LAClippers (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT +/-/G  AVG
 1 harris,tobias     PF 55 34.6  424  854 .496 112  258 .434  192  219 .877   0.3 20.9
 2 williams,lou      SG 75 26.6  484 1139 .425 105  292 .360  425  485 .876   2.6 20.0
 3 gallinari,danilo  SF 68 30.3  409  883 .463 161  373 .432  367  406 .904   1.5 19.8
 4 harrell,montrezl  PF 82 26.3  546  888 .615   3   17 .176  266  414 .643   0.7 16.6
 5 shamet,landry     PG 25 27.8   87  210 .414  68  151 .450   31   39 .795   3.7 10.9
 6 gilgeous-alexand  PG 82 26.5  341  716 .476  51  139 .367  156  195 .800  -1.3 10.8
 7 zubac,ivica        C 26 20.2  100  186 .538   0    0 .000   44   60 .733   0.7  9.4
 8 green,jamychal    PF 24 19.5   79  164 .482  33   80 .412   17   21 .810  -0.5  8.7
 9 bradley,avery     SG 49 29.8  161  420 .383  58  172 .337   20   25 .800  -1.3  8.2
10 beverley,patrick  PG 78 27.4  194  475 .408 112  281 .399   96  123 .780   1.9  7.6
11 marjanovic,boban   C 34 11.0   85  140 .607   0    2 .000   72   95 .758  -0.2  7.1
12 mbah_a_moute,luc  SF  4 15.2    8   18 .444   2    6 .333    2    5 .400   2.8  5.0
13 gortat,marcin      C 47 15.9   99  186 .532   0    0 .000   35   48 .729  -2.1  5.0
14 motley,johnathan  PF 21  7.3   39   73 .534   0    3 .000   24   40 .600  -1.4  4.9
15 scott,mike        PF 52 14.3   92  230 .400  52  133 .391   12   18 .667   0.6  4.8
16 temple,garrett    SG 26 19.7   42  105 .400  16   54 .296   23   31 .742   0.6  4.7
17 chandler,wilson   SF 15 14.9   23   66 .348  13   40 .325    5    7 .714  -2.8  4.3
18 wallace,tyrone    SG 59 10.6   92  217 .424   4   19 .211   30   57 .526   1.0  3.7
19 robinson,jerome   SG 32 10.0   44  110 .400  18   57 .316    6    9 .667  -0.8  3.5
20 teodosic,milos    PG 15 10.1   17   40 .425  10   27 .370    4    7 .571   1.7  3.2
21 delgado,angel      C  2  7.5    1    5 .200   0    0 .000    1    2 .500   1.5  1.5
22 thornwell,sindar  SG 53  5.9   17   47 .362   3   15 .200   25   34 .735  -0.6  1.2

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  BA BA/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 harris,tobias     150  2.7  40  0.7 109  2.0  24  0.4   0  0.0 22.1  36 0.7  431  7.8
 2 williams,lou      401  5.3  56  0.7 181  2.4  11  0.1   0  0.0 18.4  40 0.5  222  3.0
 3 gallinari,danilo  178  2.6  49  0.7  99  1.5  23  0.3   0  0.0 21.3  54 0.8  418  6.1
 4 harrell,montrezl  162  2.0  70  0.9 132  1.6 110  1.3   0  0.0 17.4 184 2.2  536  6.5
 5 shamet,landry      58  2.3  13  0.5  19  0.8   2  0.1   0  0.0 11.9   7 0.3   56  2.2
 6 gilgeous-alexand  270  3.3  97  1.2 141  1.7  45  0.5   0  0.0 11.7  55 0.7  230  2.8
 7 zubac,ivica        38  1.5  10  0.4  37  1.4  24  0.9   0  0.0 12.1  61 2.3  200  7.7
 8 green,jamychal     14  0.6  11  0.5  23  1.0   8  0.3   0  0.0 10.7  33 1.4  158  6.6
 9 bradley,avery      96  2.0  27  0.6  61  1.2  16  0.3   0  0.0  6.7  35 0.7  131  2.7
10 beverley,patrick  301  3.9  67  0.9  86  1.1  43  0.6   0  0.0 12.4  75 1.0  386  4.9
11 marjanovic,boban   22  0.6  10  0.3  37  1.1  17  0.5   0  0.0  8.0  55 1.6  152  4.5
12 mbah_a_moute,luc    2  0.5   1  0.2   2  0.5   1  0.2   0  0.0  3.3   2 0.5    7  1.8
13 gortat,marcin      65  1.4   6  0.1  50  1.1  24  0.5   0  0.0  7.5  68 1.4  262  5.6
14 motley,johnathan   11  0.5   5  0.2  16  0.8   3  0.1   0  0.0  4.0  18 0.9   51  2.4
15 scott,mike         44  0.8  17  0.3  26  0.5   8  0.2   0  0.0  5.9  24 0.5  174  3.3
16 temple,garrett     37  1.4  27  1.0  16  0.6   5  0.2   0  0.0  5.8  10 0.4   64  2.5
17 chandler,wilson    10  0.7   3  0.2   7  0.5   3  0.2   0  0.0  4.4   4 0.3   47  3.1
18 wallace,tyrone     43  0.7  21  0.4  36  0.6   7  0.1   0  0.0  2.6  20 0.3  101  1.7
19 robinson,jerome    19  0.6  11  0.3  12  0.4   3  0.1   0  0.0  3.0   3 0.1   40  1.2
20 teodosic,milos     31  2.1   3  0.2  21  1.4   1  0.1   0  0.0  3.2   2 0.1   15  1.0
21 delgado,angel       0  0.0   1  0.5   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  0.7   2 1.0    4  2.0
22 thornwell,sindar   18  0.3  13  0.2  20  0.4   7  0.1   0  0.0  1.2   4 0.1   43  0.8

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19817 3384 7172  .472  821 2119 .387 1853 2340 .792 9442 124.50 115.1
Opponents 19828 3423 7490  .457  849 2476 .343 1677 2159 .777 9372 125.58 114.3

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   BA   TC   OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1970 1912  558 1131  385    0   33  792 3728  45.5
Opponents 1976 1969  674 1039  503    0   35  925 3753  45.8

Record 48 - 34         Home 26 - 15         Away 22 - 19

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  PF  DQ STA   +/- PTS/48
 1 harris,tobias    1901 1152   30.74   4 123   0  55   14  29.09
 2 williams,lou     1992 1498   33.33   1  80   0   1  195  36.10
 3 gallinari,danilo 2059 1346   33.82   2 129   1  68  105  31.38
 4 harrell,montrezl 2158 1361   31.80   8 255   2   5   60  30.27
 5 shamet,landry     694  273   20.60   0  49   0  23   93  18.88
 6 gilgeous-alexand 2174  889   21.22   0 175   0  73 -109  19.63
 7 zubac,ivica       524  244   28.74   0  64   0  25   19  22.35
 8 green,jamychal    469  208   26.19   0  70   1   2  -12  21.29
 9 bradley,avery    1460  400   10.74   3 133   0  49  -65  13.15
10 beverley,patrick 2139  596   21.78  12 265   6  49  149  13.37
11 marjanovic,boban  375  242   34.70   1  57   0   9   -8  30.98
12 mbah_a_moute,luc   61   20   10.31   0   8   0   0   11  15.74
13 gortat,marcin     749  233   22.48   2  92   0  43  -98  14.93
14 motley,johnathan  153  102   26.21   0  26   0   0  -30  32.00
15 scott,mike        746  248   19.62   0  88   1   0   33  15.96
16 temple,garrett    512  123   14.10   0  70   0   6   15  11.53
17 chandler,wilson   224   64   14.22   0  29   0   1  -42  13.71
18 wallace,tyrone    627  218   11.72   0  83   0   0   58  16.69
19 robinson,jerome   319  112   14.48   0  46   0   0  -25  16.85
20 teodosic,milos    151   48   15.26   0  27   0   0   26  15.26
21 delgado,angel      15    3    4.64   0   2   0   0    3   9.60
22 thornwell,sindar  315   62    9.51   0  41   0   1  -30   9.45

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  BA/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 harris,tobias       3.8    1.0    2.8    0.6    0.0    0.9   10.9
 2 williams,lou        9.7    1.3    4.4    0.3    0.0    1.0    5.3
 3 gallinari,danilo    4.1    1.1    2.3    0.5    0.0    1.3    9.7
 4 harrell,montrezl    3.6    1.6    2.9    2.4    0.0    4.1   11.9
 5 shamet,landry       4.0    0.9    1.3    0.1    0.0    0.5    3.9
 6 gilgeous-alexand    6.0    2.1    3.1    1.0    0.0    1.2    5.1
 7 zubac,ivica         3.5    0.9    3.4    2.2    0.0    5.6   18.3
 8 green,jamychal      1.4    1.1    2.4    0.8    0.0    3.4   16.2
 9 bradley,avery       3.2    0.9    2.0    0.5    0.0    1.2    4.3
10 beverley,patrick    6.8    1.5    1.9    1.0    0.0    1.7    8.7
11 marjanovic,boban    2.8    1.3    4.7    2.2    0.0    7.0   19.5
12 mbah_a_moute,luc    1.6    0.8    1.6    0.8    0.0    1.6    5.5
13 gortat,marcin       4.2    0.4    3.2    1.5    0.0    4.4   16.8
14 motley,johnathan    3.5    1.6    5.0    0.9    0.0    5.6   16.0
15 scott,mike          2.8    1.1    1.7    0.5    0.0    1.5   11.2
16 temple,garrett      3.5    2.5    1.5    0.5    0.0    0.9    6.0
17 chandler,wilson     2.1    0.6    1.5    0.6    0.0    0.9   10.1
18 wallace,tyrone      3.3    1.6    2.8    0.5    0.0    1.5    7.7
19 robinson,jerome     2.9    1.7    1.8    0.5    0.0    0.5    6.0
20 teodosic,milos      9.9    1.0    6.7    0.3    0.0    0.6    4.8
21 delgado,angel       0.0    3.2    0.0    0.0    0.0    6.4   12.8
22 thornwell,sindar    2.7    2.0    3.0    1.1    0.0    0.6    6.6