
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 johnson,magic     PG 79 37.2  546 1138 .480 106 279 .380  567  637 .890 22.3
 2 worthy,james      SF 80 37.0  711 1298 .548  15  49 .306  248  317 .782 21.1
 3 scott,byron       SG 77 33.7  472 1005 .470  93 220 .423  160  209 .766 15.5
 4 green,a.c.        PF 82 33.0  385  806 .478  13  46 .283  278  370 .751 12.9
 5 woolridge,orland  SF 62 22.9  306  550 .556   0   5 .000  176  240 .733 12.7
 6 thompson,mychael   C 70 26.9  281  562 .500   0   0 .000  144  204 .706 10.1
 7 divac,vlade        C 82 19.6  274  549 .499   0   5 .000  153  216 .708  8.5
 8 cooper,michael    PG 80 23.1  191  493 .387  50 157 .318   83   94 .883  6.4
 9 drew,larry        PG 80 16.7  170  383 .444  32  81 .395   46   60 .767  5.2
10 vincent,jay       PF 24  8.3   41   78 .526   0   1 .000    8   12 .667  3.8
11 mcnamara,mark      C 33  5.8   38   86 .442   0   0 .000   26   40 .650  3.1
12 mccants,mel       ?? 13  5.0    8   26 .308   0   0 .000    6    8 .750  1.7
13 oldham,juwan       C  3  3.0    2    3 .667   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  1.7
14 bucknall,steve     C 18  4.2    9   33 .273   0   1 .000    5    6 .833  1.3
15 higgins,mike      PF  6  3.0    0    0 .000   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  0.2

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 johnson,magic     907 11.5 132  1.7 289  3.7  34  0.4 31.8 128 1.6  522  6.6
 2 worthy,james      288  3.6  99  1.2 160  2.0  49  0.6 22.3 160 2.0  478  6.0
 3 scott,byron       274  3.6  77  1.0 122  1.6  31  0.4 14.4  51 0.7  242  3.1
 4 green,a.c.         90  1.1  66  0.8 116  1.4  50  0.6 15.8 262 3.2  712  8.7
 5 woolridge,orland   96  1.5  39  0.6  73  1.2  46  0.7 12.0  49 0.8  185  3.0
 6 thompson,mychael   43  0.6  33  0.5  79  1.1  73  1.0 12.1 173 2.5  477  6.8
 7 divac,vlade        75  0.9  79  1.0 110  1.3 114  1.4 11.8 167 2.0  512  6.2
 8 cooper,michael    215  2.7  67  0.8  91  1.1  36  0.5  7.3  59 0.7  227  2.8
 9 drew,larry        217  2.7  47  0.6  95  1.2   4  0.1  5.6  12 0.1   98  1.2
10 vincent,jay        10  0.4   8  0.3  33  1.4   3  0.1  1.9   7 0.3   26  1.1
11 mcnamara,mark       3  0.1   2  0.1  21  0.6   1  0.0  2.3  22 0.7   63  1.9
12 mccants,mel         2  0.2   3  0.2   1  0.1   1  0.1  0.7   1 0.1    6  0.5
13 oldham,juwan        1  0.3   0  0.0   4  1.3   0  0.0 -0.2   0 0.0    1  0.3
14 bucknall,steve     10  0.6   2  0.1  11  0.6   1  0.1  0.2   5 0.3    7  0.4
15 higgins,mike        1  0.2   1  0.2   0  0.0   2  0.3  0.7   1 0.2    1  0.2

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19855 3434 7010  .490  309  844 .366 1902 2417 .787 9079 127.50 110.7
Opponents 19855 3382 7247  .467  175  519 .337 1584 2111 .750 8523 110.82 103.9

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    2232 1737  655 1226  445    0    0    0 1097 3557  43.4
Opponents 2009 1909  669 1200  426    0    0    0 1131 3374  41.1

Record 63 - 19         Home 37 -  4         Away 26 - 15

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 johnson,magic    2937 1765   41.08   0   0   0 167  28.85
 2 worthy,james     2960 1685   28.98   0   0   0 190  27.32
 3 scott,byron      2593 1197   20.55   0   0   0 180  22.16
 4 green,a.c.       2709 1061   23.01   0   0   0 207  18.80
 5 woolridge,orland 1421  788   25.14   0   0   0 160  26.62
 6 thompson,mychael 1883  706   21.68   0   0   0 207  18.00
 7 divac,vlade      1611  701   28.79   0   0   0 240  20.89
 8 cooper,michael   1851  515   15.16   0   0   0 206  13.35
 9 drew,larry       1333  418   16.19   0   0   0  92  15.05
10 vincent,jay       200   90   11.15   0   0   0  29  21.60
11 mcnamara,mark     190  102   19.40   0   0   0  31  25.77
12 mccants,mel        65   22    7.02   0   0   0  11  16.25
13 oldham,juwan        9    5   -3.68   0   0   0   3  26.67
14 bucknall,steve     75   23    1.76   0   0   0  10  14.72
15 higgins,mike       18    1   10.60   0   0   0   4   2.67

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 johnson,magic      14.8    2.2    4.7    0.6    2.1    8.5
 2 worthy,james        4.7    1.6    2.6    0.8    2.6    7.8
 3 scott,byron         5.1    1.4    2.3    0.6    0.9    4.5
 4 green,a.c.          1.6    1.2    2.1    0.9    4.6   12.6
 5 woolridge,orland    3.2    1.3    2.5    1.6    1.7    6.2
 6 thompson,mychael    1.1    0.8    2.0    1.9    4.4   12.2
 7 divac,vlade         2.2    2.4    3.3    3.4    5.0   15.3
 8 cooper,michael      5.6    1.7    2.4    0.9    1.5    5.9
 9 drew,larry          7.8    1.7    3.4    0.1    0.4    3.5
10 vincent,jay         2.4    1.9    7.9    0.7    1.7    6.2
11 mcnamara,mark       0.8    0.5    5.3    0.3    5.6   15.9
12 mccants,mel         1.5    2.2    0.7    0.7    0.7    4.4
13 oldham,juwan        5.3    0.0    9.9    0.0    0.0    5.3
14 bucknall,steve      6.4    1.3    7.0    0.6    3.2    4.5
15 higgins,mike        2.7    2.7    0.0    5.3    2.7    2.7