HoustonRockets (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT +/-/G  AVG
 1 harden,james      SG 82 38.1  710 1617 .439 236 656 .360  720  837 .860   1.6 29.0
 2 howard,dwight      C 71 32.1  372  601 .619   0   6 .000  232  474 .489   0.3 13.7
 3 beasley,michael   PF 20 18.0  107  205 .522   3   9 .333   38   49 .776  -3.4 12.8
 4 ariza,trevor      SF 81 35.3  357  858 .416 185 497 .372  126  161 .783   0.6 12.7
 5 thornton,marcus   SG 47 18.8  174  435 .400  73 216 .338   51   58 .879   0.4 10.0
 6 beverley,patrick  PG 71 28.7  258  594 .434 124 310 .400   60   88 .682   1.9  9.9
 7 jones,terrence    PF 50 20.9  166  367 .452  25  79 .316   77  116 .664  -4.7  8.7
 8 brewer,corey      SG 82 20.4  212  552 .384  61 225 .271  105  140 .750  -1.0  7.2
 9 capela,clint       C 77 19.1  231  397 .582   0   1 .000   80  211 .379   1.3  7.0
10 smith,josh        PF 23 18.2   58  169 .343  23  85 .271   12   25 .480   0.6  6.6
11 motiejunas,dona   PF 37 14.8   90  205 .439  16  57 .281   34   53 .642   1.3  6.2
12 terry,jason       SG 72 17.5  151  376 .402  93 261 .356   27   33 .818   0.5  5.9
13 lawson,ty         PG 53 22.3  111  287 .387  31  94 .330   56   80 .700  -3.2  5.8
14 harrell,montrez   PF 39  9.7   58   90 .644   0   1 .000   24   46 .522   1.0  3.6
15 goudelock,andre   PG  8  6.4    9   20 .450   1   9 .111    3    4 .750   1.2  2.8
16 mcdaniels,k.j.    SG 37  6.4   29   72 .403   7  25 .280   24   30 .800   2.0  2.4
17 hayes,chuck       PF  2 12.0    1    2 .500   0   0 .000    2    2 1.00  -1.5  2.0
18 dekker,sam        SF  3  2.3    0    0 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  -0.7  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 harden,james      612  7.5 138  1.7 374  4.6  51  0.6 29.7  63 0.8  502  6.1
 2 howard,dwight      98  1.4  69  1.0 166  2.3 113  1.6 20.5 238 3.4  835 11.8
 3 beasley,michael    16  0.8  11  0.6  24  1.2   9  0.5 12.2  29 1.4   98  4.9
 4 ariza,trevor      188  2.3 161  2.0 113  1.4  26  0.3 14.8  67 0.8  366  4.5
 5 thornton,marcus    66  1.4  34  0.7  40  0.9   3  0.1  8.5  31 0.7  114  2.4
 6 beverley,patrick  240  3.4  94  1.3  91  1.3  26  0.4 12.3  73 1.0  251  3.5
 7 jones,terrence     41  0.8  23  0.5  49  1.0  38  0.8  9.0  62 1.2  211  4.2
 8 brewer,corey      109  1.3  84  1.0  78  1.0  19  0.2  6.6  42 0.5  199  2.4
 9 capela,clint       47  0.6  59  0.8  60  0.8  92  1.2 11.2 194 2.5  494  6.4
10 smith,josh         47  2.0  16  0.7  36  1.6  13  0.6  5.6  18 0.8   67  2.9
11 motiejunas,dona    41  1.1  17  0.5  44  1.2   5  0.1  5.7  37 1.0  108  2.9
12 terry,jason       103  1.4  47  0.7  49  0.7   9  0.1  5.7  14 0.2   78  1.1
13 lawson,ty         180  3.4  43  0.8  82  1.5   6  0.1  7.0  20 0.4   89  1.7
14 harrell,montrez    17  0.4  11  0.3  17  0.4  11  0.3  4.1  26 0.7   66  1.7
15 goudelock,andre     4  0.5   6  0.8   7  0.9   2  0.2  2.1   1 0.1    2  0.2
16 mcdaniels,k.j.     10  0.3   7  0.2  17  0.5   6  0.2  2.1  15 0.4   42  1.1
17 hayes,chuck         2  1.0   0  0.0   3  1.5   0  0.0  3.4   0 0.0    8  4.0
18 dekker,sam          0  0.0   1  0.3   0  0.0   0  0.0  0.8   0 0.0    1  0.3

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19834 3094 6847  .452  878 2531 .347 1671 2407 .694 8737 119.89 106.5
Opponents 19819 3200 6974  .459  796 2199 .362 1525 2018 .756 8721 122.44 106.4

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1821 1790  821 1250  429   29    0    0  930 3531  43.1
Opponents 2015 1842  734 1292  404   20    0    0  971 3657  44.6

Record 41 - 41         Home 23 - 18         Away 18 - 23

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA   +/- PTS/48
 1 harden,james     3121 2376   37.45   2   0   0 229   1  82  129  36.54
 2 howard,dwight    2281  976   30.59  12   0   0 219   5  71   20  20.54
 3 beasley,michael   360  255   32.57   0   0   0  39   0   0  -67  34.00
 4 ariza,trevor     2860 1025   20.06   2   0   0 177   0  81   45  17.20
 5 thornton,marcus   885  472   21.67   0   0   0  73   0   6   19  25.60
 6 beverley,patrick 2038  700   20.51   5   0   0 234   1  62  136  16.49
 7 jones,terrence   1047  434   20.53   3   0   0  86   0  12 -237  19.90
 8 brewer,corey     1670  590   15.54   0   0   0 168   1  12  -85  16.96
 9 capela,clint     1468  542   28.09   0   0   0 190   3  35  101  17.72
10 smith,josh        418  151   14.90   1   0   0  56   1   6   14  17.34
11 motiejunas,dona   547  230   18.38   0   0   0  69   0  22   48  20.18
12 terry,jason      1261  422   15.50   1   0   0  91   0   7   35  16.06
13 lawson,ty        1180  309   15.14   0   0   0  71   0  12 -171  12.57
14 harrell,montrez   378  140   20.41   3   0   0  48   0   1   38  17.78
15 goudelock,andre    51   22   15.76   0   0   0   4   0   0   10  20.71
16 mcdaniels,k.j.    238   89   16.03   0   0   0  30   0   1   75  17.95
17 hayes,chuck        24    4   13.50   0   0   0   6   0   0   -3   8.00
18 dekker,sam          7    0   15.43   0   0   0   0   0   0   -2   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 harden,james        9.4    2.1    5.8    0.8    1.0    7.7
 2 howard,dwight       2.1    1.5    3.5    2.4    5.0   17.6
 3 beasley,michael     2.1    1.5    3.2    1.2    3.9   13.1
 4 ariza,trevor        3.2    2.7    1.9    0.4    1.1    6.1
 5 thornton,marcus     3.6    1.8    2.2    0.2    1.7    6.2
 6 beverley,patrick    5.7    2.2    2.1    0.6    1.7    5.9
 7 jones,terrence      1.9    1.1    2.2    1.7    2.8    9.7
 8 brewer,corey        3.1    2.4    2.2    0.5    1.2    5.7
 9 capela,clint        1.5    1.9    2.0    3.0    6.3   16.2
10 smith,josh          5.4    1.8    4.1    1.5    2.1    7.7
11 motiejunas,dona     3.6    1.5    3.9    0.4    3.2    9.5
12 terry,jason         3.9    1.8    1.9    0.3    0.5    3.0
13 lawson,ty           7.3    1.7    3.3    0.2    0.8    3.6
14 harrell,montrez     2.2    1.4    2.2    1.4    3.3    8.4
15 goudelock,andre     3.8    5.6    6.6    1.9    0.9    1.9
16 mcdaniels,k.j.      2.0    1.4    3.4    1.2    3.0    8.5
17 hayes,chuck         4.0    0.0    6.0    0.0    0.0   16.0
18 dekker,sam          0.0    6.9    0.0    0.0    0.0    6.9