marks,sean        PF 29  7.2   19   44 .432   2   2 1.00    5    8 .625  1.6
16 babbitt,luke      SF 24  5.8   15   55 .273   3  16 .188    3    9 .333  1.5
17 oberto,fabricio    C  5  9.0    3    5 .600   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  1.4
18 collins,jarron     C  5  5.0    1    6 .167   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.4

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 aldridge,lamarcu  170  2.1  83  1.0 153  1.9  94  1.2 22.6 278 3.4  709  8.8
 2 matthews,wesley   164  2.0 102  1.2 138  1.7   9  0.1 13.9  48 0.6  258  3.1
 3 wallace,gerald     57  2.5  46  2.0  52  2.3  15  0.7 19.8  39 1.7  176  7.7
 4 miller,andre      566  7.0 113  1.4 197  2.4  12  0.1 17.0  97 1.2  302  3.7
 5 batum,nicolas     123  1.5  68  0.8  83  1.0  49  0.6 13.0 109 1.4  361  4.5
 6 roy,brandon       129  2.7  37  0.8  55  1.2  12  0.3 10.7  28 0.6  121  2.6
 7 fernandez,rudy    193  2.5  87  1.1  88  1.1  14  0.2  9.1  37 0.5  172  2.2
 8 mills,patrick     109  1.7  27  0.4  62  1.0   1  0.0  4.5  19 0.3   51  0.8
 9 cunningham,dante   30  0.5  39  0.7  33  0.6  32  0.6  5.5  73 1.3  189  3.4
10 camby,marcus      121  2.1  40  0.7  62  1.1  92  1.6 14.2 182 3.1  605 10.3
11 barron,earl         3  1.5   0  0.0   3  1.5   0  0.0  5.2   4 2.0   14  7.0
12 johnson,armon      45  1.2   5  0.1  38  1.0   1  0.0  2.3  11 0.3   36  0.9
13 johnson,chris       2  0.2   3  0.3   8  0.8   6  0.6  3.4  11 1.1   27  2.7
14 przybilla,joel     13  0.4   5  0.2  22  0.7  14  0.5  4.3  28 0.9  121  3.9
15 marks,sean          4  0.1   3  0.1  11  0.4   5  0.2  1.3  16 0.6   40  1.4
16 babbitt,luke        6  0.2   2  0.1   8  0.3   2  0.1  0.8   6 0.2   30  1.2
17 oberto,fabricio     0  0.0   0  0.0   3  0.6   0  0.0  0.6   3 0.6    7  1.4
18 collins,jarron      1  0.2   0  0.0   2  0.4   0  0.0  0.1   7 1.4    7  1.4

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19827 2951 6599  .447  518 1503 .345 1476 1835 .804 7896 107.54  96.3
Opponents 19812 2904 6219  .467  529 1440 .367 1434 1869 .767 7771 101.39  94.8

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1736 1585  660 1018  358   23    0    0  996 3226  39.3
Opponents 1573 1743  566 1236  339   38    0    0  868 3253  39.7

Record 48 - 34         Home 30 - 11         Away 18 - 23

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 aldridge,lamarcu 3215 1769   27.34   3   0   0 220   3  81  26.41
 2 matthews,wesley  2761 1300   19.84   2   0   0 195   2  69  22.60
 3 wallace,gerald    823  364   26.49   1   0   0  63   1  15  21.23
 4 miller,andre     2650 1029   24.97   6   0   0 171   0  81  18.64
 5 batum,nicolas    2525  990   19.81   2   0   0 194   2  67  18.82
 6 roy,brandon      1310  573   18.37   0   0   0  76   0  23  21.00
 7 fernandez,rudy   1827  668   18.68   2   0   0 134   1   3  17.55
 8 mills,patrick     781  353   17.88   0   0   0  63   0   0  21.70
 9 cunningham,dante 1105  284   13.38   1   0   0 139   1   9  12.34
10 camby,marcus     1541  277   26.05   1   0   0 140   0  51   8.63
11 barron,earl        38    7   13.26   0   0   0   4   0   1   8.84
12 johnson,armon     279  110   15.05   2   0   0  31   0   0  18.92
13 johnson,chris     107   27   15.14   0   0   0  18   0   1  12.11
14 przybilla,joel    445   55   14.29   3   0   0  63   0   9   5.93
15 marks,sean        210   45    8.57   0   0   0  44   0   0  10.29
16 babbitt,luke      140   36    6.51   0   0   0  15   0   0  12.34
17 oberto,fabricio    45    7    2.93   0   0   0  10   0   0   7.47
18 collins,jarron     25    2    0.48   0   0   0   5   0   0   3.84

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 aldridge,lamarcu    2.5    1.2    2.3    1.4    4.2   10.6
 2 matthews,wesley     2.9    1.8    2.4    0.2    0.8    4.5
 3 wallace,gerald      3.3    2.7    3.0    0.9    2.3   10.3
 4 miller,andre       10.3    2.0    3.6    0.2    1.8    5.5
 5 batum,nicolas       2.3    1.3    1.6    0.9    2.1    6.9
 6 roy,brandon         4.7    1.4    2.0    0.4    1.0    4.4
 7 fernandez,rudy      5.1    2.3    2.3    0.4    1.0    4.5
 8 mills,patrick       6.7    1.7    3.8    0.1    1.2    3.1
 9 cunningham,dante    1.3    1.7    1.4    1.4    3.2    8.2
10 camby,marcus        3.8    1.2    1.9    2.9    5.7   18.8
11 barron,earl         3.8    0.0    3.8    0.0    5.1   17.7
12 johnson,armon       7.7    0.9    6.5    0.2    1.9    6.2
13 johnson,chris       0.9    1.3    3.6    2.7    4.9   12.1
14 przybilla,joel      1.4    0.5    2.4    1.5    3.0   13.1
15 marks,sean          0.9    0.7    2.5    1.1    3.7    9.1
16 babbitt,luke        2.1    0.7    2.7    0.7    2.1   10.3
17 oberto,fabricio     0.0    0.0    3.2    0.0    3.2    7.5
18 collins,jarron      1.9    0.0    3.8    0.0   13.4   13.4