IndianaPacers (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 george,paul       SG 79 37.6  493 1176 .419 170 469 .362  221  274 .807 17.4
 2 west,david        PF 73 33.4  503 1010 .498   4  19 .211  242  315 .768 17.2
 3 hill,george       PG 76 34.5  386  870 .444 130 353 .368  174  213 .817 14.2
 4 hibbert,roy        C 79 28.7  385  859 .448   1   4 .250  166  224 .741 11.9
 5 stephenson,lance  SG 78 29.2  275  599 .459  62 188 .330   75  115 .652  8.8
 6 green,gerald      SG 60 18.0  155  424 .366  59 188 .314   52   65 .800  7.0
 7 hansbrough,tyler  PF 81 16.9  176  407 .432   0   3 .000  216  300 .720  7.0
 8 granger,danny     SF  5 15.0   10   35 .286   2  10 .200    5    8 .625  5.4
 9 mahinmi,ian        C 80 16.5  148  328 .451   0   2 .000  104  171 .608  5.0
10 augustin,d.j.     PG 76 16.1  103  294 .350  67 190 .353   83   99 .838  4.7
11 johnson,orlando   SG 51 12.1   72  180 .400  36  94 .383   23   32 .719  4.0
12 pendergraph,jeff  PF 37 10.1   61  126 .484   2   4 .500   21   23 .913  3.9
13 young,sam         SF 56 12.3   58  148 .392  16  52 .308   23   43 .535  2.8
14 hansbrough,ben    PG 28  7.2   15   45 .333   6  23 .261   21   27 .778  2.0
15 plumlee,miles     PF 14  3.9    5   21 .238   0   0 .000    3    4 .750  0.9
16 mcguire,dominic   PF  2  6.5    0    3 .000   0   0 .000    0    2 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 george,paul       329  4.2 142  1.8 233  2.9  50  0.6 20.0  88 1.1  603  7.6
 2 west,david        212  2.9  75  1.0 157  2.2  69  0.9 19.4 145 2.0  562  7.7
 3 hill,george       355  4.7  81  1.1 116  1.5  26  0.3 16.8  48 0.6  287  3.8
 4 hibbert,roy       113  1.4  40  0.5 161  2.0 208  2.6 14.5 294 3.7  653  8.3
 5 stephenson,lance  223  2.9  82  1.1 109  1.4  16  0.2 10.9  48 0.6  305  3.9
 6 green,gerald       49  0.8  18  0.3  53  0.9  23  0.4  5.3  31 0.5  141  2.4
 7 hansbrough,tyler   36  0.4  29  0.4  78  1.0  19  0.2  7.3 161 2.0  373  4.6
 8 granger,danny       3  0.6   2  0.4   4  0.8   1  0.2  1.9   3 0.6    9  1.8
 9 mahinmi,ian        27  0.3  39  0.5  92  1.1  66  0.8  5.4 115 1.4  311  3.9
10 augustin,d.j.     170  2.2  34  0.4  68  0.9   3  0.0  5.5  20 0.3   91  1.2
11 johnson,orlando    47  0.9  10  0.2  29  0.6   9  0.2  4.6  20 0.4  110  2.2
12 pendergraph,jeff   15  0.4   6  0.2  23  0.6  12  0.3  4.6  29 0.8  104  2.8
13 young,sam          42  0.8  15  0.3  33  0.6   8  0.1  3.4  25 0.4  122  2.2
14 hansbrough,ben     21  0.8   7  0.2  18  0.6   2  0.1  1.7   2 0.1   18  0.6
15 plumlee,miles       2  0.1   0  0.0   3  0.2   3  0.2  1.3  12 0.9   22  1.6
16 mcguire,dominic     1  0.5   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0 -0.4   1 0.5    2  1.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19601 2845 6525  .436  555 1599 .347 1429 1915 .746 7674 107.53  94.7
Opponents 19593 2797 6658  .420  440 1345 .327 1314 1728 .760 7348  95.30  90.7

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1645 1623  580 1177  515   45    0    0 1042 3713  45.8
Opponents 1555 1778  610 1055  458   48    0    0  910 3311  40.9

Record 49 - 32         Home 30 - 11         Away 19 - 21

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 george,paul      2970 1377   25.59   6   0   0 227   1  79  22.25
 2 west,david       2438 1252   27.93  11   0   0 149   0  73  24.65
 3 hill,george      2622 1076   23.44   3   0   0 134   0  76  19.70
 4 hibbert,roy      2270  937   24.15   4   0   0 279   5  79  19.81
 5 stephenson,lance 2277  687   17.96   7   0   0 162   1  72  14.48
 6 green,gerald     1082  421   14.17   5   0   0  64   0   7  18.68
 7 hansbrough,tyler 1369  568   20.75   3   0   0 152   0   8  19.92
 8 granger,danny      75   27    6.24   0   0   0   6   0   0  17.28
 9 mahinmi,ian      1322  400   15.59   1   0   0 201   0   2  14.52
10 augustin,d.j.    1225  356   16.52   1   0   0  64   0   5  13.95
11 johnson,orlando   618  203   18.41   0   0   0  51   0   0  15.77
12 pendergraph,jeff  373  145   21.68   3   0   0  44   0   0  18.66
13 young,sam         691  155   13.27   1   0   0  62   0   3  10.77
14 hansbrough,ben    202   57   11.41   0   0   0  23   0   0  13.54
15 plumlee,miles      54   13   15.78   0   0   0   5   0   0  11.56
16 mcguire,dominic    13    0   -2.77   0   0   0   0   0   1   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 george,paul         5.3    2.3    3.8    0.8    1.4    9.7
 2 west,david          4.2    1.5    3.1    1.4    2.9   11.1
 3 hill,george         6.5    1.5    2.1    0.5    0.9    5.3
 4 hibbert,roy         2.4    0.8    3.4    4.4    6.2   13.8
 5 stephenson,lance    4.7    1.7    2.3    0.3    1.0    6.4
 6 green,gerald        2.2    0.8    2.4    1.0    1.4    6.3
 7 hansbrough,tyler    1.3    1.0    2.7    0.7    5.6   13.1
 8 granger,danny       1.9    1.3    2.6    0.6    1.9    5.8
 9 mahinmi,ian         1.0    1.4    3.3    2.4    4.2   11.3
10 augustin,d.j.       6.7    1.3    2.7    0.1    0.8    3.6
11 johnson,orlando     3.7    0.8    2.3    0.7    1.6    8.5
12 pendergraph,jeff    1.9    0.8    3.0    1.5    3.7   13.4
13 young,sam           2.9    1.0    2.3    0.6    1.7    8.5
14 hansbrough,ben      5.0    1.7    4.3    0.5    0.5    4.3
15 plumlee,miles       1.8    0.0    2.7    2.7   10.7   19.6
16 mcguire,dominic     3.7    0.0    0.0    0.0    3.7    7.4