TorontoRaptors (full stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT +/-/G  AVG
 1 leonard,kawhi     SF 28 33.0  258  524 .492  58  153 .379  152  176 .864   7.2 25.9
 2 siakam,pascal     PF 40 33.0  283  539 .525  48  128 .375  135  173 .780   8.2 18.7
 3 lowry,kyle        PG 35 33.9  155  395 .392  93  256 .363   90  110 .818   7.2 14.1
 4 ibaka,serge       PF 37 26.1  217  415 .523  21   72 .292   60   83 .723   1.2 13.9
 5 vanvleet,fred     PG 28 28.6  110  269 .409  51  131 .389   53   60 .883   7.3 11.6
 6 green,danny       SG 40 25.7  155  313 .495 114  225 .507   23   29 .793   6.8 11.2
 7 powell,norman     SF 41 19.5  148  299 .495  53  122 .434   47   57 .825   0.6  9.7
 8 gasol,marc         C 26 24.9   87  187 .465  23   52 .442   40   52 .769   8.0  9.1
 9 miles,cj          SF  7 14.1   20   43 .465  13   29 .448    9   11 .818   1.4  8.9
10 wright,delon      PG 13 18.8   40   85 .471   7   19 .368   23   27 .852   5.0  8.5
11 lin,jeremy        PG 23 18.8   58  155 .374  11   55 .200   34   42 .810  -3.2  7.0
12 anunoby,og        SF 32 19.9   80  165 .485  27   80 .338   27   34 .794   0.7  6.7
13 meeks,jodie       SG  8 13.0   21   39 .538   8   18 .444    1    1 1.00   1.6  6.4
14 monroe,greg        C 14 11.7   27   61 .443   0    1 .000   15   29 .517   0.4  4.9
15 miller,malcolm    SF 10  6.8   11   26 .423  10   21 .476    3    4 .750  -0.8  3.5
16 boucher,chris     PF 18  6.3   23   52 .442   5   22 .227    7    7 1.00  -0.8  3.2
17 mccaw,patrick     PG 26 13.3   24   54 .444   8   24 .333   13   15 .867  -1.5  2.7
18 loyd,jordan       PG  9  4.0    5   15 .333   2    6 .333    5    7 .714  -3.6  1.9
19 moreland,eric      C  4  9.2    3    7 .429   1    1 1.00    0    0 .000  -5.0  1.8
20 richardson,malac  SG  3  2.7    1    3 .333   1    3 .333    0    0 .000  -3.7  1.0
21 brown,lorenzo     PG  1  1.0    0    0 .000   0    0 .000    0    0 .000   0.0  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  BA BA/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 leonard,kawhi     103  3.7  50  1.8  55  2.0   9  0.3   0  0.0 27.0  39 1.4  184  6.6
 2 siakam,pascal     136  3.4  34  0.8  86  2.1  24  0.6   0  0.0 20.1  66 1.6  290  7.2
 3 lowry,kyle        270  7.7  50  1.4 100  2.9  16  0.5   0  0.0 20.2  27 0.8  178  5.1
 4 ibaka,serge        40  1.1  10  0.3  49  1.3  51  1.4   0  0.0 16.1  83 2.2  329  8.9
 5 vanvleet,fred     148  5.3  25  0.9  38  1.4  11  0.4   0  0.0 15.1   6 0.2   72  2.6
 6 green,danny        76  1.9  39  1.0  30  0.8  20  0.5   0  0.0 15.2  20 0.5  146  3.6
 7 powell,norman      66  1.6  27  0.7  49  1.2   8  0.2   0  0.0  9.7  14 0.3   99  2.4
 8 gasol,marc        101  3.9  24  0.9  36  1.4  23  0.9   0  0.0 15.1  25 1.0  174  6.7
 9 miles,cj            3  0.4   9  1.3   3  0.4   2  0.3   0  0.0  9.6   4 0.6   14  2.0
10 wright,delon       38  2.9  18  1.4   9  0.7   5  0.4   0  0.0 11.8  12 0.9   36  2.8
11 lin,jeremy         50  2.2   9  0.4  26  1.1   6  0.3   0  0.0  6.1   6 0.3   60  2.6
12 anunoby,og         22  0.7  25  0.8  31  1.0  13  0.4   0  0.0  7.1  30 0.9   92  2.9
13 meeks,jodie         8  1.0   1  0.1   2  0.2   1  0.1   0  0.0  7.3   1 0.1   12  1.5
14 monroe,greg         7  0.5   5  0.4  15  1.1   3  0.2   0  0.0  4.1  19 1.4   62  4.4
15 miller,malcolm      1  0.1   1  0.1   1  0.1   1  0.1   0  0.0  3.3   1 0.1    5  0.5
16 boucher,chris       2  0.1   4  0.2   5  0.3  11  0.6   0  0.0  3.9  10 0.6   40  2.2
17 mccaw,patrick      27  1.0  21  0.8  14  0.5   3  0.1   0  0.0  4.2   7 0.3   45  1.7
18 loyd,jordan         5  0.6   0  0.0   1  0.1   0  0.0   0  0.0  1.5   0 0.0    4  0.4
19 moreland,eric       4  1.0   1  0.2   5  1.2   1  0.2   0  0.0  3.7   4 1.0   17  4.2
20 richardson,malac    0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  0.7   0 0.0    0  0.0
21 brown,lorenzo       1  1.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  1.2   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     9962 1726 3646  .473  554 1418 .391  737  917 .804 4743 137.33 115.7
Opponents  9959 1636 3677  .445  463 1340 .346  715  939 .761 4450 117.97 108.5

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   BA   TC   OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1108  862  353  555  208    0   15  374 1859  45.3
Opponents 1006  855  329  591  173    0   13  424 1854  45.2

Record 29 - 12         Home 17 -  5         Away 12 -  7

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  PF  DQ STA   +/- PTS/48
 1 leonard,kawhi     925  726   39.18   1  38   0  28  201  37.67
 2 siakam,pascal    1319  749   29.28   5 121   2  40  327  27.26
 3 lowry,kyle       1188  493   28.60   6  99   1  35  253  19.92
 4 ibaka,serge       965  515   29.61   1  94   1  23   43  25.62
 5 vanvleet,fred     801  324   25.38   1  49   0  14  205  19.42
 6 green,danny      1028  447   28.39   1  72   0  40  273  20.87
 7 powell,norman     798  396   24.01   0  66   0   1   23  23.82
 8 gasol,marc        648  237   29.05   0  70   1  19  209  17.56
 9 miles,cj           99   62   32.70   0  15   0   0   10  30.06
10 wright,delon      244  110   30.06   0  18   0   0   65  21.64
11 lin,jeremy        433  161   15.49   0  48   0   3  -73  17.85
12 anunoby,og        637  214   17.06   0  65   0   1   21  16.13
13 meeks,jodie       104   51   26.82   0   5   0   0   13  23.54
14 monroe,greg       164   69   16.71   0  27   0   0    5  20.20
15 miller,malcolm     68   35   23.29   0   5   0   0   -8  24.71
16 boucher,chris     114   58   29.47   0  22   0   0  -15  24.42
17 mccaw,patrick     345   69   15.13   0  37   0   1  -39   9.60
18 loyd,jordan        36   17   18.27   0   3   0   0  -32  22.67
19 moreland,eric      37    7   19.26   0   8   0   0  -20   9.08
20 richardson,malac    8    3   12.00   0   0   0   0  -11  18.00
21 brown,lorenzo       1    0   60.00   0   0   0   0    0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  BA/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 leonard,kawhi       5.3    2.6    2.9    0.5    0.0    2.0    9.5
 2 siakam,pascal       4.9    1.2    3.1    0.9    0.0    2.4   10.6
 3 lowry,kyle         10.9    2.0    4.0    0.6    0.0    1.1    7.2
 4 ibaka,serge         2.0    0.5    2.4    2.5    0.0    4.1   16.4
 5 vanvleet,fred       8.9    1.5    2.3    0.7    0.0    0.4    4.3
 6 green,danny         3.5    1.8    1.4    0.9    0.0    0.9    6.8
 7 powell,norman       4.0    1.6    2.9    0.5    0.0    0.8    6.0
 8 gasol,marc          7.5    1.8    2.7    1.7    0.0    1.9   12.9
 9 miles,cj            1.5    4.4    1.5    1.0    0.0    1.9    6.8
10 wright,delon        7.5    3.5    1.8    1.0    0.0    2.4    7.1
11 lin,jeremy          5.5    1.0    2.9    0.7    0.0    0.7    6.7
12 anunoby,og          1.7    1.9    2.3    1.0    0.0    2.3    6.9
13 meeks,jodie         3.7    0.5    0.9    0.5    0.0    0.5    5.5
14 monroe,greg         2.0    1.5    4.4    0.9    0.0    5.6   18.1
15 miller,malcolm      0.7    0.7    0.7    0.7    0.0    0.7    3.5
16 boucher,chris       0.8    1.7    2.1    4.6    0.0    4.2   16.8
17 mccaw,patrick       3.8    2.9    1.9    0.4    0.0    1.0    6.3
18 loyd,jordan         6.7    0.0    1.3    0.0    0.0    0.0    5.3
19 moreland,eric       5.2    1.3    6.5    1.3    0.0    5.2   22.1
20 richardson,malac    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
21 brown,lorenzo      48.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0