
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 barkley,charles   PF 75 38.4  622 1126 .552  32 137 .234  454  653 .695 23.1
 2 hawkins,hersey    SG 81 37.2  521 1127 .462  91 229 .397  403  461 .874 19.0
 3 gilliam,armon     PF 81 34.2  512 1001 .511   0   2 .000  343  425 .807 16.9
 4 anderson,ron      SF 82 29.7  469 1008 .465  42 127 .331  143  163 .877 13.7
 5 dawkins,johnny    PG 82 34.3  394  902 .437  36 101 .356  164  186 .882 12.0
 6 shackleford,char   C 72 19.4  205  422 .486   0   1 .000   63   95 .663  6.6
 7 wiggins,mitchell  SG 49 11.6   88  229 .384   0   1 .000   35   51 .686  4.3
 8 mayes,thayron     ?? 21 10.2   28   94 .298  14  39 .359   20   30 .667  4.3
 9 williams,jayson   PF 50 12.9   75  206 .364   0   0 .000   56   88 .636  4.1
10 grant,greg        PG 55 15.2   99  217 .456   7  18 .389   19   22 .864  4.1
11 ruland,jeff        C 13 16.1   20   38 .526   0   0 .000   11   16 .688  3.9
12 payne,kenny       SF 49  7.2   65  145 .448   5  12 .417    9   13 .692  2.9
13 oliver,brian      PF 34  8.2   33  100 .330   0   4 .000   15   22 .682  2.4
14 ansley,michael    ??  8  4.0    5   11 .455   0   0 .000    5    6 .833  1.9
15 bol,manute         C 71 17.8   49  128 .383   0   9 .000   12   26 .462  1.5
16 hoppen,dave        C 11  3.6    2    7 .286   0   0 .000    5   10 .500  0.8

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 barkley,charles   308  4.1 136  1.8 235  3.1  44  0.6 27.7 271 3.6  830 11.1
 2 hawkins,hersey    248  3.1 157  1.9 189  2.3  43  0.5 18.2  53 0.7  271  3.3
 3 gilliam,armon     118  1.5  51  0.6 166  2.0  85  1.0 17.5 234 2.9  660  8.1
 4 anderson,ron      135  1.6  86  1.0 109  1.3  11  0.1 11.7  96 1.2  278  3.4
 5 dawkins,johnny    567  6.9  89  1.1 183  2.2   5  0.1 14.6  42 0.5  227  2.8
 6 shackleford,char   46  0.6  38  0.5  62  0.9  51  0.7  8.7 145 2.0  415  5.8
 7 wiggins,mitchell   22  0.4  20  0.4  25  0.5   1  0.0  3.2  43 0.9   94  1.9
 8 mayes,thayron      32  1.5  14  0.7  28  1.3   1  0.0  2.0   3 0.1   15  0.7
 9 williams,jayson    12  0.2  20  0.4  44  0.9  20  0.4  2.7  62 1.2  145  2.9
10 grant,greg        199  3.6  37  0.7  41  0.7   2  0.0  6.8  13 0.2   65  1.2
11 ruland,jeff         5  0.4   7  0.5  20  1.5   4  0.3  3.7  16 1.2   47  3.6
12 payne,kenny        17  0.3  16  0.3  19  0.4   8  0.2  2.6  13 0.3   54  1.1
13 oliver,brian       20  0.6  10  0.3  24  0.7   2  0.1  0.7  10 0.3   30  0.9
14 ansley,michael      2  0.2   0  0.0   3  0.4   0  0.0  1.0   2 0.2    4  0.5
15 bol,manute         22  0.3  11  0.2  41  0.6 205  2.9  5.2  54 0.8  222  3.1
16 hoppen,dave         2  0.2   0  0.0   3  0.3   0  0.0  0.6   1 0.1   10  0.9

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19755 3187 6761  .471  227  680 .334 1757 2267 .775 8358 111.66 101.9
Opponents 19755 3449 7145  .483  189  615 .307 1375 1772 .776 8462 119.93 103.2

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1755 1582  692 1192  482    0    0    0 1058 3367  41.1
Opponents 2226 1766  686 1184  454    0    0    0 1171 3536  43.1

Record 35 - 47         Home 23 - 18         Away 12 - 29

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 barkley,charles  2881 1730   34.59   0   0   0 196  28.82
 2 hawkins,hersey   3013 1536   23.45   0   0   0 174  24.47
 3 gilliam,armon    2771 1367   24.48   0   0   0 176  23.68
 4 anderson,ron     2432 1123   18.99   0   0   0 128  22.16
 5 dawkins,johnny   2815  988   20.35   0   0   0 158  16.85
 6 shackleford,char 1399  473   21.49   0   0   0 205  16.23
 7 wiggins,mitchell  569  211   13.39   0   0   0  67  17.80
 8 mayes,thayron     215   90    9.27   0   0   0  32  20.09
 9 williams,jayson   646  206    9.98   0   0   0 110  15.31
10 grant,greg        834  224   21.46   0   0   0  73  12.89
11 ruland,jeff       209   51   11.09   0   0   0  45  11.71
12 payne,kenny       353  144   17.39   0   0   0  34  19.58
13 oliver,brian      279   81    4.30   0   0   0  33  13.94
14 ansley,michael     32   15   12.38   0   0   0   6  22.50
15 bol,manute       1267  110   13.92   0   0   0 139   4.17
16 hoppen,dave        40    9    8.54   0   0   0   6  10.80

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 barkley,charles     5.1    2.3    3.9    0.7    4.5   13.8
 2 hawkins,hersey      4.0    2.5    3.0    0.7    0.8    4.3
 3 gilliam,armon       2.0    0.9    2.9    1.5    4.1   11.4
 4 anderson,ron        2.7    1.7    2.2    0.2    1.9    5.5
 5 dawkins,johnny      9.7    1.5    3.1    0.1    0.7    3.9
 6 shackleford,char    1.6    1.3    2.1    1.7    5.0   14.2
 7 wiggins,mitchell    1.9    1.7    2.1    0.1    3.6    7.9
 8 mayes,thayron       7.1    3.1    6.3    0.2    0.7    3.3
 9 williams,jayson     0.9    1.5    3.3    1.5    4.6   10.8
10 grant,greg         11.5    2.1    2.4    0.1    0.7    3.7
11 ruland,jeff         1.1    1.6    4.6    0.9    3.7   10.8
12 payne,kenny         2.3    2.2    2.6    1.1    1.8    7.3
13 oliver,brian        3.4    1.7    4.1    0.3    1.7    5.2
14 ansley,michael      3.0    0.0    4.5    0.0    3.0    6.0
15 bol,manute          0.8    0.4    1.6    7.8    2.0    8.4
16 hoppen,dave         2.4    0.0    3.6    0.0    1.2   12.0