TorontoRaptors (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 bargnani,andrea    C 66 35.7  525 1173 .448  77 223 .345  287  350 .820 21.4
 2 derozan,demar     SG 82 34.8  539 1154 .467   5  52 .096  327  402 .813 17.2
 3 barbosa,leandro   SG 58 24.0  294  653 .450  72 213 .338  109  137 .796 13.3
 4 kleiza,linas      SF 39 26.5  178  406 .438  39 131 .298   41   65 .631 11.2
 5 jack,jarrett      PG 13 26.7   48  122 .393   4  24 .167   40   46 .870 10.8
 6 bayless,jerryd    PG 60 22.5  201  468 .429  46 132 .348  153  189 .810 10.0
 7 stojakovic,peja   SF  2 11.0    7   10 .700   4   6 .667    2    2 1.00 10.0
 8 calderon,jose     PG 68 30.9  262  596 .440  57 156 .365   88  103 .854  9.8
 9 johnson,amir      PF 72 25.7  281  495 .568   0   1 .000  126  160 .787  9.6
10 weems,sonny       SG 59 24.0  228  513 .444  17  61 .279   72   94 .766  9.2
11 johnson,james     SF 25 27.9   91  196 .464   6  25 .240   41   58 .707  9.2
12 davis,ed          PF 65 24.7  215  373 .576   0   0 .000   71  128 .555  7.7
13 gaines,sundiata   PG  6 14.8   15   35 .429   3  15 .200    2    6 .333  5.8
14 andersen,david     C 11 13.7   23   47 .489   3  10 .300    7    7 1.00  5.1
15 ajinca,alexis      C 24 11.1   47  101 .465   9  27 .333   11   15 .733  4.8
16 evans,reggie      PF 30 26.5   42  103 .408   0   1 .000   48   88 .545  4.4
17 johnson,trey      SG  7 11.7   10   30 .333   1   3 .333    7    8 .875  4.0
18 wright,julian     SF 52 14.8   82  160 .512   2  10 .200   22   43 .512  3.6
19 dorsey,joey       PF 43 12.2   52   99 .525   0   0 .000   31   65 .477  3.1
20 banks,marcus      PG  3  7.3    0    2 .000   0   0 .000    6    8 .750  2.0
21 dupree,ronald     SF  3  4.3    1    4 .250   0   1 .000    0    0 .000  0.7
22 alabi,solomon      C 12  5.2    3   15 .200   0   0 .000    0    2 .000  0.5

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 bargnani,andrea   119  1.8  34  0.5 152  2.3  46  0.7 16.4  74 1.1  343  5.2
 2 derozan,demar     150  1.8  85  1.0 144  1.8  31  0.4 13.5  75 0.9  315  3.8
 3 barbosa,leandro   118  2.0  51  0.9  84  1.4   6  0.1 10.1  14 0.2   99  1.7
 4 kleiza,linas       40  1.0  19  0.5  65  1.7   7  0.2  8.7  37 0.9  177  4.5
 5 jack,jarrett       59  4.5  14  1.1  34  2.6   0  0.0 11.0   6 0.5   42  3.2
 6 bayless,jerryd    238  4.0  36  0.6 110  1.8   4  0.1 10.5  24 0.4  150  2.5
 7 stojakovic,peja     1  0.5   0  0.0   2  1.0   0  0.0 10.4   0 0.0    3  1.5
 8 calderon,jose     605  8.9  81  1.2 148  2.2   7  0.1 17.1  30 0.4  202  3.0
 9 johnson,amir       81  1.1  53  0.7  69  1.0  88  1.2 13.2 189 2.6  461  6.4
10 weems,sonny       104  1.8  33  0.6  86  1.5   2  0.0  7.3  39 0.7  153  2.6
11 johnson,james      75  3.0  25  1.0  46  1.8  28  1.1 11.9  31 1.2  118  4.7
12 davis,ed           40  0.6  39  0.6  48  0.7  66  1.0 12.1 168 2.6  461  7.1
13 gaines,sundiata    11  1.8   4  0.7   8  1.3   1  0.2  4.5   2 0.3    8  1.3
14 andersen,david      7  0.6   3  0.3   8  0.7   3  0.3  6.1   8 0.7   34  3.1
15 ajinca,alexis       8  0.3   8  0.3  17  0.7  14  0.6  4.4  12 0.5   61  2.5
16 evans,reggie       38  1.3  29  1.0  39  1.3   6  0.2 13.0 119 4.0  345 11.5
17 johnson,trey       11  1.6   1  0.1   5  0.7   1  0.1  2.8   2 0.3    7  1.0
18 wright,julian      57  1.1  39  0.8  43  0.8  20  0.4  5.4  47 0.9  118  2.3
19 dorsey,joey        27  0.6  24  0.6  39  0.9  17  0.4  5.9  79 1.8  190  4.4
20 banks,marcus        3  1.0   1  0.3   2  0.7   0  0.0  1.5   0 0.0    1  0.3
21 dupree,ronald       1  0.3   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  0.8   0 0.0    3  1.0
22 alabi,solomon       2  0.2   2  0.2   3  0.2   2  0.2  0.6   7 0.6   14  1.2

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19791 3144 6755  .465  345 1091 .316 1491 1976 .755 8124 106.14  99.1
Opponents 19795 3213 6668  .482  541 1438 .376 1672 2175 .769 8639 121.05 105.4

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1795 1807  581 1152  349   20    0    0  963 3305  40.3
Opponents 1854 1620  625 1097  456   19    0    0  912 3369  41.1

Record 22 - 60         Home 16 - 25         Away  6 - 35

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 bargnani,andrea  2353 1414   22.10   0   0   0 160   0  66  28.84
 2 derozan,demar    2852 1410   18.64   4   0   0 217   0  82  23.73
 3 barbosa,leandro  1392  769   20.25   0   0   0 112   0   0  26.52
 4 kleiza,linas     1032  436   15.84   2   0   0  99   1  23  20.28
 5 jack,jarrett      347  140   19.82   0   0   0  25   0  13  19.37
 6 bayless,jerryd   1349  601   22.36   3   0   0 133   1  14  21.38
 7 stojakovic,peja    22   20   45.27   0   0   0   0   0   0  43.64
 8 calderon,jose    2104  669   26.51   4   0   0 143   0  55  15.26
 9 johnson,amir     1851  688   24.71   3   0   0 263   4  54  17.84
10 weems,sonny      1415  545   14.68   0   0   0  87   0  28  18.49
11 johnson,james     697  229   20.45   0   0   0  70   0  25  15.77
12 davis,ed         1603  501   23.62   0   0   0 183   0  17  15.00
13 gaines,sundiata    89   35   14.70   0   0   0  10   0   0  18.88
14 andersen,david    151   56   21.46   0   0   0  11   0   0  17.80
15 ajinca,alexis     266  114   19.17   0   0   0  60   0   0  20.57
16 evans,reggie      795  132   23.52   3   0   0  89   0  18   7.97
17 johnson,trey       82   28   11.27   0   0   0  11   0   0  16.39
18 wright,julian     770  188   17.59   0   0   0  45   0   6  11.72
19 dorsey,joey       524  135   23.18   1   0   0  78   1   9  12.37
20 banks,marcus       22    6    9.82   0   0   0   4   0   0  13.09
21 dupree,ronald      13    2    8.31   0   0   0   2   0   0   7.38
22 alabi,solomon      62    6    6.00   0   0   0   5   0   0   4.65

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 bargnani,andrea     2.4    0.7    3.1    0.9    1.5    7.0
 2 derozan,demar       2.5    1.4    2.4    0.5    1.3    5.3
 3 barbosa,leandro     4.1    1.8    2.9    0.2    0.5    3.4
 4 kleiza,linas        1.9    0.9    3.0    0.3    1.7    8.2
 5 jack,jarrett        8.2    1.9    4.7    0.0    0.8    5.8
 6 bayless,jerryd      8.5    1.3    3.9    0.1    0.9    5.3
 7 stojakovic,peja     2.2    0.0    4.4    0.0    0.0    6.5
 8 calderon,jose      13.8    1.8    3.4    0.2    0.7    4.6
 9 johnson,amir        2.1    1.4    1.8    2.3    4.9   12.0
10 weems,sonny         3.5    1.1    2.9    0.1    1.3    5.2
11 johnson,james       5.2    1.7    3.2    1.9    2.1    8.1
12 davis,ed            1.2    1.2    1.4    2.0    5.0   13.8
13 gaines,sundiata     5.9    2.2    4.3    0.5    1.1    4.3
14 andersen,david      2.2    1.0    2.5    1.0    2.5   10.8
15 ajinca,alexis       1.4    1.4    3.1    2.5    2.2   11.0
16 evans,reggie        2.3    1.8    2.4    0.4    7.2   20.8
17 johnson,trey        6.4    0.6    2.9    0.6    1.2    4.1
18 wright,julian       3.6    2.4    2.7    1.2    2.9    7.4
19 dorsey,joey         2.5    2.2    3.6    1.6    7.2   17.4
20 banks,marcus        6.5    2.2    4.4    0.0    0.0    2.2
21 dupree,ronald       3.7    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   11.1
22 alabi,solomon       1.5    1.5    2.3    1.5    5.4   10.8