
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 ewing,patrick      C 79 37.6  745 1503 .496   4  14 .286  445  582 .765 24.5
 2 starks,john       SG 59 34.9  410  977 .420 113 337 .335  187  248 .754 19.0
 3 oakley,charles    PF 82 35.8  363  760 .478   0   3 .000  241  313 .770 11.8
 4 davis,hubert      SG 56 23.8  238  505 .471  53 132 .402   85  103 .825 11.0
 5 smith,charles     SF 43 25.7  176  397 .443   8  16 .500   87  121 .719 10.4
 6 harper,derek      PG 54 24.3  173  402 .430  36  98 .367   84  113 .743  8.6
 7 anthony,greg      PG 80 24.9  225  571 .394  48 160 .300  130  168 .774  7.8
 8 rivers,doc        PG 19 26.3   55  127 .433  19  52 .365   14   22 .636  7.5
 9 blackman,rolando  SG 55 17.6  161  369 .436  30  84 .357   48   53 .906  7.3
10 mason,anthony     PF 73 26.1  206  433 .476   0   1 .000  116  161 .720  7.2
11 campbell,tony     SF 22 17.2   63  128 .492   1   3 .333   30   37 .811  7.1
12 bonner,anthony    PF 73 19.2  162  288 .562   0   0 .000   50  105 .476  5.1
13 williams,herb      C 70 11.1  103  233 .442   0   1 .000   27   42 .643  3.3
14 anderson,eric     SF 11  3.5    7   17 .412   2   2 1.00    5   14 .357  1.9
15 gaines,corey      PG 18  4.3    9   20 .450   2   5 .400   13   15 .867  1.8
16 paddio,gerald     SG  3  2.7    2    5 .400   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  1.3
17 team              ??  1  0.0    0    0 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 ewing,patrick     179  2.3  90  1.1 260  3.3 217  2.7 25.1 219 2.8  885 11.2
 2 starks,john       348  5.9  95  1.6 184  3.1   6  0.1 17.4  37 0.6  185  3.1
 3 oakley,charles    218  2.7 110  1.3 193  2.4  18  0.2 16.8 349 4.3  965 11.8
 4 davis,hubert      165  2.9  40  0.7  76  1.4   4  0.1 10.2  23 0.4   67  1.2
 5 smith,charles      50  1.2  26  0.6  64  1.5  45  1.0  9.3  66 1.5  165  3.8
 6 harper,derek      236  4.4  80  1.5  81  1.5   4  0.1  9.8  10 0.2   86  1.6
 7 anthony,greg      365  4.6 114  1.4 127  1.6  13  0.2 10.0  43 0.5  189  2.4
 8 rivers,doc        100  5.3  25  1.3  29  1.5   5  0.3 10.6   4 0.2   39  2.1
 9 blackman,rolando   76  1.4  25  0.5  44  0.8   6  0.1  6.4  23 0.4   93  1.7
10 mason,anthony     151  2.1  31  0.4 107  1.5   9  0.1  8.2 158 2.2  427  5.8
11 campbell,tony      31  1.4  20  0.9  29  1.3   1  0.0  7.3  28 1.3   60  2.7
12 bonner,anthony     88  1.2  76  1.0  89  1.2  13  0.2  7.1 150 2.1  344  4.7
13 williams,herb      28  0.4  18  0.3  39  0.6  43  0.6  3.6  56 0.8  182  2.6
14 anderson,eric       2  0.2   0  0.0   2  0.2   1  0.1  1.9   6 0.5   17  1.5
15 gaines,corey       30  1.7   2  0.1   5  0.3   0  0.0  3.3   3 0.2   13  0.7
16 paddio,gerald       0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  0.0   0 0.0    0  0.0
17 team                0  0.0   0  0.0   4  4.0   0  0.0 -5.0   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19756 3098 6735  .460  316  908 .348 1562 2097 .745 8074 110.14  98.5
Opponents 19755 2783 6451  .431  253  825 .307 1684 2341 .719 7503  89.24  91.5

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    2067 2001  752 1333  385   79    6    9 1175 3717  45.3
Opponents 1677 1897  677 1363  333   59    7    7 1016 3261  39.8

Record 57 - 25         Home 32 -  9         Away 25 - 16

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 ewing,patrick    2972 1939   31.97  10   0   0 275  31.32
 2 starks,john      2059 1120   23.88  11   1   0 191  26.11
 3 oakley,charles   2932  967   22.50  13   1   7 293  15.83
 4 davis,hubert     1333  614   20.49   1   0   1 118  22.11
 5 smith,charles    1105  447   17.32   4   1   0 144  19.42
 6 harper,derek     1311  466   19.34   4   0   0 117  17.06
 7 anthony,greg     1994  628   19.16   4   1   0 163  15.12
 8 rivers,doc        499  143   19.44   1   0   0  44  13.76
 9 blackman,rolando  969  400   17.33   4   0   0 100  19.81
10 mason,anthony    1903  528   15.12  22   2   1 190  13.32
11 campbell,tony     379  157   20.33   1   0   0  59  19.88
12 bonner,anthony   1402  374   17.66   2   0   0 175  12.80
13 williams,herb     774  233   15.47   0   0   0 108  14.45
14 anderson,eric      39   21   25.16   1   0   0   9  25.85
15 gaines,corey       77   33   37.31   1   0   0  12  20.57
16 paddio,gerald       8    4   -0.81   0   0   0   3  24.00
17 team                0    0   -9.99   0   0   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 ewing,patrick       2.9    1.5    4.2    3.5    3.5   14.3
 2 starks,john         8.1    2.2    4.3    0.1    0.9    4.3
 3 oakley,charles      3.6    1.8    3.2    0.3    5.7   15.8
 4 davis,hubert        5.9    1.4    2.7    0.1    0.8    2.4
 5 smith,charles       2.2    1.1    2.8    2.0    2.9    7.2
 6 harper,derek        8.6    2.9    3.0    0.1    0.4    3.1
 7 anthony,greg        8.8    2.7    3.1    0.3    1.0    4.5
 8 rivers,doc          9.6    2.4    2.8    0.5    0.4    3.8
 9 blackman,rolando    3.8    1.2    2.2    0.3    1.1    4.6
10 mason,anthony       3.8    0.8    2.7    0.2    4.0   10.8
11 campbell,tony       3.9    2.5    3.7    0.1    3.5    7.6
12 bonner,anthony      3.0    2.6    3.0    0.4    5.1   11.8
13 williams,herb       1.7    1.1    2.4    2.7    3.5   11.3
14 anderson,eric       2.5    0.0    2.5    1.2    7.4   20.9
15 gaines,corey       18.7    1.2    3.1    0.0    1.9    8.1
16 paddio,gerald       0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
17 team                0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0