
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 gilliam,armon     PF 50 43.2  432  819 .527   0   2 .000  264  363 .727 22.6
 2 chapman,rex       SG 54 32.6  377  924 .408  47 142 .331  144  192 .750 17.5
 3 curry,dell        SG 67 27.8  461  990 .466  52 147 .354   96  104 .923 16.0
 4 tripucka,kelly    SF 79 30.4  442 1029 .430  38 104 .365  310  351 .883 15.6
 5 reid,j.r.          C 82 33.6  358  814 .440   0   5 .000  192  289 .664 11.1
 6 keys,randolph     SG 32 22.6  142  319 .445  12  33 .364   40   58 .690 10.5
 7 bogues,muggsy     PG 81 33.9  326  664 .491   5  26 .192  106  134 .791  9.4
 8 rambis,kurt       PF 16 28.0   58  116 .500   0   1 .000   30   55 .545  9.1
 9 williams,micheal  PG 22 13.8   58  109 .532   0   3 .000   35   44 .795  6.9
10 reid,robert       SG 60 18.6  162  414 .391   9  29 .310   50   78 .641  6.4
11 gattison,kenny    PF 63 14.9  148  269 .550   1   1 1.00   75  110 .682  5.9
12 rowsom,brian      PF 44 12.7   78  179 .436   1   2 .500   68   83 .819  5.1
13 anderson,richard  PF 54 11.2   88  211 .417  37 100 .370   18   23 .783  4.3
14 hoppen,dave        C 10 13.5   16   41 .390   0   0 .000    8   10 .800  4.0
15 sichting,jerry    PG 34 13.8   50  119 .420   3  12 .250   15   18 .833  3.5
16 lewis,ralph       SG  3  6.7    4    6 .667   0   0 .000    2    2 1.00  3.3
17 turner,andre      PG  8 10.5    9   25 .360   0   1 .000    4    4 1.00  2.8
18 gray,stuart       PF 39 11.9   38   82 .463   0   2 .000   25   39 .641  2.6
19 dozier,terry      ??  9 10.2    9   27 .333   0   1 .000    4    8 .500  2.4
20 holton,michael    PG 16  6.8   14   26 .538   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  1.8

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 gilliam,armon      91  1.8  63  1.3 122  2.4  46  0.9 24.2 185 3.7  529 10.6
 2 chapman,rex       132  2.4  46  0.9 100  1.9   6  0.1 11.1  52 1.0  179  3.3
 3 curry,dell        159  2.4  98  1.5 100  1.5  26  0.4 12.8  31 0.5  168  2.5
 4 tripucka,kelly    224  2.8  75  0.9 176  2.2  16  0.2 12.8  82 1.0  322  4.1
 5 reid,j.r.         101  1.2  92  1.1 172  2.1  54  0.7 12.8 199 2.4  691  8.4
 6 keys,randolph      49  1.5  30  0.9  84  2.6   6  0.2  6.6  48 1.5  116  3.6
 7 bogues,muggsy     867 10.7 166  2.0 146  1.8   3  0.0 19.9  48 0.6  207  2.6
 8 rambis,kurt        28  1.8  32  2.0  21  1.3  10  0.6 14.4  48 3.0  120  7.5
 9 williams,micheal   77  3.5  22  1.0  33  1.5   1  0.0  8.5  11 0.5   31  1.4
10 reid,robert        82  1.4  36  0.6  45  0.8  14  0.2  5.0  33 0.6  143  2.4
11 gattison,kenny     39  0.6  35  0.6  67  1.1  31  0.5  6.3  75 1.2  197  3.1
12 rowsom,brian       22  0.5  18  0.4  25  0.6  11  0.2  5.6  44 1.0  131  3.0
13 anderson,richard   55  1.0  20  0.4  26  0.5   9  0.2  5.0  33 0.6  127  2.4
14 hoppen,dave         6  0.6   2  0.2   4  0.4   1  0.1  4.4  19 1.9   36  3.6
15 sichting,jerry     92  2.7  16  0.5   0  0.0   2  0.1  5.3   3 0.1   19  0.6
16 lewis,ralph         0  0.0   1  0.3   0  0.0   0  0.0  4.8   4 1.3    6  2.0
17 turner,andre       20  2.5   7  0.9  12  1.5   0  0.0  3.0   1 0.1    3  0.4
18 gray,stuart        17  0.4  12  0.3   0  0.0  24  0.6  5.3  38 1.0  131  3.4
19 dozier,terry        3  0.3   6  0.7   7  0.8   2  0.2  1.8   7 0.8   15  1.7
20 holton,michael     16  1.0   1  0.1  13  0.8   0  0.0  0.8   1 0.1    2  0.1

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19755 3270 7183  .455  205  611 .336 1487 1967 .756 8232 104.99 100.4
Opponents 19755 3438 6922  .497  191  611 .313 1865 2380 .784 8873 122.98 108.2

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    2080 1889  778 1226  262    0    0    0  962 3173  38.7
Opponents 2066 1754  638 1376  384    0    0    0 1063 3786  46.2

Record 19 - 63         Home 13 - 28         Away  6 - 35

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 gilliam,armon    2159 1128   26.93   0   0   0 184  25.08
 2 chapman,rex      1762  945   16.38   0   0   0 113  25.74
 3 curry,dell       1860 1070   22.05   0   0   0 148  27.61
 4 tripucka,kelly   2404 1232   20.22   0   0   0 220  24.60
 5 reid,j.r.        2757  908   18.23   0   0   0 292  15.81
 6 keys,randolph     723  336   14.12   0   0   0 107  22.31
 7 bogues,muggsy    2743  763   28.24   0   0   0 168  13.35
 8 rambis,kurt       448  146   24.76   0   0   0  45  15.64
 9 williams,micheal  303  151   29.62   0   0   0  39  23.92
10 reid,robert      1117  383   12.80   0   0   0 136  16.46
11 gattison,kenny    941  372   20.09   0   0   0 150  18.98
12 rowsom,brian      559  225   21.25   0   0   0  58  19.32
13 anderson,richard  604  231   21.45   0   0   0  64  18.36
14 hoppen,dave       135   40   15.61   0   0   0  26  14.22
15 sichting,jerry    469  118   18.27   0   0   0  39  12.08
16 lewis,ralph        20   10   34.23   0   0   0   2  24.00
17 turner,andre       84   22   13.87   0   0   0   5  12.57
18 gray,stuart       466  101   21.48   0   0   0  64  10.40
19 dozier,terry       92   22    8.61   0   0   0  10  11.48
20 holton,michael    109   29    5.61   0   0   0  19  12.77

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 gilliam,armon       2.0    1.4    2.7    1.0    4.1   11.8
 2 chapman,rex         3.6    1.3    2.7    0.2    1.4    4.9
 3 curry,dell          4.1    2.5    2.6    0.7    0.8    4.3
 4 tripucka,kelly      4.5    1.5    3.5    0.3    1.6    6.4
 5 reid,j.r.           1.8    1.6    3.0    0.9    3.5   12.0
 6 keys,randolph       3.3    2.0    5.6    0.4    3.2    7.7
 7 bogues,muggsy      15.2    2.9    2.6    0.1    0.8    3.6
 8 rambis,kurt         3.0    3.4    2.2    1.1    5.1   12.9
 9 williams,micheal   12.2    3.5    5.2    0.2    1.7    4.9
10 reid,robert         3.5    1.5    1.9    0.6    1.4    6.1
11 gattison,kenny      2.0    1.8    3.4    1.6    3.8   10.0
12 rowsom,brian        1.9    1.5    2.1    0.9    3.8   11.2
13 anderson,richard    4.4    1.6    2.1    0.7    2.6   10.1
14 hoppen,dave         2.1    0.7    1.4    0.4    6.8   12.8
15 sichting,jerry      9.4    1.6    0.0    0.2    0.3    1.9
16 lewis,ralph         0.0    2.4    0.0    0.0    9.6   14.4
17 turner,andre       11.4    4.0    6.9    0.0    0.6    1.7
18 gray,stuart         1.8    1.2    0.0    2.5    3.9   13.5
19 dozier,terry        1.6    3.1    3.7    1.0    3.7    7.8
20 holton,michael      7.0    0.4    5.7    0.0    0.4    0.9