
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 gill,kendall      SG 79 36.8  666 1427 .467   6  25 .240  284  381 .745 20.5
 2 johnson,larry     PF 82 37.2  616 1258 .490   5  22 .227  339  409 .829 19.2
 3 curry,dell        SG 77 26.2  504 1038 .486  74 183 .404  127  152 .836 15.7
 4 newman,johnny     SF 55 30.0  295  618 .477  13  46 .283  236  308 .766 15.3
 5 gattison,kenny    PF 82 27.1  423  799 .529   0   2 .000  196  285 .688 12.7
 6 chapman,rex       SG 21 26.0  108  240 .450   8  27 .296   36   53 .679 12.4
 7 reid,j.r.         PF 51 24.6  213  435 .490   0   3 .000  134  190 .705 11.0
 8 bogues,muggsy     PG 82 34.0  317  671 .472   2  27 .074   94  120 .783  8.9
 9 frederick,anthon  ?? 66 12.9  161  370 .435   4  17 .235   63   92 .685  5.9
10 gminski,mike      ?? 35 14.3   90  199 .452   1   3 .333   21   28 .750  5.8
11 lynch,kevin        C 55 14.9   93  223 .417   3   8 .375   35   46 .761  4.1
12 grandison,ronnie  ??  3  8.3    2    4 .500   0   0 .000    6   10 .600  3.3
13 leckner,eric       C 59 12.1   79  154 .513   0   1 .000   38   51 .745  3.3
14 ansley,michael    ??  2  6.5    3    7 .429   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  3.0
15 perry,eliot       ?? 40  9.3   43  114 .377   1   5 .200   26   39 .667  2.8
16 massenburg,tony   ??  3  4.3    0    3 .000   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  0.3
17 grant,greg        PG 13  4.4    0    8 .000   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  0.1
18 hunter,cedric     ??  1  1.0    0    0 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 gill,kendall      329  4.2 154  1.9 180  2.3  46  0.6 20.2 165 2.1  402  5.1
 2 johnson,larry     292  3.6  81  1.0 160  2.0  51  0.6 23.3 323 3.9  899 11.0
 3 curry,dell        177  2.3  93  1.2 134  1.7  20  0.3 14.1  57 0.7  259  3.4
 4 newman,johnny     146  2.7  70  1.3 129  2.3  14  0.3 12.9  71 1.3  179  3.3
 5 gattison,kenny    131  1.6  59  0.7 140  1.7  69  0.8 13.8 177 2.2  580  7.1
 6 chapman,rex        86  4.1  14  0.7  42  2.0   8  0.4 11.6   9 0.4   54  2.6
 7 reid,j.r.          81  1.6  49  1.0  84  1.6  23  0.5 11.6  96 1.9  317  6.2
 8 bogues,muggsy     743  9.1 170  2.1 156  1.9   6  0.1 17.7  58 0.7  235  2.9
 9 frederick,anthon   71  1.1  40  0.6  58  0.9  26  0.4  5.4  75 1.1  144  2.2
10 gminski,mike       31  0.9  11  0.3  20  0.6  16  0.5  6.6  37 1.1  118  3.4
11 lynch,kevin        83  1.5  37  0.7  44  0.8   9  0.2  4.0  30 0.5   85  1.5
12 grandison,ronnie    1  0.3   1  0.3   3  1.0   1  0.3  4.9   3 1.0   11  3.7
13 leckner,eric       31  0.5   9  0.2  39  0.7  18  0.3  4.8  49 0.8  206  3.5
14 ansley,michael      0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  1.8   0 0.0    2  1.0
15 perry,eliot        64  1.6  25  0.6  37  0.9   2  0.1  3.0  12 0.3   32  0.8
16 massenburg,tony     0  0.0   1  0.3   4  1.3   0  0.0 -1.1   1 0.3    4  1.3
17 grant,greg         18  1.4   8  0.6   5  0.4   0  0.0  1.6   1 0.1    4  0.3
18 hunter,cedric       0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  0.0   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19805 3613 7568  .477  117  369 .317 1637 2168 .755 8980 122.30 109.5
Opponents 19805 3717 7495  .496  205  657 .312 1661 2242 .741 9300 130.59 113.4

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    2284 1819  822 1235  309    0    0    0 1164 3531  43.1
Opponents 2366 1750  621 1392  524    0    0    0 1253 3834  46.8

Record 31 - 51         Home 22 - 19         Away  9 - 32

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 gill,kendall     2906 1622   26.30   0   0   0 237  26.79
 2 johnson,larry    3047 1576   30.09   0   0   0 225  24.83
 3 curry,dell       2020 1209   25.74   0   0   0 156  28.73
 4 newman,johnny    1651  839   20.56   0   0   0 181  24.39
 5 gattison,kenny   2223 1042   24.38   0   0   0 273  22.50
 6 chapman,rex       545  260   21.48   0   0   0  47  22.90
 7 reid,j.r.        1257  560   22.52   0   0   0 159  21.38
 8 bogues,muggsy    2790  730   24.99   0   0   0 156  12.56
 9 frederick,anthon  852  389   20.07   0   0   0  91  21.92
10 gminski,mike      499  202   22.36   0   0   0  37  19.43
11 lynch,kevin       819  224   12.97   0   0   0 107  13.13
12 grandison,ronnie   25   10   28.32   0   0   0   4  19.20
13 leckner,eric      716  196   18.80   0   0   0 114  13.14
14 ansley,michael     13    6   12.92   0   0   0   1  22.15
15 perry,eliot       371  113   15.72   0   0   0  26  14.62
16 massenburg,tony    13    1   -9.99   0   0   0   2   3.69
17 grant,greg         57    1   17.56   0   0   0   3   0.84
18 hunter,cedric       1    0    0.00   0   0   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 gill,kendall        5.4    2.5    3.0    0.8    2.7    6.6
 2 johnson,larry       4.6    1.3    2.5    0.8    5.1   14.2
 3 curry,dell          4.2    2.2    3.2    0.5    1.4    6.2
 4 newman,johnny       4.2    2.0    3.8    0.4    2.1    5.2
 5 gattison,kenny      2.8    1.3    3.0    1.5    3.8   12.5
 6 chapman,rex         7.6    1.2    3.7    0.7    0.8    4.8
 7 reid,j.r.           3.1    1.9    3.2    0.9    3.7   12.1
 8 bogues,muggsy      12.8    2.9    2.7    0.1    1.0    4.0
 9 frederick,anthon    4.0    2.3    3.3    1.5    4.2    8.1
10 gminski,mike        3.0    1.1    1.9    1.5    3.6   11.4
11 lynch,kevin         4.9    2.2    2.6    0.5    1.8    5.0
12 grandison,ronnie    1.9    1.9    5.8    1.9    5.8   21.1
13 leckner,eric        2.1    0.6    2.6    1.2    3.3   13.8
14 ansley,michael      0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    7.4
15 perry,eliot         8.3    3.2    4.8    0.3    1.6    4.1
16 massenburg,tony     0.0    3.7    9.9    0.0    3.7   14.8
17 grant,greg         15.2    6.7    4.2    0.0    0.8    3.4
18 hunter,cedric       0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0