HoustonRockets (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 harden,james      SG 78 38.2  585 1337 .438 179 486 .368  674  792 .851 25.9
 2 parsons,chandler  SF 76 36.3  457  940 .486 152 395 .385  113  155 .729 15.5
 3 lin,jeremy        PG 82 32.2  396  897 .441  87 257 .339  216  275 .785 13.4
 4 patterson,patric  PF 47 26.0  236  455 .519  35  96 .365   37   49 .755 11.6
 5 delfino,carlos    SG 67 25.2  251  620 .405 158 421 .375   48   56 .857 10.6
 6 asik,omer          C 82 30.0  331  613 .540   0   1 .000  168  299 .562 10.1
 7 morris,marcus     PF 54 21.4  171  400 .427  74 194 .381   49   75 .653  8.6
 8 douglas,toney     PG 49 18.7  139  352 .395  61 162 .377   60   68 .882  8.1
 9 garcia,francisco  SF 18 17.7   41   95 .432  27  70 .386    6    7 .857  6.4
10 smith,greg         C 70 15.8  170  274 .620   0   1 .000   81  130 .623  6.0
11 motiejunas,donat  PF 44 12.2   97  213 .455  24  83 .289   32   51 .627  5.7
12 beverley,patrick  PG 41 17.3   79  189 .418  36  96 .375   34   41 .829  5.6
13 jones,terrence    PF 19 14.5   43   94 .457   5  19 .263   13   17 .765  5.5
14 robinson,thomas   PF 19 12.9   35   78 .449   0   1 .000   16   38 .421  4.5
15 anderson,james    SG 29 10.6   41  101 .406  16  49 .327   17   19 .895  4.0
16 cook,daequan      SG 16 10.4   21   59 .356  11  30 .367    2    3 .667  3.4
17 aldrich,cole       C 30  7.2   23   43 .535   0   0 .000    4    9 .444  1.7
18 brooks,aaron      PG  7  5.6    4   13 .308   2   7 .286    0    0 .000  1.4
19 machado,scott     PG  6  3.7    3    6 .500   0   1 .000    2    2 1.00  1.3
20 ohlbrecht,tim      C  3  4.0    1    3 .333   0   0 .000    1    1 1.00  1.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 harden,james      455  5.8 142  1.8 295  3.8  38  0.5 25.7  63 0.8  380  4.9
 2 parsons,chandler  269  3.5  75  1.0 147  1.9  32  0.4 17.9  79 1.0  404  5.3
 3 lin,jeremy        497  6.1 132  1.6 236  2.9  29  0.4 15.5  32 0.4  247  3.0
 4 patterson,patric   50  1.1  18  0.4  42  0.9  27  0.6 12.2  73 1.6  221  4.7
 5 delfino,carlos    135  2.0  68  1.0  72  1.1   9  0.1 11.2  19 0.3  220  3.3
 6 asik,omer          76  0.9  48  0.6 173  2.1  87  1.1 16.5 275 3.4  956 11.7
 7 morris,marcus      47  0.9  27  0.5  53  1.0  16  0.3  8.5  63 1.2  219  4.1
 8 douglas,toney      93  1.9  40  0.8  56  1.1   2  0.0  7.1  23 0.5   90  1.8
 9 garcia,francisco   20  1.1  14  0.8  12  0.7   7  0.4  6.7   1 0.1   23  1.3
10 smith,greg         26  0.4  18  0.3  41  0.6  40  0.6  8.1 111 1.6  321  4.6
11 motiejunas,donat   30  0.7   6  0.1  37  0.8  10  0.2  4.6  36 0.8   93  2.1
12 beverley,patrick  117  2.9  37  0.9  44  1.1  21  0.5  8.7  45 1.1  109  2.7
13 jones,terrence     15  0.8  12  0.6  13  0.7  19  1.0  7.6  28 1.5   65  3.4
14 robinson,thomas    10  0.5  16  0.8  23  1.2   5  0.3  5.4  30 1.6   77  4.1
15 anderson,james     33  1.1  12  0.4  18  0.6   3  0.1  5.1  15 0.5   58  2.0
16 cook,daequan       10  0.6   6  0.4   6  0.4   2  0.1  3.0   5 0.3   18  1.1
17 aldrich,cole        6  0.2   3  0.1  14  0.5   9  0.3  2.2  12 0.4   57  1.9
18 brooks,aaron        6  0.9   1  0.1   4  0.6   3  0.4  1.2   1 0.1    2  0.3
19 machado,scott       6  1.0   2  0.3   8  1.3   0  0.0  1.0   0 0.0    1  0.2
20 ohlbrecht,tim       1  0.3   1  0.3   4  1.3   0  0.0 -0.3   0 0.0    1  0.3

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19778 3124 6782  .461  867 2369 .366 1573 2087 .754 8688 120.57 106.0
Opponents 19800 3184 7006  .454  661 1800 .367 1374 1771 .776 8403 115.83 102.5

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1902 1662  678 1298  359   12    0    0  911 3562  43.4
Opponents 1858 1674  694 1164  499   25    0    0  875 3413  41.6

Record 45 - 37         Home 29 - 12         Away 16 - 25

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 harden,james     2980 2023   32.28   4   0   0 178   0  78  32.59
 2 parsons,chandler 2757 1179   23.66   0   0   0 148   0  76  20.53
 3 lin,jeremy       2641 1095   23.11   1   0   0 205   2  82  19.90
 4 patterson,patric 1221  544   22.49   0   0   0  90   0  38  21.39
 5 delfino,carlos   1689  708   21.31   0   0   0 114   0   5  20.12
 6 asik,omer        2464  830   26.33   1   0   0 223   2  82  16.17
 7 morris,marcus    1153  465   19.04   4   0   0 120   1  17  19.36
 8 douglas,toney     916  399   18.30   0   0   0 103   0   0  20.91
 9 garcia,francisco  318  115   18.19   0   0   0  22   0   5  17.36
10 smith,greg       1109  421   24.66   0   0   0 175   1  10  18.22
11 motiejunas,donat  538  250   18.00   0   0   0  73   0  14  22.30
12 beverley,patrick  710  228   24.10   2   0   0  83   0   0  15.41
13 jones,terrence    275  104   25.22   0   0   0  21   0   0  18.15
14 robinson,thomas   246   86   20.15   0   0   0  29   0   0  16.78
15 anderson,james    307  115   23.10   0   0   0  18   0   2  17.98
16 cook,daequan      166   55   13.88   0   0   0  13   0   1  15.90
17 aldrich,cole      215   50   14.90   0   0   0  41   0   0  11.16
18 brooks,aaron       39   10   10.15   0   0   0   5   0   0  12.31
19 machado,scott      22    8   13.09   0   0   0   0   0   0  17.45
20 ohlbrecht,tim      12    3   -4.00   0   0   0   1   0   0  12.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 harden,james        7.3    2.3    4.8    0.6    1.0    6.1
 2 parsons,chandler    4.7    1.3    2.6    0.6    1.4    7.0
 3 lin,jeremy          9.0    2.4    4.3    0.5    0.6    4.5
 4 patterson,patric    2.0    0.7    1.7    1.1    2.9    8.7
 5 delfino,carlos      3.8    1.9    2.0    0.3    0.5    6.3
 6 asik,omer           1.5    0.9    3.4    1.7    5.4   18.6
 7 morris,marcus       2.0    1.1    2.2    0.7    2.6    9.1
 8 douglas,toney       4.9    2.1    2.9    0.1    1.2    4.7
 9 garcia,francisco    3.0    2.1    1.8    1.1    0.2    3.5
10 smith,greg          1.1    0.8    1.8    1.7    4.8   13.9
11 motiejunas,donat    2.7    0.5    3.3    0.9    3.2    8.3
12 beverley,patrick    7.9    2.5    3.0    1.4    3.0    7.4
13 jones,terrence      2.6    2.1    2.3    3.3    4.9   11.3
14 robinson,thomas     2.0    3.1    4.5    1.0    5.9   15.0
15 anderson,james      5.2    1.9    2.8    0.5    2.3    9.1
16 cook,daequan        2.9    1.7    1.7    0.6    1.4    5.2
17 aldrich,cole        1.3    0.7    3.1    2.0    2.7   12.7
18 brooks,aaron        7.4    1.2    4.9    3.7    1.2    2.5
19 machado,scott      13.1    4.4    9.9    0.0    0.0    2.2
20 ohlbrecht,tim       4.0    4.0    9.9    0.0    0.0    4.0