
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 chambers,tom      PF 81 37.6  810 1617 .501  24  86 .279  557  647 .861 27.2
 2 johnson,kevin     PG 74 37.6  578 1159 .499   8  41 .195  501  598 .838 22.5
 3 hornacek,jeff     SG 67 34.0  483  901 .536  40  98 .408  173  202 .856 17.6
 4 johnson,eddie     SF 64 28.3  411  907 .453  70 184 .380  188  205 .917 16.9
 5 majerle,dan       SG 73 30.7  296  698 .424  19  80 .237  198  260 .762 11.1
 6 west,mark          C 82 29.3  331  530 .625   0   0 .000  199  288 .691 10.5
 7 gilliam,armon     SF 16 16.7   52  121 .430   0   0 .000   39   56 .696  8.9
 8 mcgee,mike        SF 14 20.0   42   87 .483   8  23 .348   10   21 .476  7.3
 9 rambis,kurt       PF 58 25.1  132  257 .514   0   2 .000   52   72 .722  5.4
10 perry,tim          C 60 10.2  100  195 .513   1   1 1.00   53   90 .589  4.2
11 battle,kenny      SG 59 12.4   93  170 .547   1   4 .250   55   82 .671  4.1
12 lang,andrew        C 74 13.7   97  174 .557   0   0 .000   64   98 .653  3.5
13 grant,greg        PG 67 10.1   83  216 .384   3  16 .188   39   59 .661  3.1
14 legler,tim        PG 11  7.5   11   29 .379   0   1 .000    6    6 1.00  2.5
15 morrison,mike     ?? 36  4.2   23   68 .338   2   7 .286   24   30 .800  2.0
16 williams,micheal  PG  6  4.3    2   10 .200   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  0.8

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 chambers,tom      190  2.3  88  1.1 218  2.7  47  0.6 23.5 121 1.5  571  7.0
 2 johnson,kevin     846 11.4  95  1.3 263  3.6  14  0.2 27.9  42 0.6  270  3.6
 3 hornacek,jeff     337  5.0 117  1.7 125  1.9  14  0.2 21.1  86 1.3  313  4.7
 4 johnson,eddie     107  1.7  32  0.5 108  1.7  10  0.2 12.3  69 1.1  246  3.8
 5 majerle,dan       188  2.6 100  1.4  82  1.1  32  0.4 13.8 144 2.0  430  5.9
 6 west,mark          45  0.5  36  0.4 126  1.5 184  2.2 16.5 212 2.6  728  8.9
 7 gilliam,armon       8  0.5   6  0.4  30  1.9   5  0.3  6.7  26 1.6   70  4.4
 8 mcgee,mike         16  1.1   8  0.6  14  1.0   1  0.1  6.3  11 0.8   36  2.6
 9 rambis,kurt       107  1.8  68  1.2  64  1.1  27  0.5 11.5 108 1.9  405  7.0
10 perry,tim          17  0.3  21  0.3  47  0.8  22  0.4  4.5  79 1.3  152  2.5
11 battle,kenny       38  0.6  35  0.6  32  0.5  11  0.2  4.9  44 0.7  124  2.1
12 lang,andrew        21  0.3  22  0.3  41  0.6 133  1.8  6.6  83 1.1  271  3.7
13 grant,greg        168  2.5  36  0.5  77  1.1   1  0.0  3.7  16 0.2   59  0.9
14 legler,tim          6  0.5   2  0.2   4  0.4   0  0.0  1.5   4 0.4    8  0.7
15 morrison,mike      11  0.3   2  0.1  23  0.6   0  0.0  0.6   7 0.2   20  0.6
16 williams,micheal    4  0.7   0  0.0   5  0.8   0  0.0 -0.7   1 0.2    1  0.2

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19855 3544 7139  .496  176  543 .324 2159 2716 .795 9423 130.73 114.9
Opponents 19855 3528 7588  .465  200  563 .355 1585 2163 .733 8841 113.21 107.8

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    2109 1825  668 1275  501    0    0    0 1053 3704  45.2
Opponents 2125 2151  677 1254  395    0    0    0 1202 3537  43.1

Record 54 - 28         Home 32 -  9         Away 22 - 19

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 chambers,tom     3046 2201   30.06   0   0   0 260  34.68
 2 johnson,kevin    2782 1665   35.60   0   0   0 143  28.73
 3 hornacek,jeff    2278 1179   29.80   0   0   0 144  24.84
 4 johnson,eddie    1811 1080   20.89   0   0   0 174  28.63
 5 majerle,dan      2244  809   21.57   0   0   0 177  17.30
 6 west,mark        2399  861   27.03   0   0   0 277  17.23
 7 gilliam,armon     267  143   19.27   0   0   0  28  25.71
 8 mcgee,mike        280  102   15.04   0   0   0  28  17.49
 9 rambis,kurt      1456  316   22.03   0   0   0 163  10.42
10 perry,tim         612  254   21.13   0   0   0  76  19.92
11 battle,kenny      729  242   19.17   0   0   0  94  15.93
12 lang,andrew      1011  258   23.35   0   0   0 171  12.25
13 grant,greg        678  208   17.48   0   0   0  58  14.73
14 legler,tim         83   28    9.27   0   0   0  12  16.19
15 morrison,mike     153   72    6.75   0   0   0  20  22.59
16 williams,micheal   26    5   -7.48   0   0   0   0   9.23

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 chambers,tom        3.0    1.4    3.4    0.7    1.9    9.0
 2 johnson,kevin      14.6    1.6    4.5    0.2    0.7    4.7
 3 hornacek,jeff       7.1    2.5    2.6    0.3    1.8    6.6
 4 johnson,eddie       2.8    0.8    2.9    0.3    1.8    6.5
 5 majerle,dan         4.0    2.1    1.8    0.7    3.1    9.2
 6 west,mark           0.9    0.7    2.5    3.7    4.2   14.6
 7 gilliam,armon       1.4    1.1    5.4    0.9    4.7   12.6
 8 mcgee,mike          2.7    1.4    2.4    0.2    1.9    6.2
 9 rambis,kurt         3.5    2.2    2.1    0.9    3.6   13.4
10 perry,tim           1.3    1.6    3.7    1.7    6.2   11.9
11 battle,kenny        2.5    2.3    2.1    0.7    2.9    8.2
12 lang,andrew         1.0    1.0    1.9    6.3    3.9   12.9
13 grant,greg         11.9    2.5    5.5    0.1    1.1    4.2
14 legler,tim          3.5    1.2    2.3    0.0    2.3    4.6
15 morrison,mike       3.5    0.6    7.2    0.0    2.2    6.3
16 williams,micheal    7.4    0.0    9.2    0.0    1.8    1.8