
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 grant,harvey      PF 72 37.0  560 1149 .487   1  10 .100  218  300 .727 18.6
 2 ellison,pervis     C 49 34.7  341  655 .521   0   4 .000  170  242 .702 17.4
 3 adams,michael     PG 70 35.7  365  831 .439  68 212 .321  237  277 .856 14.8
 4 gugliotta,tom     PF 81 34.5  484 1135 .426  38 135 .281  181  281 .644 14.7
 5 chapman,rex       SG 60 21.7  287  602 .477  43 116 .371  132  163 .810 12.5
 6 stewart,larry     PF 81 22.5  306  564 .543   0   2 .000  184  253 .727  9.8
 7 smith,labradford  SF 69 22.4  261  570 .458   8  23 .348  109  127 .858  9.3
 8 overton,doug      SG 45 22.0  152  323 .471   3  13 .231   59   81 .728  8.1
 9 burtt,steve       PG  4  8.8   10   26 .385   1   3 .333    8   10 .800  7.2
10 maclean,don       PF 62 10.9  157  361 .435   2   5 .400   90  111 .811  6.5
11 johnson,buck      SF 73 17.6  193  403 .479   0   3 .000   92  126 .730  6.5
12 irvin,byron       SG  4 11.2    9   18 .500   1   1 1.00    3    6 .500  5.5
13 acres,mark         C 12 20.5   24   40 .600   0   0 .000   10   14 .714  4.8
14 price,brent       PG 68 12.6  100  279 .358   8  48 .167   54   68 .794  3.9
15 robinson,larry    SG  4  8.2    6   16 .375   0   1 .000    3    5 .600  3.8
16 foster,greg       ?? 10  9.3   11   25 .440   0   0 .000    2    3 .667  2.4
17 corchiani,chris   PG  1  3.0    1    1 1.00   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  2.0
18 ogg,alan           C  3  1.0    2    4 .500   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  1.7
19 jones,charles      C 67 18.0   33   63 .524   0   1 .000   22   38 .579  1.3
20 team              ??  9  0.2    0    0 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 grant,harvey      205  2.8  72  1.0  90  1.2  44  0.6 17.6 133 1.8  412  5.7
 2 ellison,pervis    117  2.4  45  0.9 110  2.2 108  2.2 20.3 138 2.8  433  8.8
 3 adams,michael     526  7.5 100  1.4 175  2.5   4  0.1 17.8  52 0.7  240  3.4
 4 gugliotta,tom     306  3.8 134  1.7 230  2.8  35  0.4 17.5 219 2.7  781  9.6
 5 chapman,rex       116  1.9  38  0.6  79  1.3  10  0.2  9.7  19 0.3   88  1.5
 6 stewart,larry     146  1.8  47  0.6 153  1.9  29  0.4 10.3 154 1.9  383  4.7
 7 smith,labradford  186  2.7  58  0.8 103  1.5   9  0.1  8.0  26 0.4  106  1.5
 8 overton,doug      157  3.5  31  0.7  72  1.6   6  0.1  9.5  25 0.6  106  2.4
 9 burtt,steve         6  1.5   2  0.5   4  1.0   0  0.0  4.2   2 0.5    3  0.8
10 maclean,don        39  0.6  11  0.2  42  0.7   4  0.1  4.4  33 0.5  122  2.0
11 johnson,buck       89  1.2  36  0.5  70  1.0  18  0.2  6.4  78 1.1  195  2.7
12 irvin,byron         2  0.5   1  0.2   4  1.0   0  0.0  3.2   2 0.5    4  1.0
13 acres,mark          5  0.4   3  0.2  11  0.9   6  0.5  6.9  24 2.0   61  5.1
14 price,brent       154  2.3  56  0.8  85  1.2   3  0.0  4.1  28 0.4  103  1.5
15 robinson,larry      3  0.8   1  0.2   1  0.2   1  0.2  3.2   1 0.2    3  0.8
16 foster,greg        11  1.1   0  0.0   9  0.9   5  0.5  3.6   8 0.8   27  2.7
17 corchiani,chris     0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  1.5   0 0.0    0  0.0
18 ogg,alan            0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  2.1   2 0.7    4  1.3
19 jones,charles      42  0.6  38  0.6  38  0.6  77  1.1  5.4  87 1.3  277  4.1
20 team                0  0.0   0  0.0  32  3.6   0  0.0 -4.4   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19807 3302 7065  .467  173  577 .300 1575 2107 .748 8352 109.26 101.9
Opponents 19805 3519 7203  .489  239  712 .336 1583 2152 .736 8930 121.88 108.9

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    2110 1793  673 1308  359   18    2    0 1031 3348  40.8
Opponents 2059 1816  718 1277  425   27    2    9 1134 3686  45.0

Record 22 - 60         Home 15 - 26         Away  7 - 34

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 grant,harvey     2667 1339   22.77   3   1   0 168  24.10
 2 ellison,pervis   1701  852   28.09   4   1   0 154  24.04
 3 adams,michael    2499 1035   23.88   3   0   0 146  19.88
 4 gugliotta,tom    2795 1187   24.29   4   0   0 195  20.38
 5 chapman,rex      1300  749   21.53   2   0   0 119  27.66
 6 stewart,larry    1823  796   22.07   0   0   0 191  20.96
 7 smith,labradford 1546  639   17.24   1   0   0 178  19.84
 8 overton,doug      990  366   20.64   1   0   0  81  17.75
 9 burtt,steve        35   29   23.28   0   0   0   5  39.77
10 maclean,don       674  406   19.57   0   0   0  82  28.91
11 johnson,buck     1287  478   17.40   0   0   0 187  17.83
12 irvin,byron        45   22   13.80   0   0   0   5  23.47
13 acres,mark        246   58   16.13   0   0   0  32  11.32
14 price,brent       859  262   15.67   0   0   0  90  14.64
15 robinson,larry     33   15   18.36   0   0   0   0  21.82
16 foster,greg        93   24   18.84   0   0   0  15  12.39
17 corchiani,chris     3    2   23.28   0   0   0   1  32.00
18 ogg,alan            3    5   103.11   0   0   0   0  80.00
19 jones,charles    1206   88   14.41   0   0   0 144   3.50
20 team                2    0   -9.99   0   0   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 grant,harvey        3.7    1.3    1.6    0.8    2.4    7.4
 2 ellison,pervis      3.3    1.3    3.1    3.0    3.9   12.2
 3 adams,michael      10.1    1.9    3.4    0.1    1.0    4.6
 4 gugliotta,tom       5.3    2.3    3.9    0.6    3.8   13.4
 5 chapman,rex         4.3    1.4    2.9    0.4    0.7    3.2
 6 stewart,larry       3.8    1.2    4.0    0.8    4.1   10.1
 7 smith,labradford    5.8    1.8    3.2    0.3    0.8    3.3
 8 overton,doug        7.6    1.5    3.5    0.3    1.2    5.1
 9 burtt,steve         8.2    2.7    5.5    0.0    2.7    4.1
10 maclean,don         2.8    0.8    3.0    0.3    2.4    8.7
11 johnson,buck        3.3    1.3    2.6    0.7    2.9    7.3
12 irvin,byron         2.1    1.1    4.3    0.0    2.1    4.3
13 acres,mark          1.0    0.6    2.1    1.2    4.7   11.9
14 price,brent         8.6    3.1    4.7    0.2    1.6    5.8
15 robinson,larry      4.4    1.5    1.5    1.5    1.5    4.4
16 foster,greg         5.7    0.0    4.6    2.6    4.1   13.9
17 corchiani,chris     0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
18 ogg,alan            0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   32.0   64.0
19 jones,charles       1.7    1.5    1.5    3.1    3.5   11.0
20 team                0.0    0.0    9.9    0.0    0.0    0.0