
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 vaught,loy        PF 80 37.1  609 1185 .514   7  33 .212  176  248 .710 17.5
 2 murray,lamond     SF 81 31.6  439 1093 .402  65 217 .300  199  264 .754 14.1
 3 sealy,malik       SG 60 26.7  291  669 .435  22  73 .301  174  223 .780 13.0
 4 richardson,pooh   PG 80 35.8  353  897 .394  87 244 .357   81  125 .648 10.9
 5 dehere,terry      PG 80 22.2  279  685 .407  48 163 .294  229  292 .784 10.4
 6 massenburg,tony   ?? 80 26.6  282  601 .469   0   3 .000  178  236 .754  9.3
 7 piatkowski,eric   SG 81 14.9  201  456 .441  74 198 .374   90  115 .783  7.0
 8 spencer,elmore    ?? 19 19.4   52  118 .441   0   2 .000   28   50 .560  6.9
 9 grant,gary        ?? 33 14.2   78  166 .470   4  16 .250   45   55 .818  6.2
10 smith,micheal     ?? 29 11.0   63  134 .470   1   8 .125   26   30 .867  5.3
11 outlaw,charles    PF 81 20.4  170  325 .523   0   5 .000   82  186 .441  5.2
12 fish,matt         ?? 26 14.4   49  103 .476   0   1 .000   25   37 .676  4.7
13 riley,eric        ?? 40 10.9   65  145 .448   0   1 .000   47   64 .734  4.4
14 ellis,harold      ?? 69  9.5   91  189 .481   1  13 .077   69  117 .590  3.7
15 woods,randy       ?? 62  8.0   37  117 .316  22  74 .297   28   38 .737  2.0
16 martin,bob        ??  1 14.0    1    5 .200   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  2.0
17 team              ?? 82  0.0    0    0 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 vaught,loy        139  1.7 104  1.3 166  2.1  29  0.4 19.5 261 3.3  772  9.7
 2 murray,lamond     133  1.6  72  0.9 163  2.0  55  0.7 10.2 133 1.6  355  4.4
 3 sealy,malik       107  1.8  72  1.2  83  1.4  25  0.4 10.8  77 1.3  214  3.6
 4 richardson,pooh   632  7.9 129  1.6 171  2.1  12  0.1 15.1  38 0.5  261  3.3
 5 dehere,terry      225  2.8  45  0.6 157  2.0   7  0.1  7.5  35 0.4  152  1.9
 6 massenburg,tony    67  0.8  48  0.6 118  1.5  58  0.7  9.7 160 2.0  455  5.7
 7 piatkowski,eric    77  1.0  37  0.5  63  0.8  15  0.2  5.4  63 0.8  133  1.6
 8 spencer,elmore     25  1.3  14  0.7  48  2.5  23  1.2  5.2  11 0.6   65  3.4
 9 grant,gary         93  2.8  29  0.9  44  1.3   3  0.1  6.5   8 0.2   35  1.1
10 smith,micheal      20  0.7   6  0.2  18  0.6   2  0.1  4.4  13 0.4   56  1.9
11 outlaw,charles     84  1.0  90  1.1  78  1.0 151  1.9  8.4 121 1.5  313  3.9
12 fish,matt          17  0.7  16  0.6  28  1.1   7  0.3  4.8  32 1.2   84  3.2
13 riley,eric         11  0.3  17  0.4  31  0.8  35  0.9  4.8  45 1.1  112  2.8
14 ellis,harold       40  0.6  67  1.0  49  0.7  12  0.2  3.6  56 0.8   88  1.3
15 woods,randy       134  2.2  41  0.7  55  0.9   0  0.0  2.9  10 0.2   44  0.7
16 martin,bob          1  1.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   1  1.0  1.2   2 2.0    2  2.0
17 team                0  0.0   0  0.0  28  0.3   0  0.0 -0.4   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19880 3060 6888  .444  331 1051 .315 1477 2080 .710 7928  96.26  96.7
Opponents 19880 3207 6460  .496  388 1049 .370 1876 2503 .750 8678 117.10 105.8

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1805 2151  787 1300  435   15    1    3 1065 3141  38.3
Opponents 1924 1905  693 1477  456   46    7    3 1082 3614  44.1

Record 17 - 65         Home 13 - 28         Away  4 - 37

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 vaught,loy       2966 1401   25.29   2   0   0 243  22.67
 2 murray,lamond    2556 1142   15.53   1   0   0 180  21.45
 3 sealy,malik      1604  778   19.36   1   0   0 173  23.28
 4 richardson,pooh  2863  874   20.28   0   0   0 218  14.65
 5 dehere,terry     1773  835   16.14   0   0   1 199  22.61
 6 massenburg,tony  2126  742   17.47   1   0   1 253  16.75
 7 piatkowski,eric  1208  566   17.29   0   0   0 150  22.49
 8 spencer,elmore    368  132   13.01   1   0   0  62  17.22
 9 grant,gary        470  205   21.91   0   0   0  66  20.94
10 smith,micheal     318  153   19.09   1   0   0  41  23.09
11 outlaw,charles   1654  422   19.81   3   0   0 227  12.25
12 fish,matt         374  123   16.07   0   0   0  70  15.79
13 riley,eric        435  177   21.27   0   0   0  78  19.53
14 ellis,harold      656  252   18.40   0   0   0 102  18.44
15 woods,randy       495  124   17.70   5   1   1  87  12.02
16 martin,bob         14    2    4.29   0   0   0   2   6.86
17 team                0    0   -9.99   0   0   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 vaught,loy          2.2    1.7    2.7    0.5    4.2   12.5
 2 murray,lamond       2.5    1.4    3.1    1.0    2.5    6.7
 3 sealy,malik         3.2    2.2    2.5    0.7    2.3    6.4
 4 richardson,pooh    10.6    2.2    2.9    0.2    0.6    4.4
 5 dehere,terry        6.1    1.2    4.3    0.2    0.9    4.1
 6 massenburg,tony     1.5    1.1    2.7    1.3    3.6   10.3
 7 piatkowski,eric     3.1    1.5    2.5    0.6    2.5    5.3
 8 spencer,elmore      3.3    1.8    6.3    3.0    1.4    8.5
 9 grant,gary          9.5    3.0    4.5    0.3    0.8    3.6
10 smith,micheal       3.0    0.9    2.7    0.3    2.0    8.5
11 outlaw,charles      2.4    2.6    2.3    4.4    3.5    9.1
12 fish,matt           2.2    2.1    3.6    0.9    4.1   10.8
13 riley,eric          1.2    1.9    3.4    3.9    5.0   12.4
14 ellis,harold        2.9    4.9    3.6    0.9    4.1    6.4
15 woods,randy        13.0    4.0    5.3    0.0    1.0    4.3
16 martin,bob          3.4    0.0    0.0    3.4    6.9    6.9
17 team                0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0