PortlandTrailBlazers (full stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT +/-/G  AVG
 1 aldridge,lamarcu  PF 34 34.4  312  662 .471  18  66 .273  148  179 .827   2.9 23.2
 2 lillard,damian    PG 41 35.2  282  679 .415  84 277 .303  167  192 .870   0.8 19.9
 3 matthews,wesley   SG 19 33.9   97  240 .404  48 135 .356   47   60 .783   1.6 15.2
 4 afflalo,arron     SG 25 30.1   94  227 .414  36  90 .400   40   47 .851   2.5 10.6
 5 batum,nicolas     SF 36 33.5  121  293 .413  60 153 .392   50   56 .893   2.3  9.8
 6 lopez,robin        C 34 27.8  133  237 .561   0   1 .000   61   81 .753   1.2  9.6
 7 mccollum,c.j.     SG 35 18.1  117  256 .457  34  88 .386   33   45 .733   2.0  8.6
 8 kaman,chris        C 34 17.5  119  211 .564   0   0 .000   19   28 .679  -0.6  7.6
 9 leonard,meyers     C 36 16.0   86  168 .512  32  77 .416   16   16 1.00   0.4  6.1
10 wright,dorell     SF 27 14.1   52  134 .388  27  73 .370   19   24 .792   1.8  5.6
11 frazier,tim       PG  5 13.6    8   18 .444   2   6 .333    5    6 .833  -2.4  4.6
12 blake,steve       PG 40 16.1   55  143 .385  36  99 .364   15   22 .682   0.5  4.0
13 robinson,thomas   PF  8 15.6   14   24 .583   0   0 .000    4    9 .444   2.8  4.0
14 freeland,joel      C 17 11.6   28   54 .519   0   0 .000    5    6 .833   0.2  3.6
15 gee,alonzo        SF 15 10.1   21   49 .429   3  11 .273    6   12 .500  -1.3  3.4
16 crabbe,allen      SG 20 11.6   24   62 .387   8  29 .276    4    7 .571  -2.0  3.0
17 barton,will       SG 10 11.1   12   36 .333   1   7 .143    5    7 .714   1.7  3.0
18 claver,victor     PF  5  5.0    5    8 .625   4   7 .571    0    0 .000  -0.2  2.8

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 aldridge,lamarcu   53  1.6  22  0.6  55  1.6  23  0.7 23.3  76 2.2  340 10.0
 2 lillard,damian    253  6.2  42  1.0 116  2.8  11  0.3 20.2  22 0.5  185  4.5
 3 matthews,wesley    44  2.3  35  1.8  23  1.2   4  0.2 15.7  11 0.6   82  4.3
 4 afflalo,arron      28  1.1   9  0.4  33  1.3   2  0.1  7.6   6 0.2   67  2.7
 5 batum,nicolas     179  5.0  35  1.0  69  1.9  15  0.4 17.0  39 1.1  234  6.5
 6 lopez,robin        25  0.7   5  0.1  37  1.1  47  1.4 12.7 107 3.1  213  6.3
 7 mccollum,c.j.      40  1.1  28  0.8  32  0.9   6  0.2  7.6  10 0.3   67  1.9
 8 kaman,chris        24  0.7   8  0.2  42  1.2  15  0.4 10.3  69 2.0  214  6.3
 9 leonard,meyers     23  0.6   7  0.2  30  0.8  10  0.3  8.2  33 0.9  167  4.6
10 wright,dorell      26  1.0  14  0.5  10  0.4   4  0.1  6.4   8 0.3   69  2.6
11 frazier,tim        17  3.4   2  0.4   7  1.4   0  0.0  6.5   2 0.4    9  1.8
12 blake,steve       123  3.1  19  0.5  51  1.3   1  0.0  5.9   6 0.1   56  1.4
13 robinson,thomas     4  0.5   9  1.1   9  1.1   5  0.6  7.9  15 1.9   42  5.2
14 freeland,joel       3  0.2   4  0.2   2  0.1   8  0.5  5.0  11 0.6   51  3.0
15 gee,alonzo          6  0.4   7  0.5   8  0.5   1  0.1  3.0   8 0.5   24  1.6
16 crabbe,allen       12  0.6   7  0.3   5  0.2   1  0.1  3.2   2 0.1   33  1.6
17 barton,will         7  0.7   4  0.4   5  0.5   3  0.3  2.8   2 0.2   14  1.4
18 claver,victor       0  0.0   0  0.0   1  0.2   1  0.2  3.2   1 0.2    5  1.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     9898 1580 3501  .451  393 1119 .351  644  797 .808 4197 117.10 102.4
Opponents  9898 1600 3567  .449  304  812 .374  603  810 .744 4107 114.35 100.2

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals     867  702  257  535  157    9    0    0  428 1872  45.7
Opponents  861  748  330  456  153    7    0    0  434 1809  44.1

Record 21 - 20         Home 14 -  5         Away  7 - 15

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA   +/- PTS/48
 1 aldridge,lamarcu 1168  790   32.53   1   0   0  58   0  34   98  32.47
 2 lillard,damian   1444  815   27.48   0   0   0  81   0  41   34  27.09
 3 matthews,wesley   644  289   22.17   1   0   0  42   0  19   31  21.54
 4 afflalo,arron     752  264   12.13   0   0   0  59   1  19   63  16.85
 5 batum,nicolas    1206  352   24.29   1   0   0  52   0  36   82  14.01
 6 lopez,robin       945  327   21.96   2   0   0  60   0  34   41  16.61
 7 mccollum,c.j.     635  301   20.07   0   0   0  51   0   3   71  22.75
 8 kaman,chris       594  257   28.40   3   0   0  45   0   6  -22  20.77
 9 leonard,meyers    577  220   24.54   0   0   0  72   0   5   14  18.30
10 wright,dorell     382  150   21.74   0   0   0  33   1   2   49  18.85
11 frazier,tim        68   23   22.94   0   0   0  10   0   0  -12  16.24
12 blake,steve       642  161   17.55   0   0   0  47   0   0   21  12.04
13 robinson,thomas   125   32   24.38   0   0   0  16   0   1   22  12.29
14 freeland,joel     197   61   20.77   1   0   0  27   0   0    3  14.86
15 gee,alonzo        151   51   14.23   0   0   0  16   0   2  -20  16.21
16 crabbe,allen      232   60   13.14   0   0   0  25   0   3  -41  12.41
17 barton,will       111   30   11.89   0   0   0   5   0   0   17  12.97
18 claver,victor      25   14   31.20   0   0   0   3   0   0   -1  26.88

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 aldridge,lamarcu    2.2    0.9    2.3    0.9    3.1   14.0
 2 lillard,damian      8.4    1.4    3.9    0.4    0.7    6.1
 3 matthews,wesley     3.3    2.6    1.7    0.3    0.8    6.1
 4 afflalo,arron       1.8    0.6    2.1    0.1    0.4    4.3
 5 batum,nicolas       7.1    1.4    2.7    0.6    1.6    9.3
 6 lopez,robin         1.3    0.3    1.9    2.4    5.4   10.8
 7 mccollum,c.j.       3.0    2.1    2.4    0.5    0.8    5.1
 8 kaman,chris         1.9    0.6    3.4    1.2    5.6   17.3
 9 leonard,meyers      1.9    0.6    2.5    0.8    2.7   13.9
10 wright,dorell       3.3    1.8    1.3    0.5    1.0    8.7
11 frazier,tim        12.0    1.4    4.9    0.0    1.4    6.4
12 blake,steve         9.2    1.4    3.8    0.1    0.4    4.2
13 robinson,thomas     1.5    3.5    3.5    1.9    5.8   16.1
14 freeland,joel       0.7    1.0    0.5    1.9    2.7   12.4
15 gee,alonzo          1.9    2.2    2.5    0.3    2.5    7.6
16 crabbe,allen        2.5    1.4    1.0    0.2    0.4    6.8
17 barton,will         3.0    1.7    2.2    1.3    0.9    6.1
18 claver,victor       0.0    0.0    1.9    1.9    1.9    9.6