OklahomaCityThunder (full stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT +/-/G  AVG
 1 gilgeous-alexan   PG 35 33.1  354  688 .515  50  130 .385  255  299 .853   8.6 28.9
 2 williams,jalen    SF 33 30.0  259  494 .524  49  125 .392   74   93 .796   4.7 19.4
 3 holmgren,chet     PF 41 28.4  236  457 .516  62  175 .354  111  139 .799   5.0 15.7
 4 giddey,josh       SG 40 24.9  206  418 .493  42  131 .321   52   66 .788   4.5 12.7
 5 dort,luguentz     SF 40 27.7  140  339 .413  80  217 .369   58   71 .817   5.2 10.4
 6 wiggins,aaron     SG 40 18.2  140  251 .558  44   89 .494   34   42 .810   1.3  8.9
 7 joe,isaiah        SG 37 17.3   95  206 .461  58  143 .406   17   18 .944   4.0  7.2
 8 wallace,cason     PG 41 19.3  109  230 .474  52  123 .423   10   14 .714   1.1  6.8
 9 hayward,gordon    SF 26 16.7   48  106 .453  15   29 .517   27   39 .692  -0.0  5.3
10 williams,kenric   SF 39 14.0   76  164 .463  31   80 .388    4    4 1.00   1.4  4.8
11 williams,jaylin   SF 36 13.9   57  127 .449  30   77 .390   19   26 .731   2.0  4.5
12 waters,lindy      SF 23  6.8   33   66 .500  22   49 .449    2    2 1.00  -2.3  3.9
13 dieng,ousmane     SF 11 10.1   16   38 .421   5   18 .278    4    4 1.00   1.0  3.7
14 micic,vasilije    SF  9 11.1    8   23 .348   2   10 .200    5    8 .625   2.4  2.6
15 sarr,olivier       C  6  4.5    5    8 .625   0    1 .000    4    7 .571  -1.3  2.3
16 pokusevski,alek   SF  3  5.3    2    5 .400   1    3 .333    1    2 .500  -4.0  2.0
17 biyombo,bismack    C 10  7.0    7   12 .583   0    0 .000    4    8 .500  -0.3  1.8
18 flagler,adam      SG  2  6.5    1    7 .143   1    6 .167    0    0 .000   0.0  1.5
19 muscala,mike       C 16  5.4    8   22 .364   1   11 .091    0    1 .000  -0.1  1.1
20 bertans,davis     SF  3  2.7    1    2 .500   1    2 .500    0    0 .000  -2.3  1.0
21 johnson,keyonta   SF  7  5.6    3   10 .300   1    2 .500    0    0 .000  -2.6  1.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  BA BA/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 gilgeous-alexan   214  6.1  62  1.8  81  2.3  36  1.0   0  0.0 29.5  32 0.9  187  5.3
 2 williams,jalen    150  4.5  41  1.2  50  1.5  25  0.8   0  0.0 20.0  17 0.5  127  3.8
 3 holmgren,chet      84  2.0  25  0.6  59  1.4  87  2.1   0  0.0 19.6  70 1.7  351  8.6
 4 giddey,josh       200  5.0  21  0.5  80  2.0  26  0.7   0  0.0 16.8  57 1.4  265  6.6
 5 dort,luguentz      60  1.5  39  1.0  38  0.9  16  0.4   0  0.0  8.8  25 0.6  131  3.3
 6 wiggins,aaron      52  1.3  38  0.9  38  0.9  15  0.4   0  0.0  9.5  37 0.9  101  2.5
 7 joe,isaiah         54  1.5  19  0.5  22  0.6  10  0.3   0  0.0  7.4  17 0.5   81  2.2
 8 wallace,cason      61  1.5  49  1.2  25  0.6  17  0.4   0  0.0  8.0  26 0.6   97  2.4
 9 hayward,gordon     42  1.6  12  0.5  15  0.6   1  0.0   0  0.0  6.1  13 0.5   64  2.5
10 williams,kenric    46  1.2  21  0.5  20  0.5   5  0.1   0  0.0  6.0  39 1.0  122  3.1
11 williams,jaylin    66  1.8  15  0.4  21  0.6  20  0.6   0  0.0  7.5  21 0.6  133  3.7
12 waters,lindy       14  0.6   5  0.2   5  0.2   5  0.2   0  0.0  4.2   6 0.3   28  1.2
13 dieng,ousmane      18  1.6   6  0.5   9  0.8   5  0.5   0  0.0  4.5   1 0.1   10  0.9
14 micic,vasilije     19  2.1   1  0.1  15  1.7   0  0.0   0  0.0  2.0   0 0.0    8  0.9
15 sarr,olivier        0  0.0   0  0.0   1  0.2   2  0.3   0  0.0  2.5   4 0.7   10  1.7
16 pokusevski,alek     0  0.0   1  0.3   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  1.6   0 0.0    2  0.7
17 biyombo,bismack     2  0.2   1  0.1   4  0.4   3  0.3   0  0.0  2.2   5 0.5   18  1.8
18 flagler,adam        4  2.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  1.0   0 0.0    0  0.0
19 muscala,mike        4  0.2   1  0.1   4  0.2   1  0.1   0  0.0  1.1   7 0.4   21  1.3
20 bertans,davis       1  0.3   1  0.3   0  0.0   1  0.3   0  0.0  1.9   0 0.0    0  0.0
21 johnson,keyonta     2  0.3   1  0.1   2  0.3   0  0.0   0  0.0  0.7   3 0.4    7  1.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     9687 1804 3673  .491  547 1421 .385  681  843 .808 4836 131.80 118.0
Opponents  9702 1679 3641  .461  543 1490 .364  665  843 .789 4566 115.52 111.4

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   BA   TC   OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1093  718  359  489  275    0    0  380 1763  43.0
Opponents 1096  749  301  622  208    0    0  439 1820  44.4

Record 29 - 12         Home 17 -  3         Away 12 -  9

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  PF  DQ STA   +/- PTS/48
 1 gilgeous-alexan  1157 1013   42.89   0  79   0  35  300  42.03
 2 williams,jalen    990  641   31.98   0  73   0  33  155  31.08
 3 holmgren,chet    1166  645   33.14   0  86   1  41  206  26.55
 4 giddey,josh       996  506   32.37   0  58   0  40  182  24.39
 5 dort,luguentz    1109  418   15.24   0 110   1  40  208  18.09
 6 wiggins,aaron     730  358   25.02   0  46   0   4   51  23.54
 7 joe,isaiah        640  265   20.55   0  40   0   1  148  19.88
 8 wallace,cason     791  280   20.00   0  61   1   6   44  16.99
 9 hayward,gordon    434  138   17.55   0  21   0   3   -1  15.26
10 williams,kenric   545  187   20.62   0  55   0   1   55  16.47
11 williams,jaylin   501  163   25.71   0  48   0   1   73  15.62
12 waters,lindy      157   90   29.70   0  12   0   0  -54  27.52
13 dieng,ousmane     111   41   21.19   0   6   0   0   11  17.73
14 micic,vasilije    100   23    8.47   0   0   0   0   22  11.04
15 sarr,olivier       27   14   27.11   0   4   0   0   -8  24.89
16 pokusevski,alek    16    6   14.55   0   0   0   0  -12  18.00
17 biyombo,bismack    70   18   15.36   0   7   0   0   -3  12.34
18 flagler,adam       13    3    7.38   0   0   0   0    0  11.08
19 muscala,mike       87   17    9.54   0   8   0   0   -2   9.38
20 bertans,davis       8    3   34.50   0   0   0   0   -7  18.00
21 johnson,keyonta    39    7    5.97   0   4   0   0  -18   8.62

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  BA/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 gilgeous-alexan     8.9    2.6    3.4    1.5    0.0    1.3    7.8
 2 williams,jalen      7.3    2.0    2.4    1.2    0.0    0.8    6.2
 3 holmgren,chet       3.5    1.0    2.4    3.6    0.0    2.9   14.4
 4 giddey,josh         9.6    1.0    3.9    1.3    0.0    2.7   12.8
 5 dort,luguentz       2.6    1.7    1.6    0.7    0.0    1.1    5.7
 6 wiggins,aaron       3.4    2.5    2.5    1.0    0.0    2.4    6.6
 7 joe,isaiah          4.0    1.4    1.6    0.8    0.0    1.3    6.1
 8 wallace,cason       3.7    3.0    1.5    1.0    0.0    1.6    5.9
 9 hayward,gordon      4.6    1.3    1.7    0.1    0.0    1.4    7.1
10 williams,kenric     4.1    1.8    1.8    0.4    0.0    3.4   10.7
11 williams,jaylin     6.3    1.4    2.0    1.9    0.0    2.0   12.7
12 waters,lindy        4.3    1.5    1.5    1.5    0.0    1.8    8.6
13 dieng,ousmane       7.8    2.6    3.9    2.2    0.0    0.4    4.3
14 micic,vasilije      9.1    0.5    7.2    0.0    0.0    0.0    3.8
15 sarr,olivier        0.0    0.0    1.8    3.6    0.0    7.1   17.8
16 pokusevski,alek     0.0    3.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    6.0
17 biyombo,bismack     1.4    0.7    2.7    2.1    0.0    3.4   12.3
18 flagler,adam       14.8    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
19 muscala,mike        2.2    0.6    2.2    0.6    0.0    3.9   11.6
20 bertans,davis       6.0    6.0    0.0    6.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
21 johnson,keyonta     2.5    1.2    2.5    0.0    0.0    3.7    8.6