
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 harper,derek      SG 62 34.0  393  939 .419 101 257 .393  239  316 .756 18.2
 2 jackson,jimmy     SG 28 33.5  184  466 .395  21  73 .288   68   92 .739 16.3
 3 rooks,sean         C 72 29.0  368  747 .493   0   2 .000  234  389 .602 13.5
 4 davis,terry       PF 75 32.8  393  863 .455   2   8 .250  167  281 .594 12.7
 5 smith,doug        PF 61 25.0  289  666 .434   0   4 .000   56   74 .757 10.4
 6 white,randy       PF 64 22.4  235  540 .435  10  42 .238  138  184 .750  9.7
 7 legler,tim        SG 30 21.0  104  238 .437  22  65 .338   57   71 .803  9.6
 8 iuzzolino,mike    PG 70 25.3  221  478 .462  54 144 .375  114  149 .765  8.7
 9 bond,walter       PG 74 21.3  227  565 .402   7  42 .167  129  167 .772  8.0
10 moore,tracy       SG 39 13.1  103  249 .414  23  67 .343   53   61 .869  7.2
11 cambridge,dexter  ?? 53 16.7  151  312 .484   0   4 .000   68   99 .687  7.0
12 howard,brian      SF 68 19.0  183  414 .442   1   7 .143   72   94 .766  6.5
13 wiley,morlon      PG 33 19.4   70  173 .405  39 103 .379   12   18 .667  5.8
14 strothers,lamont  PG  9 15.3   20   61 .328   2  13 .154    8   10 .800  5.6
15 hodge,donald      PF 79 16.0  161  400 .403   0   0 .000   71  104 .683  5.0
16 palmer,walter      C 19  6.4   27   57 .474   0   0 .000    6    9 .667  3.2
17 curcic,radislav    C 20  8.3   16   41 .390   0   0 .000   26   36 .722  2.9
18 bardo,stephen     SG 23  8.9   19   62 .306   1   6 .167   12   17 .706  2.2
19 team              ?? 19  0.1    0    0 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 harper,derek      334  5.4  80  1.3 136  2.2  16  0.3 16.1  42 0.7  123  2.0
 2 jackson,jimmy     131  4.7  40  1.4 115  4.1  11  0.4 12.5  42 1.5  122  4.4
 3 rooks,sean         95  1.3  38  0.5 160  2.2  81  1.1 13.2 196 2.7  536  7.4
 4 davis,terry        68  0.9  36  0.5 160  2.1  28  0.4 12.4 259 3.5  701  9.3
 5 smith,doug        104  1.7  48  0.8 115  1.9  52  0.9  8.2  96 1.6  328  5.4
 6 white,randy        49  0.8  63  1.0 108  1.7  45  0.7  8.9 154 2.4  370  5.8
 7 legler,tim         46  1.5  24  0.8  28  0.9   6  0.2  8.3  25 0.8   59  2.0
 8 iuzzolino,mike    328  4.7  49  0.7 129  1.8   6  0.1 10.2  31 0.4  140  2.0
 9 bond,walter       122  1.6  75  1.0 123  1.7  18  0.2  5.4  52 0.7  196  2.6
10 moore,tracy        47  1.2  21  0.5  32  0.8   4  0.1  5.6  23 0.6   52  1.3
11 cambridge,dexter   58  1.1  24  0.5  63  1.2   6  0.1  6.1  88 1.7  167  3.2
12 howard,brian       67  1.0  55  0.8  68  1.0  34  0.5  6.3  66 1.0  212  3.1
13 wiley,morlon      100  3.0  39  1.2  50  1.5   1  0.0  6.2  20 0.6   56  1.7
14 strothers,lamont   13  1.4   8  0.9  15  1.7   0  0.0  2.3   8 0.9   14  1.6
15 hodge,donald       75  0.9  33  0.4  90  1.1  37  0.5  4.6  93 1.2  294  3.7
16 palmer,walter       5  0.3   1  0.1  12  0.6   5  0.3  2.8  12 0.6   44  2.3
17 curcic,radislav    12  0.6   4  0.2   8  0.4   2  0.1  3.5  17 0.8   49  2.5
18 bardo,stephen      29  1.3   8  0.3  17  0.7   3  0.1  2.7  10 0.4   37  1.6
19 team                0  0.0   1  0.1  34  1.8   0  0.0 -2.2   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19758 3164 7271  .435  283  837 .338 1530 2171 .705 8141  90.72  99.3
Opponents 19730 3401 6782  .501  234  653 .358 2351 3072 .765 9387 133.92 114.5

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1683 2302  647 1463  355   28    3   17 1234 3500  42.7
Opponents 2047 1861  800 1264  518   28    2    2 1063 3802  46.4

Record 11 - 71         Home  7 - 34         Away  4 - 37

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 harper,derek     2108 1126   22.66   8   2   4 145  25.64
 2 jackson,jimmy     938  457   17.85   0   0   1  80  23.39
 3 rooks,sean       2087  970   21.87   1   0   2 204  22.31
 4 davis,terry      2462  955   18.08   7   0   5 199  18.62
 5 smith,doug       1524  634   15.77   3   0   2 280  19.97
 6 white,randy      1433  618   18.99   5   1   0 226  20.70
 7 legler,tim        630  287   18.95   0   0   0  63  21.87
 8 iuzzolino,mike   1769  610   19.36   1   0   0 101  16.55
 9 bond,walter      1578  590   12.15   3   0   1 223  17.95
10 moore,tracy       510  282   20.66   0   0   0  54  26.54
11 cambridge,dexter  885  370   17.59   0   0   1 128  20.07
12 howard,brian     1295  439   15.92   0   0   0 217  16.27
13 wiley,morlon      641  191   15.33   0   0   0  78  14.30
14 strothers,lamont  138   50    7.28   0   0   0  13  17.39
15 hodge,donald     1267  393   13.82   0   0   1 204  14.89
16 palmer,walter     121   60   21.12   0   0   0  29  23.80
17 curcic,radislav   166   58   20.51   0   0   0  30  16.77
18 bardo,stephen     175   51   14.50   0   0   0  28  11.94
19 team                1    0   -9.99   0   0   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 harper,derek        7.6    1.8    3.1    0.4    1.0    2.8
 2 jackson,jimmy       6.7    2.0    5.9    0.6    2.1    6.2
 3 rooks,sean          2.2    0.9    3.7    1.9    4.5   12.3
 4 davis,terry         1.3    0.7    3.1    0.5    5.0   13.7
 5 smith,doug          3.3    1.5    3.6    1.6    3.0   10.3
 6 white,randy         1.6    2.1    3.6    1.5    5.2   12.4
 7 legler,tim          3.5    1.8    2.1    0.5    1.9    4.5
 8 iuzzolino,mike      8.9    1.3    3.5    0.2    0.8    3.8
 9 bond,walter         3.7    2.3    3.7    0.5    1.6    6.0
10 moore,tracy         4.4    2.0    3.0    0.4    2.2    4.9
11 cambridge,dexter    3.1    1.3    3.4    0.3    4.8    9.1
12 howard,brian        2.5    2.0    2.5    1.3    2.4    7.9
13 wiley,morlon        7.5    2.9    3.7    0.1    1.5    4.2
14 strothers,lamont    4.5    2.8    5.2    0.0    2.8    4.9
15 hodge,donald        2.8    1.3    3.4    1.4    3.5   11.1
16 palmer,walter       2.0    0.4    4.8    2.0    4.8   17.5
17 curcic,radislav     3.5    1.2    2.3    0.6    4.9   14.2
18 bardo,stephen       6.8    1.9    4.0    0.7    2.3    8.7
19 team                0.0   48.0    9.9    0.0    0.0    0.0