MemphisGrizzlies (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT +/-/G  AVG
 1 gasol,marc         C 81 33.2  530 1072 .494   3  17 .176  350  440 .795   2.8 17.4
 2 randolph,zach     PF 71 32.4  454  932 .487   7  20 .350  228  298 .765   4.9 16.1
 3 conley,mike       PG 70 31.8  393  882 .446 107 277 .386  214  249 .859   3.1 15.8
 4 green,jeff        SF 45 30.3  210  492 .427  50 138 .362  118  143 .825  -0.6 13.1
 5 lee,courtney      SG 77 30.6  288  644 .447  90 225 .400  111  129 .860   1.6 10.1
 6 allen,tony        SG 63 26.1  225  455 .495  10  29 .345   79  126 .627   3.9  8.6
 7 udrih,beno        PG 79 18.9  246  505 .487  26  97 .268   87  102 .853  -0.0  7.7
 8 prince,tayshaun   SF 26 24.2   75  183 .410  15  33 .455   25   30 .833  -0.5  7.3
 9 carter,vince      SG 66 16.5  135  406 .333  69 232 .297   45   57 .789   0.5  5.8
10 koufos,kosta       C 81 16.7  182  358 .508   0   0 .000   55   85 .647   1.2  5.2
11 leuer,jon         PF 63 13.1  121  273 .443   7  29 .241   37   59 .627  -0.4  4.5
12 pondexter,quincy  SG 30 18.0   48  135 .356  17  73 .233   21   30 .700  -0.2  4.5
13 calathes,nick     SG 58 14.4  104  247 .421  11  44 .250   24   45 .533   1.5  4.2
14 smith,russ        PG  6  6.0    6   15 .400   1   5 .200   12   13 .923   4.7  4.2
15 adams,jordan      SG 30  8.3   35   86 .407  10  25 .400   14   23 .609   0.6  3.1
16 stokes,jarnell    PF 19  6.6   21   37 .568   0   0 .000   15   28 .536   0.8  3.0
17 green,jamychal    PF 20  7.0   23   40 .575   0   4 .000    8   10 .800  -0.8  2.7
18 thomas,tyrus      PF  2  3.0    1    1 1.00   0   0 .000    2    2 1.00   0.5  2.0
19 lucas,kalin       PG  1  6.0    0    1 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  -7.0  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 gasol,marc        307  3.8  71  0.9 175  2.2 131  1.6 21.4 115 1.4  630  7.8
 2 randolph,zach     153  2.2  69  1.0 157  2.2  14  0.2 19.5 225 3.2  747 10.5
 3 conley,mike       375  5.4  89  1.3 156  2.2  14  0.2 17.0  29 0.4  209  3.0
 4 green,jeff         81  1.8  26  0.6  52  1.2  21  0.5 12.3  43 1.0  186  4.1
 5 lee,courtney      151  2.0  75  1.0  78  1.0  12  0.2 10.0  21 0.3  178  2.3
 6 allen,tony         86  1.4 128  2.0  86  1.4  30  0.5 10.7 103 1.6  280  4.4
 7 udrih,beno        220  2.8  46  0.6  89  1.1   8  0.1  8.6  20 0.3  143  1.8
 8 prince,tayshaun    37  1.4   9  0.3  15  0.6   6  0.2  7.8  21 0.8   83  3.2
 9 carter,vince       79  1.2  43  0.7  43  0.7  14  0.2  5.0  27 0.4  133  2.0
10 koufos,kosta       37  0.5  29  0.4  69  0.9  63  0.8  7.8 120 1.5  425  5.2
11 leuer,jon          46  0.7  17  0.3  35  0.6   9  0.1  5.3  50 0.8  208  3.3
12 pondexter,quincy   28  0.9   5  0.2  10  0.3   5  0.2  4.0  21 0.7   58  1.9
13 calathes,nick     146  2.5  63  1.1  61  1.1   5  0.1  5.9  19 0.3  106  1.8
14 smith,russ          6  1.0   3  0.5   5  0.8   0  0.0  3.4   1 0.2    3  0.5
15 adams,jordan       16  0.5  16  0.5  14  0.5   7  0.2  3.0   9 0.3   28  0.9
16 stokes,jarnell      4  0.2   5  0.3   7  0.4   5  0.3  3.3  16 0.8   34  1.8
17 green,jamychal      4  0.2   5  0.2  12  0.6   3  0.1  3.2  16 0.8   39  1.9
18 thomas,tyrus        1  0.5   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  2.6   0 0.0    0  0.0
19 lucas,kalin         0  0.0   1  1.0   0  0.0   0  0.0 -0.2   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19911 3097 6764  .458  423 1248 .339 1445 1869 .773 8062 111.99  98.3
Opponents 19921 2954 6684  .442  663 1889 .351 1225 1651 .742 7796 104.29  95.1

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1777 1567  700 1064  347   31    0    0  856 3490  42.6
Opponents 1652 1662  604 1198  423   27    0    0  864 3480  42.4

Record 55 - 27         Home 31 - 10         Away 24 - 17

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA   +/- PTS/48
 1 gasol,marc       2690 1413   30.91   6   0   0 208   2  81  226  25.21
 2 randolph,zach    2303 1143   28.81   6   0   0 175   1  71  345  23.82
 3 conley,mike      2225 1107   25.70   1   0   0 139   0  70  214  23.88
 4 green,jeff       1363  588   19.47   1   0   0  81   0  37  -26  20.71
 5 lee,courtney     2355  777   15.64   0   0   0 129   1  74  120  15.84
 6 allen,tony       1647  539   19.60   5   0   0 166   1  41  247  15.71
 7 udrih,beno       1494  605   21.81   1   0   0  88   0  12   -2  19.44
 8 prince,tayshaun   628  190   15.57   0   0   0  22   0   9  -14  14.52
 9 carter,vince     1092  384   14.52   6   0   0 102   0   1   31  16.88
10 koufos,kosta     1350  419   22.55   4   0   0 148   0   3   98  14.90
11 leuer,jon         826  286   19.50   0   0   0  86   1   6  -28  16.62
12 pondexter,quincy  540  134   10.60   0   0   0  47   0   2   -5  11.91
13 calathes,nick     835  243   19.54   1   0   0 100   1   0   86  13.97
14 smith,russ         36   25   27.33   0   0   0   7   0   0   28  33.33
15 adams,jordan      249   94   17.16   0   0   0  24   0   0   17  18.12
16 stokes,jarnell    126   57   24.19   0   0   0  25   1   2   16  21.71
17 green,jamychal    140   54   22.20   0   0   0  19   0   1  -17  18.51
18 thomas,tyrus        6    4   42.00   0   0   0   0   0   0    1  32.00
19 lucas,kalin         6    0   -2.00   0   0   0   1   0   0   -7   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 gasol,marc          5.5    1.3    3.1    2.3    2.1   11.2
 2 randolph,zach       3.2    1.4    3.3    0.3    4.7   15.6
 3 conley,mike         8.1    1.9    3.4    0.3    0.6    4.5
 4 green,jeff          2.9    0.9    1.8    0.7    1.5    6.6
 5 lee,courtney        3.1    1.5    1.6    0.2    0.4    3.6
 6 allen,tony          2.5    3.7    2.5    0.9    3.0    8.2
 7 udrih,beno          7.1    1.5    2.9    0.3    0.6    4.6
 8 prince,tayshaun     2.8    0.7    1.1    0.5    1.6    6.3
 9 carter,vince        3.5    1.9    1.9    0.6    1.2    5.8
10 koufos,kosta        1.3    1.0    2.5    2.2    4.3   15.1
11 leuer,jon           2.7    1.0    2.0    0.5    2.9   12.1
12 pondexter,quincy    2.5    0.4    0.9    0.4    1.9    5.2
13 calathes,nick       8.4    3.6    3.5    0.3    1.1    6.1
14 smith,russ          8.0    4.0    6.7    0.0    1.3    4.0
15 adams,jordan        3.1    3.1    2.7    1.3    1.7    5.4
16 stokes,jarnell      1.5    1.9    2.7    1.9    6.1   13.0
17 green,jamychal      1.4    1.7    4.1    1.0    5.5   13.4
18 thomas,tyrus        8.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
19 lucas,kalin         0.0    8.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0