MiamiHeat (full stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT +/-/G  AVG
 1 dragic,goran      PG 40 33.1  306  624 .490  67 164 .409  178  229 .777   4.8 21.4
 2 waiters,dion      SG 25 30.4  176  377 .467  61 138 .442   47   75 .627   5.6 18.4
 3 whiteside,hassan   C 40 31.5  269  480 .560   0   0 .000  123  173 .711   5.0 16.5
 4 johnson,james     PF 40 29.3  212  453 .468  39 130 .300   91  127 .717   5.3 13.8
 5 johnson,tyler     SG 35 28.5  166  380 .437  41 110 .373  100  127 .787   3.5 13.5
 6 ellington,wayne   SG 41 22.9  148  352 .420 107 263 .407   18   21 .857   4.3 10.3
 7 richardson,josh   SG 25 29.6   80  201 .398  30  82 .366   35   43 .814   3.2  9.0
 8 mcgruder,rodney   SG 41 24.3  113  255 .443  42 119 .353   18   35 .514   2.1  7.0
 9 reed,willie       PF 39 15.2   91  159 .572   1   3 .333   28   46 .609   1.4  5.4
10 babbitt,luke      SF 36 15.7   60  138 .435  54 118 .458    4    4 1.00   1.2  4.9
11 white,okaro       PF 35 13.4   33   87 .379  12  34 .353   20   22 .909   1.9  2.8
12 haslem,udonis     PF  3  6.3    2    5 .400   0   2 .000    0    0 .000  -5.0  1.3
13 williams,derrick  PF  2  4.5    1    2 .500   0   1 .000    0    0 .000  -3.0  1.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  BA BA/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 dragic,goran      213  5.3  59  1.5 107  2.7   6  0.1   0  0.0 20.7  40 1.0  154  3.9
 2 waiters,dion      120  4.8  22  0.9  62  2.5  10  0.4   0  0.0 17.4  11 0.4   89  3.6
 3 whiteside,hassan   30  0.8  27  0.7  77  1.9  82  2.0   0  0.0 21.8 149 3.7  560 14.0
 4 johnson,james     171  4.3  49  1.2  98  2.5  50  1.2   0  0.0 15.5  33 0.8  201  5.0
 5 johnson,tyler     111  3.2  40  1.1  52  1.5  15  0.4   0  0.0 13.2  27 0.8  122  3.5
 6 ellington,wayne    38  0.9  24  0.6  21  0.5   2  0.0   0  0.0  9.2  14 0.3   97  2.4
 7 richardson,josh    62  2.5  34  1.4  23  0.9  26  1.0   0  0.0 10.5  20 0.8   75  3.0
 8 mcgruder,rodney    71  1.7  22  0.5  32  0.8   9  0.2   0  0.0  7.5  40 1.0  125  3.0
 9 reed,willie        14  0.4  10  0.3  21  0.5  23  0.6   0  0.0  6.7  67 1.7  179  4.6
10 babbitt,luke       21  0.6  13  0.4  15  0.4   5  0.1   0  0.0  5.0   7 0.2   79  2.2
11 white,okaro        21  0.6  10  0.3  18  0.5  10  0.3   0  0.0  3.3  26 0.7   83  2.4
12 haslem,udonis       0  0.0   0  0.0   1  0.3   0  0.0   0  0.0  1.2   1 0.3    8  2.7
13 williams,derrick    0  0.0   0  0.0   2  1.0   0  0.0   0  0.0 -0.8   0 0.0    1  0.5

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     9849 1657 3513  .472  454 1164 .390  662  902 .734 4430 115.14 108.0
Opponents  9861 1534 3407  .450  299  911 .328  792 1013 .782 4159  99.66 101.4

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   BA   TC   OR   TR   AVG
Totals     872  838  310  529  238    0   14  435 1773  43.2
Opponents  758  758  288  561  181    0   20  411 1716  41.9

Record 30 - 11         Home 18 -  5         Away 12 -  6

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  PF  DQ STA   +/- PTS/48
 1 dragic,goran     1326  857   29.99   1 106   0  40  193  31.02
 2 waiters,dion      760  460   27.45   1  42   0  25  139  29.05
 3 whiteside,hassan 1260  661   33.18   3 112   1  40  198  25.18
 4 johnson,james    1173  554   25.44   4 104   2   5  214  22.67
 5 johnson,tyler     998  473   22.17   0  83   0   0  121  22.75
 6 ellington,wayne   940  421   19.27   0  45   0   3  175  21.50
 7 richardson,josh   739  225   17.10   0  58   0  14   81  14.61
 8 mcgruder,rodney   998  286   14.71   1  70   0  41   88  13.76
 9 reed,willie       593  211   21.12   1  85   0   1   55  17.08
10 babbitt,luke      564  178   15.31   2  74   0  36   44  15.15
11 white,okaro       470   98   11.71   1  52   0   0   68  10.01
12 haslem,udonis      19    4    9.22   0   5   0   0  -15  10.11
13 williams,derrick    9    2   -9.07   0   2   0   0   -6  10.67

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  BA/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 dragic,goran        7.7    2.1    3.9    0.2    0.0    1.4    5.6
 2 waiters,dion        7.6    1.4    3.9    0.6    0.0    0.7    5.6
 3 whiteside,hassan    1.1    1.0    2.9    3.1    0.0    5.7   21.3
 4 johnson,james       7.0    2.0    4.0    2.0    0.0    1.4    8.2
 5 johnson,tyler       5.3    1.9    2.5    0.7    0.0    1.3    5.9
 6 ellington,wayne     1.9    1.2    1.1    0.1    0.0    0.7    5.0
 7 richardson,josh     4.0    2.2    1.5    1.7    0.0    1.3    4.9
 8 mcgruder,rodney     3.4    1.1    1.5    0.4    0.0    1.9    6.0
 9 reed,willie         1.1    0.8    1.7    1.9    0.0    5.4   14.5
10 babbitt,luke        1.8    1.1    1.3    0.4    0.0    0.6    6.7
11 white,okaro         2.1    1.0    1.8    1.0    0.0    2.7    8.5
12 haslem,udonis       0.0    0.0    2.5    0.0    0.0    2.5   20.2
13 williams,derrick    0.0    0.0    9.9    0.0    0.0    0.0    5.3