BostonCeltics (full stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT +/-/G  AVG
 1 thomas,isaiah     PG 21 25.9  117  285 .411  48 139 .345  118  137 .861   5.5 19.0
 2 bradley,avery     PG 37 32.8  221  523 .423  66 192 .344   41   53 .774  -0.9 14.8
 3 bass,brandon      PF 41 27.7  195  371 .526   7  22 .318   83  104 .798  -3.1 11.7
 4 thornton,marcus   SG 10 18.7   40   98 .408  22  50 .440   14   16 .875   1.7 11.6
 5 sullinger,jared   PF 17 22.9   78  188 .415   9  44 .205   31   41 .756   0.5 11.5
 6 zeller,tyler       C 41 22.5  191  355 .538   0   0 .000   74   93 .796   0.1 11.1
 7 crowder,jae       SF 40 26.6  148  371 .399  39 139 .281   84  110 .764   2.4 10.5
 8 prince,tayshaun   SF  6 23.0   26   47 .553   4   6 .667    5    6 .833   3.3 10.2
 9 turner,evan       SG 41 30.0  170  409 .416  13  61 .213   58   77 .753   0.1 10.0
10 olynyk,kelly       C 24 18.5   77  184 .418  25  73 .342   33   48 .688   5.9  8.8
11 smart,marcus      PG 39 30.6  117  326 .359  55 173 .318   55   89 .618   1.2  8.8
12 jerebko,jonas     PF 29 18.2   78  181 .431  26  64 .406   25   30 .833   3.8  7.1
13 datome,luigi      PF 18 10.7   38   77 .494  17  36 .472    1    1 1.00   3.4  5.2
14 pressey,phil      PG 23 11.9   33   84 .393   6  25 .240   17   27 .630   0.9  3.9
15 young,james       SG 21 12.7   23   77 .299  12  51 .235   16   28 .571  -0.3  3.5
16 wallace,gerald    SF 16 11.1   12   26 .462   1   2 .500    2    9 .222  -0.2  1.7
17 randolph,shavlik  PF  5  4.8    3   10 .300   0   1 .000    1    2 .500  -1.4  1.4

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 thomas,isaiah     113  5.4  12  0.6  54  2.6   0  0.0 16.8   7 0.3   44  2.1
 2 bradley,avery      75  2.0  49  1.3  53  1.4   7  0.2 12.3  25 0.7  131  3.5
 3 bass,brandon       55  1.3  21  0.5  47  1.1  15  0.4 13.5  90 2.2  242  5.9
 4 thornton,marcus     8  0.8  10  1.0   7  0.7   2  0.2 10.7   8 0.8   30  3.0
 5 sullinger,jared    44  2.6  15  0.9  26  1.5  12  0.7 13.1  38 2.2  108  6.4
 6 zeller,tyler       57  1.4   6  0.1  40  1.0  24  0.6 13.0  84 2.0  250  6.1
 7 crowder,jae        64  1.6  40  1.0  31  0.8  12  0.3 11.8  44 1.1  213  5.3
 8 prince,tayshaun    16  2.7   4  0.7   1  0.2   0  0.0 14.3   4 0.7   23  3.8
 9 turner,evan       270  6.6  46  1.1 102  2.5   7  0.2 15.4  19 0.5  235  5.7
10 olynyk,kelly       40  1.7  24  1.0  28  1.2  10  0.4  9.1  31 1.3   88  3.7
11 smart,marcus      124  3.2  67  1.7  58  1.5  14  0.4 11.0  45 1.2  155  4.0
12 jerebko,jonas      30  1.0  19  0.7  18  0.6   7  0.2  9.4  46 1.6  140  4.8
13 datome,luigi        7  0.4   1  0.1   7  0.4   7  0.4  5.0   2 0.1   25  1.4
14 pressey,phil       58  2.5  12  0.5  20  0.9   3  0.1  5.7   7 0.3   42  1.8
15 young,james        10  0.5   8  0.4   4  0.2   0  0.0  3.0   8 0.4   35  1.7
16 wallace,gerald      9  0.6   7  0.4  12  0.8   2  0.1  3.6  12 0.8   45  2.8
17 randolph,shavlik    1  0.2   1  0.2   1  0.2   1  0.2  2.5   4 0.8   12  2.4

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     9922 1567 3612  .434  350 1078 .325  658  871 .755 4142 114.26 101.0
Opponents  9916 1527 3392  .450  292  940 .311  703  960 .732 4049 110.59  98.8

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals     981  861  342  509  123    9    0    0  474 1818  44.3
Opponents  894  808  281  624  204   10    0    0  433 1854  45.2

Record 25 - 16         Home 12 -  7         Away 13 -  9

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA   +/- PTS/48
 1 thomas,isaiah     544  400   31.12   4   0   0  45   0   0  115  35.29
 2 bradley,avery    1213  549   18.05   0   0   0  89   0  37  -34  21.72
 3 bass,brandon     1135  480   23.38   1   0   0  73   0  41 -128  20.30
 4 thornton,marcus   187  116   27.40   0   0   0  14   0   0   17  29.78
 5 sullinger,jared   389  196   27.42   0   0   0  49   0   8    8  24.19
 6 zeller,tyler      921  456   27.82   0   0   0 103   0  33    5  23.77
 7 crowder,jae      1065  419   21.33   1   0   0  89   0   9   94  18.88
 8 prince,tayshaun   138   61   29.83   0   0   0   5   0   0   20  21.22
 9 turner,evan      1229  411   24.59   3   0   0  92   1  41    6  16.05
10 olynyk,kelly      445  212   23.62   0   0   0  68   0   0  141  22.87
11 smart,marcus     1194  344   17.20   0   0   0 106   2  35   47  13.83
12 jerebko,jonas     529  207   24.61   0   0   0  58   0   0  110  18.78
13 datome,luigi      193   94   22.32   0   0   0  14   0   1   62  23.38
14 pressey,phil      273   89   23.21   0   0   0  23   0   0   20  15.65
15 young,james       266   74   11.28   0   0   0  20   0   0   -7  13.35
16 wallace,gerald    177   27   15.46   0   0   0  10   0   0   -4   7.32
17 randolph,shavlik   24    7   24.50   0   0   0   3   0   0   -7  14.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 thomas,isaiah      10.0    1.1    4.8    0.0    0.6    3.9
 2 bradley,avery       3.0    1.9    2.1    0.3    1.0    5.2
 3 bass,brandon        2.3    0.9    2.0    0.6    3.8   10.2
 4 thornton,marcus     2.1    2.6    1.8    0.5    2.1    7.7
 5 sullinger,jared     5.4    1.9    3.2    1.5    4.7   13.3
 6 zeller,tyler        3.0    0.3    2.1    1.3    4.4   13.0
 7 crowder,jae         2.9    1.8    1.4    0.5    2.0    9.6
 8 prince,tayshaun     5.6    1.4    0.3    0.0    1.4    8.0
 9 turner,evan        10.5    1.8    4.0    0.3    0.7    9.2
10 olynyk,kelly        4.3    2.6    3.0    1.1    3.3    9.5
11 smart,marcus        5.0    2.7    2.3    0.6    1.8    6.2
12 jerebko,jonas       2.7    1.7    1.6    0.6    4.2   12.7
13 datome,luigi        1.7    0.2    1.7    1.7    0.5    6.2
14 pressey,phil       10.2    2.1    3.5    0.5    1.2    7.4
15 young,james         1.8    1.4    0.7    0.0    1.4    6.3
16 wallace,gerald      2.4    1.9    3.3    0.5    3.3   12.2
17 randolph,shavlik    2.0    2.0    2.0    2.0    8.0   24.0