
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 barkley,charles   PF 76 37.6  716 1376 .520  67 220 .305  445  582 .765 25.6
 2 majerle,dan       SG 82 39.0  509 1096 .464 167 438 .381  203  261 .778 16.9
 3 johnson,kevin     PG 49 33.5  282  565 .499   1   8 .125  226  276 .819 16.1
 4 dumas,richard     PF 48 27.5  302  576 .524   1   3 .333  152  215 .707 15.8
 5 ceballos,cedric   SF 74 21.7  381  662 .576   0   2 .000  187  258 .725 12.8
 6 chambers,tom      PF 73 23.6  320  716 .447  11  28 .393  241  288 .837 12.2
 7 ainge,danny       SG 80 27.0  337  730 .462 150 372 .403  123  145 .848 11.8
 8 knight,negele     PG 52 17.1  124  317 .391   0   7 .000   67   86 .779  6.1
 9 miller,oliver      C 56 19.1  121  255 .475   0   3 .000   71  100 .710  5.6
10 west,mark          C 82 19.0  175  285 .614   0   0 .000   86  166 .518  5.3
11 mustaf,jerrod     PF 32 10.5   57  130 .438   0   1 .000   33   53 .623  4.6
12 johnson,frank     PG 77 14.6  136  312 .436   1  12 .083   59   76 .776  4.3
13 stivrins,alex     ?? 10  3.5   11   18 .611   0   1 .000    0    0 .000  2.2
14 kempton,tim        C 31  5.4   19   48 .396   0   0 .000   18   31 .581  1.8
15 rambis,kurt       PF  5  8.2    4    8 .500   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  1.8
16 team              ??  8  0.0    0    0 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 barkley,charles   385  5.1 119  1.6 233  3.1  74  1.0 31.2 237 3.1  928 12.2
 2 majerle,dan       311  3.8 138  1.7 133  1.6  33  0.4 19.2 120 1.5  383  4.7
 3 johnson,kevin     384  7.8  85  1.7 151  3.1  19  0.4 18.9  30 0.6  104  2.1
 4 dumas,richard      60  1.2  85  1.8  92  1.9  39  0.8 14.4 100 2.1  223  4.6
 5 ceballos,cedric    77  1.0  54  0.7 106  1.4  28  0.4 14.6 172 2.3  408  5.5
 6 chambers,tom      101  1.4  43  0.6  92  1.3  23  0.3 10.5  96 1.3  345  4.7
 7 ainge,danny       260  3.2  69  0.9 113  1.4   8  0.1 12.5  49 0.6  214  2.7
 8 knight,negele     145  2.8  23  0.4  73  1.4   4  0.1  4.9  28 0.5   64  1.2
 9 miller,oliver     118  2.1  38  0.7 108  1.9 100  1.8  9.0  70 1.2  275  4.9
10 west,mark          29  0.4  16  0.2  93  1.1 103  1.3  7.7 153 1.9  458  5.6
11 mustaf,jerrod      10  0.3  14  0.4  22  0.7  11  0.3  4.2  29 0.9   83  2.6
12 johnson,frank     186  2.4  60  0.8  80  1.0   7  0.1  5.2  41 0.5  113  1.5
13 stivrins,alex       1  0.1   1  0.1   5  0.5   1  0.1  1.5   2 0.2    8  0.8
14 kempton,tim        19  0.6   4  0.1  16  0.5   4  0.1  1.7  12 0.4   39  1.3
15 rambis,kurt         1  0.2   3  0.6   6  1.2   0  0.0  1.2   2 0.4    6  1.2
16 team                0  0.0   0  0.0  27  3.4   0  0.0 -4.2   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19730 3494 7094  .493  398 1095 .363 1912 2539 .753 9298 126.96 113.4
Opponents 19705 3502 7307  .479  250  750 .333 1500 2078 .722 8752 114.45 106.7

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    2087 1738  752 1350  454   61    7    5 1141 3651  44.5
Opponents 2107 2052  708 1321  512   45    9    8 1118 3434  41.9

Record 62 - 20         Home 35 -  6         Away 27 - 14

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 barkley,charles  2859 1944   39.81  31   3   3 196  32.64
 2 majerle,dan      3199 1388   23.67   0   0   0 180  20.83
 3 johnson,kevin    1643  791   26.99   5   1   0 100  23.11
 4 dumas,richard    1320  757   25.06   4   0   0 127  27.53
 5 ceballos,cedric  1607  949   32.30   1   0   0 103  28.35
 6 chambers,tom     1723  892   21.27   6   1   0 212  24.85
 7 ainge,danny      2163  947   22.19   5   1   0 175  21.02
 8 knight,negele     888  315   13.68   0   0   0  66  17.03
 9 miller,oliver    1069  313   22.59   4   0   0 145  14.05
10 west,mark        1558  436   19.55   2   0   0 243  13.43
11 mustaf,jerrod     336  147   19.09   1   0   0  40  21.00
12 johnson,frank    1122  332   17.12   0   0   1 112  14.20
13 stivrins,alex      35   22   20.91   0   1   1   6  30.17
14 kempton,tim       167   56   14.99   2   0   0  30  16.10
15 rambis,kurt        41    9    6.77   0   0   0   3  10.54
16 team                0    0   -9.99   0   0   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 barkley,charles     6.5    2.0    3.9    1.2    4.0   15.6
 2 majerle,dan         4.7    2.1    2.0    0.5    1.8    5.7
 3 johnson,kevin      11.2    2.5    4.4    0.6    0.9    3.0
 4 dumas,richard       2.2    3.1    3.3    1.4    3.6    8.1
 5 ceballos,cedric     2.3    1.6    3.2    0.8    5.1   12.2
 6 chambers,tom        2.8    1.2    2.6    0.6    2.7    9.6
 7 ainge,danny         5.8    1.5    2.5    0.2    1.1    4.7
 8 knight,negele       7.8    1.2    3.9    0.2    1.5    3.5
 9 miller,oliver       5.3    1.7    4.8    4.5    3.1   12.3
10 west,mark           0.9    0.5    2.9    3.2    4.7   14.1
11 mustaf,jerrod       1.4    2.0    3.1    1.6    4.1   11.9
12 johnson,frank       8.0    2.6    3.4    0.3    1.8    4.8
13 stivrins,alex       1.4    1.4    6.9    1.4    2.7   11.0
14 kempton,tim         5.5    1.1    4.6    1.1    3.4   11.2
15 rambis,kurt         1.2    3.5    7.0    0.0    2.3    7.0
16 team                0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0