
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 sprewell,latrell  SG 69 40.2  490 1171 .418  90 326 .276  350  448 .781 20.6
 2 hardaway,tim      PG 62 37.4  430 1007 .427 168 444 .378  219  288 .760 20.1
 3 mullin,chris      SF 25 35.6  170  348 .489  42  93 .452   94  107 .879 19.0
 4 marshall,donyell  SF 32 32.8  187  453 .413  37 137 .270   64  100 .640 14.8
 5 gatling,chris     PF 58 25.3  324  512 .633   0   1 .000  148  250 .592 13.7
 6 pierce,ricky      ?? 27 24.9  111  254 .437  23  70 .329   93  106 .877 12.5
 7 seikaly,rony       C 36 28.8  162  314 .516   0   0 .000  111  160 .694 12.1
 8 gugliotta,tom     ?? 40 33.1  176  397 .443  28  90 .311   55   97 .567 10.9
 9 alexander,victor  ?? 50 24.7  230  447 .515   6  25 .240   36   61 .590 10.0
10 rogers,carlos     ?? 49 20.8  180  340 .529   2  14 .143   76  146 .521  8.9
11 jennings,keith    ?? 80 21.5  190  425 .447  75 204 .368  134  153 .876  7.4
12 lorthridge,ryan   SG 37 18.2  106  223 .475   3  14 .214   57   88 .648  7.4
13 legler,tim        ?? 24 15.5   60  115 .522  26  50 .520   30   34 .882  7.3
14 rozier,clifford   PF 66 22.6  189  390 .485   2   7 .286   68  153 .444  6.8
15 wood,david        SF 78 17.1  153  326 .469  31  91 .341   91  117 .778  5.5
16 morton,dwayne     PG 41  9.6   50  129 .388   9  25 .360   58   85 .682  4.1
17 bol,manute        ??  5 16.2    6   10 .600   3   5 .600    0    0 .000  3.0
18 higgins,rod       SF  5  9.2    3   12 .250   1   6 .167    3    4 .750  2.0
19 team              ?? 82  0.0    0    0 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 sprewell,latrell  279  4.0 112  1.6 230  3.3  45  0.7 16.3  58 0.8  256  3.7
 2 hardaway,tim      578  9.3  88  1.4 214  3.5  12  0.2 19.0  46 0.7  190  3.1
 3 mullin,chris      125  5.0  38  1.5  93  3.7  19  0.8 19.1  25 1.0  115  4.6
 4 marshall,donyell   48  1.5  20  0.6  57  1.8  38  1.2 12.4  73 2.3  209  6.5
 5 gatling,chris      51  0.9  39  0.7 117  2.0  52  0.9 15.1 142 2.4  443  7.6
 6 pierce,ricky       40  1.5  22  0.8  24  0.9   2  0.1 10.5  12 0.4   64  2.4
 7 seikaly,rony       45  1.2  20  0.6 104  2.9  37  1.0 12.2  77 2.1  266  7.4
 8 gugliotta,tom     122  3.0  50  1.2  93  2.3  23  0.6 14.0 100 2.5  297  7.4
 9 alexander,victor   60  1.2  28  0.6  76  1.5  29  0.6 10.7  87 1.7  291  5.8
10 rogers,carlos      37  0.8  22  0.4  84  1.7  52  1.1  9.6 108 2.2  278  5.7
11 jennings,keith    373  4.7  95  1.2 120  1.5   3  0.0 10.8  26 0.3  148  1.9
12 lorthridge,ryan   101  2.7  28  0.8  57  1.5   1  0.0  7.5  24 0.6   71  1.9
13 legler,tim         27  1.1  12  0.5  20  0.8   1  0.0  7.0  12 0.5   40  1.7
14 rozier,clifford    45  0.7  35  0.5  89  1.3  38  0.6  8.9 200 3.0  486  7.4
15 wood,david         65  0.8  28  0.4  53  0.7  13  0.2  5.4  83 1.1  241  3.1
16 morton,dwayne      18  0.4  11  0.3  27  0.7  15  0.4  2.5  21 0.5   58  1.4
17 bol,manute          0  0.0   0  0.0   1  0.2   9  1.8  5.2   1 0.2   12  2.4
18 higgins,rod         3  0.6   1  0.2   1  0.2   1  0.2  1.7   4 0.8    7  1.4
19 team                0  0.0   0  0.0  27  0.3   0  0.0 -0.4   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19905 3217 6873  .468  546 1602 .341 1687 2397 .704 8667 110.22 105.7
Opponents 19905 3527 7234  .488  492 1384 .355 1565 2175 .720 9111 127.99 111.1

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    2017 1804  649 1487  390   46    4    3 1099 3472  42.3
Opponents 2345 2132  865 1309  410   38    2    6 1197 3726  45.4

Record 26 - 56         Home 15 - 26         Away 11 - 30

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 sprewell,latrell 2771 1420   19.46   0   0   0 108  24.60
 2 hardaway,tim     2321 1247   24.39  10   1   0 155  25.79
 3 mullin,chris      890  476   25.72   3   0   0  53  25.67
 4 marshall,donyell 1050  475   18.10   1   0   0  94  21.71
 5 gatling,chris    1470  796   28.69  16   1   2 184  25.99
 6 pierce,ricky      673  338   20.18   0   0   0  38  24.11
 7 seikaly,rony     1035  435   20.34   1   0   0 122  20.17
 8 gugliotta,tom    1324  435   20.29   3   0   0  98  15.77
 9 alexander,victor 1237  502   20.72   1   0   0 145  19.48
10 rogers,carlos    1017  438   22.31   5   2   1 124  20.67
11 jennings,keith   1722  589   24.06   1   0   0 133  16.42
12 lorthridge,ryan   672  272   19.77   0   0   0  42  19.43
13 legler,tim        371  176   21.64   0   0   0  33  22.77
14 rozier,clifford  1494  448   18.96   1   0   0 196  14.39
15 wood,david       1336  428   15.22   4   0   0 217  15.38
16 morton,dwayne     395  167   12.69   0   0   0  45  20.29
17 bol,manute         81   15   15.26   0   0   0  10   8.89
18 higgins,rod        46   10    8.77   0   0   0   7  10.43
19 team                0    0   -9.99   0   0   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 sprewell,latrell    4.8    1.9    4.0    0.8    1.0    4.4
 2 hardaway,tim       12.0    1.8    4.4    0.2    1.0    3.9
 3 mullin,chris        6.7    2.0    5.0    1.0    1.3    6.2
 4 marshall,donyell    2.2    0.9    2.6    1.7    3.3    9.6
 5 gatling,chris       1.7    1.3    3.8    1.7    4.6   14.5
 6 pierce,ricky        2.9    1.6    1.7    0.1    0.9    4.6
 7 seikaly,rony        2.1    0.9    4.8    1.7    3.6   12.3
 8 gugliotta,tom       4.4    1.8    3.4    0.8    3.6   10.8
 9 alexander,victor    2.3    1.1    2.9    1.1    3.4   11.3
10 rogers,carlos       1.7    1.0    4.0    2.5    5.1   13.1
11 jennings,keith     10.4    2.6    3.3    0.1    0.7    4.1
12 lorthridge,ryan     7.2    2.0    4.1    0.1    1.7    5.1
13 legler,tim          3.5    1.6    2.6    0.1    1.6    5.2
14 rozier,clifford     1.4    1.1    2.9    1.2    6.4   15.6
15 wood,david          2.3    1.0    1.9    0.5    3.0    8.7
16 morton,dwayne       2.2    1.3    3.3    1.8    2.6    7.0
17 bol,manute          0.0    0.0    0.6    5.3    0.6    7.1
18 higgins,rod         3.1    1.0    1.0    1.0    4.2    7.3
19 team                0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0