NOrleansPelicans (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT +/-/G  AVG
 1 ingram,brandon    SF 62 33.9  507 1096 .463 150  384 .391  313  368 .851  -0.7 23.8
 2 williamson,zion   PF 24 27.8  210  360 .583   6   14 .429  114  178 .640   2.6 22.5
 3 holiday,jrue      SG 61 34.7  458 1006 .455 122  346 .353  129  182 .709   0.6 19.1
 4 redick,jj         SG 60 26.3  286  631 .453 180  397 .453  165  185 .892  -0.3 15.3
 5 ball,lonzo        PG 63 32.1  277  687 .403 148  395 .375   43   76 .566  -0.4 11.8
 6 hart,josh         SF 65 27.0  225  532 .423 121  354 .342   85  115 .739  -1.8 10.1
 7 favors,derrick    PF 51 24.3  209  338 .618   1    7 .143   40   71 .563   2.3  9.0
 8 moore,e'twaun     SG 56 18.2  186  437 .426  63  167 .377   31   45 .689  -0.8  8.3
 9 okafor,jahlil      C 30 15.5  101  162 .623   1    3 .333   40   62 .645  -3.4  8.1
10 thornwell,sinda   SG  2 17.5    6   11 .545   2    4 .500    2    4 .500  -1.5  8.0
11 hayes,jaxson       C 64 16.8  174  260 .669   1    4 .250  123  190 .647  -0.9  7.4
12 melli,nicolo      PF 60 17.3  136  323 .421  69  206 .335   54   73 .740  -1.5  6.6
13 jackson,frank     PG 59 13.5  134  331 .405  47  144 .326   56   75 .747  -1.0  6.3
14 alexander-walke   SG 47 12.6   98  266 .368  46  133 .346   25   37 .676  -1.2  5.7
15 williams,kenric   SF 39 21.2   51  147 .347  25   97 .258    9   26 .346  -0.7  3.5
16 cheatham,zylan    SF  4 12.8    6    9 .667   0    1 .000    0    0 .000  -7.0  3.0
17 gray,josh         PG  2 11.0    1    2 .500   0    0 .000    0    0 .000  -3.5  1.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  BA BA/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 ingram,brandon    259  4.2  61  1.0 189  3.0  38  0.6   0  0.0 20.2  51 0.8  380  6.1
 2 williamson,zion    50  2.1  16  0.7  59  2.5   9  0.4   0  0.0 18.5  64 2.7  150  6.2
 3 holiday,jrue      408  6.7  99  1.6 185  3.0  48  0.8   0  0.0 19.5  78 1.3  294  4.8
 4 redick,jj         119  2.0  20  0.3  75  1.2  11  0.2   0  0.0 11.9  10 0.2  151  2.5
 5 ball,lonzo        438  7.0  89  1.4 192  3.0  37  0.6   0  0.0 16.0  71 1.1  383  6.1
 6 hart,josh         111  1.7  63  1.0  75  1.2  23  0.4   0  0.0 11.2  61 0.9  426  6.6
 7 favors,derrick     81  1.6  30  0.6  55  1.1  46  0.9   0  0.0 15.1 163 3.2  499  9.8
 8 moore,e'twaun      78  1.4  32  0.6  40  0.7  11  0.2   0  0.0  6.6  31 0.6  131  2.3
 9 okafor,jahlil      37  1.2   7  0.2  38  1.3  22  0.7   0  0.0  8.8  48 1.6  127  4.2
10 thornwell,sinda     4  2.0   1  0.5   2  1.0   1  0.5   0  0.0  8.1   0 0.0    4  2.0
11 hayes,jaxson       56  0.9  26  0.4  53  0.8  56  0.9   0  0.0  8.6  99 1.5  261  4.1
12 melli,nicolo       82  1.4  34  0.6  46  0.8  23  0.4   0  0.0  6.5  38 0.6  180  3.0
13 jackson,frank      61  1.0  17  0.3  49  0.8   4  0.1   0  0.0  3.8  22 0.4   83  1.4
14 alexander-walke    89  1.9  17  0.4  54  1.1   8  0.2   0  0.0  4.3   9 0.2   84  1.8
15 williams,kenric    57  1.5  27  0.7  22  0.6  21  0.5   0  0.0  5.9  51 1.3  187  4.8
16 cheatham,zylan      3  0.8   1  0.2   4  1.0   1  0.2   0  0.0  3.1   3 0.8    9  2.2
17 gray,josh           2  1.0   0  0.0   5  2.5   0  0.0   0  0.0 -0.8   1 0.5    2  1.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    17405 3065 6598  .465  982 2656 .370 1229 1687 .729 8341 116.17 115.8
Opponents 17426 3077 6611  .465  880 2438 .361 1400 1775 .789 8434 117.91 117.1

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   BA   TC   OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1935 1524  540 1143  359    0   18  800 3351  46.5
Opponents 1763 1519  615  997  348    0   21  728 3230  44.9

Record 30 - 42         Home 15 - 21         Away 15 - 21

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  PF  DQ STA   +/- PTS/48
 1 ingram,brandon   2103 1477   28.64   4 179   4  62  -44  33.71
 2 williamson,zion   667  540   32.02   0  42   0  24   62  38.86
 3 holiday,jrue     2115 1167   27.01   1 145   0  61   35  26.49
 4 redick,jj        1580  917   21.77   2  96   0  36  -21  27.86
 5 ball,lonzo       2023  745   23.95   0 128   0  54  -26  17.68
 6 hart,josh        1756  656   19.83   7 160   2  16 -114  17.93
 7 favors,derrick   1239  459   29.92   0 107   0  49  115  17.78
 8 moore,e'twaun    1019  466   17.29   0  80   0   6  -46  21.95
 9 okafor,jahlil     465  243   27.16   0  67   1   9 -101  25.08
10 thornwell,sinda    35   16   22.22   0   2   0   0   -3  21.94
11 hayes,jaxson     1078  472   24.56   2 161   1  14  -58  21.02
12 melli,nicolo     1040  395   17.87   0 124   0   8  -88  18.23
13 jackson,frank     795  371   13.47   1  77   0   2  -59  22.40
14 alexander-walke   590  267   16.33   0  57   0   1  -56  21.72
15 williams,kenric   827  136   13.43   1  88   0  18  -26   7.89
16 cheatham,zylan     51   12   11.72   0  10   0   0  -28  11.29
17 gray,josh          22    2   -3.60   0   1   0   0   -7   4.36

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  BA/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 ingram,brandon      5.9    1.4    4.3    0.9    0.0    1.2    8.7
 2 williamson,zion     3.6    1.2    4.2    0.6    0.0    4.6   10.8
 3 holiday,jrue        9.3    2.2    4.2    1.1    0.0    1.8    6.7
 4 redick,jj           3.6    0.6    2.3    0.3    0.0    0.3    4.6
 5 ball,lonzo         10.4    2.1    4.6    0.9    0.0    1.7    9.1
 6 hart,josh           3.0    1.7    2.1    0.6    0.0    1.7   11.6
 7 favors,derrick      3.1    1.2    2.1    1.8    0.0    6.3   19.3
 8 moore,e'twaun       3.7    1.5    1.9    0.5    0.0    1.5    6.2
 9 okafor,jahlil       3.8    0.7    3.9    2.3    0.0    5.0   13.1
10 thornwell,sinda     5.5    1.4    2.7    1.4    0.0    0.0    5.5
11 hayes,jaxson        2.5    1.2    2.4    2.5    0.0    4.4   11.6
12 melli,nicolo        3.8    1.6    2.1    1.1    0.0    1.8    8.3
13 jackson,frank       3.7    1.0    3.0    0.2    0.0    1.3    5.0
14 alexander-walke     7.2    1.4    4.4    0.7    0.0    0.7    6.8
15 williams,kenric     3.3    1.6    1.3    1.2    0.0    3.0   10.9
16 cheatham,zylan      2.8    0.9    3.8    0.9    0.0    2.8    8.5
17 gray,josh           4.4    0.0    9.9    0.0    0.0    2.2    4.4