
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 williams,reggie   SF 81 32.4  601 1277 .471  56 156 .359  216  269 .803 18.2
 2 mutombo,dikembe    C 71 38.3  428  869 .493   0   0 .000  321  500 .642 16.6
 3 anderson,cadilla  PF 82 34.1  389  854 .456   0   4 .000  167  268 .623 11.5
 4 garland,winston   PG 78 28.3  333  750 .444   9  28 .321  171  199 .859 10.8
 5 macon,mark        SG 76 30.3  333  889 .375   4  30 .133  135  185 .730 10.6
 6 abdul-rauf,mahmo  PG 81 19.0  356  845 .421  31  94 .330   94  108 .870 10.3
 7 davis,walter      SF 46 16.1  185  403 .459   5  16 .312   82   94 .872  9.9
 8 liberty,marcus    SF 75 20.4  275  621 .443  17  50 .340  131  180 .728  9.3
 9 lichti,todd       SG 68 17.3  173  376 .460   1   9 .111   99  118 .839  6.6
10 wolf,joe           C 67 17.3  100  277 .361   1  11 .091   53   66 .803  3.8
11 lane,jerome       PF  9 15.7   10   40 .250   0   0 .000    8   19 .421  3.1
12 brooks,kevin      SF 37  7.3   43   97 .443   2  11 .182   17   21 .810  2.8
13 scheffler,steve   PF  7  6.6    4    7 .571   0   0 .000    4    6 .667  1.7
14 cook,anthony      PF 22  5.2   15   25 .600   0   0 .000    4    6 .667  1.5
15 hastings,scott     C 40 10.5   17   50 .340   0   9 .000   24   28 .857  1.4

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 williams,reggie   235  2.9 148  1.8 173  2.1  68  0.8 17.2 145 1.8  405  5.0
 2 mutombo,dikembe   156  2.2  43  0.6 252  3.5 210  3.0 21.3 316 4.5  870 12.3
 3 anderson,cadilla   78  1.0  88  1.1 201  2.5  65  0.8 14.3 337 4.1  941 11.5
 4 garland,winston   411  5.3  98  1.3 175  2.2  22  0.3 11.9  67 0.9  190  2.4
 5 macon,mark        168  2.2 154  2.0 155  2.0  14  0.2  7.9  80 1.1  220  2.9
 6 abdul-rauf,mahmo  192  2.4  44  0.5 117  1.4   4  0.0  6.6  22 0.3  114  1.4
 7 davis,walter       68  1.5  29  0.6  45  1.0   1  0.0  7.4  20 0.4   70  1.5
 8 liberty,marcus     58  0.8  66  0.9  90  1.2  29  0.4  8.5 144 1.9  308  4.1
 9 lichti,todd        74  1.1  43  0.6  72  1.1  12  0.2  5.6  36 0.5  118  1.7
10 wolf,joe           61  0.9  32  0.5  60  0.9  14  0.2  4.5  97 1.4  240  3.6
11 lane,jerome        13  1.4   2  0.2  10  1.1   1  0.1  3.4  22 2.4   44  4.9
12 brooks,kevin       11  0.3   8  0.2  18  0.5   2  0.1  2.3  13 0.4   39  1.1
13 scheffler,steve     0  0.0   3  0.4   1  0.1   0  0.0  2.3   8 1.1   11  1.6
14 cook,anthony        2  0.1   5  0.2   3  0.1   4  0.2  2.6  13 0.6   34  1.5
15 hastings,scott     26  0.7  10  0.2  22  0.6  15  0.4  3.1  30 0.8   98  2.5

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19780 3262 7380  .442  126  418 .301 1526 2067 .738 8176  99.07  99.7
Opponents 19780 3346 6967  .480  186  532 .350 1943 2513 .773 8821 118.91 107.6

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1553 1984  773 1394  461    0    0    0 1350 3702  45.1
Opponents 1811 1787  780 1393  593    0    0    0 1109 3639  44.4

Record 24 - 58         Home 18 - 23         Away  6 - 35

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 williams,reggie  2623 1474   25.57   0   0   0 270  26.97
 2 mutombo,dikembe  2716 1177   26.77   0   0   0 273  20.80
 3 anderson,cadilla 2793  945   20.20   0   0   0 263  16.24
 4 garland,winston  2209  846   20.12   0   0   0 206  18.38
 5 macon,mark       2304  805   12.55   0   0   0 242  16.77
 6 abdul-rauf,mahmo 1538  837   16.60   0   0   0 130  26.12
 7 davis,walter      741  457   22.13   0   0   0  69  29.60
 8 liberty,marcus   1527  698   20.09   0   0   0 165  21.94
 9 lichti,todd      1176  446   15.64   0   0   0 131  18.20
10 wolf,joe         1160  254   12.41   0   0   0 124  10.51
11 lane,jerome       141   28   10.37   0   0   0  18   9.53
12 brooks,kevin      270  105   14.99   0   0   0  19  18.67
13 scheffler,steve    46   12   16.80   0   0   0   8  12.52
14 cook,anthony      115   34   24.00   0   0   0  10  14.19
15 hastings,scott    421   58   14.15   0   0   0  56   6.61

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 williams,reggie     4.3    2.7    3.2    1.2    2.7    7.4
 2 mutombo,dikembe     2.8    0.8    4.5    3.7    5.6   15.4
 3 anderson,cadilla    1.3    1.5    3.5    1.1    5.8   16.2
 4 garland,winston     8.9    2.1    3.8    0.5    1.5    4.1
 5 macon,mark          3.5    3.2    3.2    0.3    1.7    4.6
 6 abdul-rauf,mahmo    6.0    1.4    3.7    0.1    0.7    3.6
 7 davis,walter        4.4    1.9    2.9    0.1    1.3    4.5
 8 liberty,marcus      1.8    2.1    2.8    0.9    4.5    9.7
 9 lichti,todd         3.0    1.8    2.9    0.5    1.5    4.8
10 wolf,joe            2.5    1.3    2.5    0.6    4.0    9.9
11 lane,jerome         4.4    0.7    3.4    0.3    7.5   15.0
12 brooks,kevin        2.0    1.4    3.2    0.4    2.3    6.9
13 scheffler,steve     0.0    3.1    1.0    0.0    8.3   11.5
14 cook,anthony        0.8    2.1    1.3    1.7    5.4   14.2
15 hastings,scott      3.0    1.1    2.5    1.7    3.4   11.2