
          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 barkley,charles   PF 71 37.1  580 1160 .500  49 175 .280  440  566 .777 23.2
 2 johnson,kevin     PG 56 35.8  342  674 .507  21  57 .368  342  398 .859 18.7
 3 finley,michael    SF 82 39.2  465  976 .476  61 186 .328  242  323 .749 15.0
 4 manning,danny     SF 33 24.7  178  388 .459   3  14 .214   82  109 .752 13.4
 5 person,wesley     SG 82 31.8  390  877 .445 117 313 .374  148  192 .771 12.7
 6 tisdale,wayman    PF 63 18.3  279  564 .495   0   0 .000  114  149 .765 10.7
 7 perry,elliot      PG 81 20.6  261  549 .475  24  59 .407  151  194 .778  8.6
 8 green,a.c.        PF 82 25.8  215  444 .484  14  52 .269  168  237 .709  7.5
 9 williams,hotrod    C 62 26.6  180  397 .453   0   1 .000   95  130 .731  7.3
10 smith,tony        SG 34 15.5   70  173 .405  25  77 .325   24   37 .649  5.6
11 bennett,mario     PF 19 12.1   29   64 .453   0   1 .000   27   42 .643  4.5
12 carr,chris        SG 60  9.8   90  217 .415  11  42 .262   49   60 .817  4.0
13 kleine,joe         C 56 11.8   71  169 .420   2   7 .286   20   25 .800  2.9
14 coker,john         C  5  2.2    4    5 .800   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  1.6
15 rencher,terrence  PG  2  4.0    1    1 1.00   0   0 .000    1    3 .333  1.5
16 rusconi,stefano   PF  7  4.3    3    9 .333   0   0 .000    2    5 .400  1.1
17 wood,david        PF  4  8.5    1    6 .167   0   0 .000    2    2 1.00  1.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 barkley,charles   262  3.7 114  1.6 218  3.1  56  0.8 27.4 243 3.4  821 11.6
 2 johnson,kevin     517  9.2  82  1.5 170  3.0  13  0.2 24.7  42 0.8  221  3.9
 3 finley,michael    289  3.5  85  1.0 133  1.6  31  0.4 15.7 139 1.7  374  4.6
 4 manning,danny      65  2.0  38  1.2  77  2.3  24  0.7 10.7  30 0.9  143  4.3
 5 person,wesley     138  1.7  55  0.7  89  1.1  22  0.3 11.4  56 0.7  321  3.9
 6 tisdale,wayman     58  0.9  15  0.2  63  1.0  36  0.6  8.5  55 0.9  214  3.4
 7 perry,elliot      353  4.4  87  1.1 146  1.8   5  0.1 10.2  34 0.4  136  1.7
 8 green,a.c.         72  0.9  45  0.5  79  1.0  22  0.3 10.9 166 2.0  554  6.8
 9 williams,hotrod    62  1.0  46  0.7  62  1.0  90  1.5 10.5 129 2.1  372  6.0
10 smith,tony         86  2.5  21  0.6  40  1.2   5  0.1  5.7  24 0.7   56  1.6
11 bennett,mario       6  0.3  11  0.6  11  0.6  11  0.6  4.6  21 1.1   49  2.6
12 carr,chris         43  0.7  10  0.2  40  0.7   5  0.1  3.2  27 0.5  102  1.7
13 kleine,joe         44  0.8  13  0.2  37  0.7   6  0.1  3.0  36 0.6  132  2.4
14 coker,john          1  0.2   0  0.0   0  0.0   1  0.2  2.1   2 0.4    2  0.4
15 rencher,terrence    0  0.0   0  0.0   2  1.0   1  0.5  1.0   0 0.0    2  1.0
16 rusconi,stefano     3  0.4   0  0.0   3  0.4   2  0.3  0.5   3 0.4    6  0.9
17 wood,david          2  0.5   1  0.2   2  0.5   0  0.0  0.2   2 0.5    5  1.2

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19955 3159 6673  .473  327  984 .332 1907 2472 .771 8552 115.51 104.3
Opponents 19955 3217 6837  .471  551 1491 .370 1540 2083 .739 8525 113.17 104.0

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    2001 1776  623 1172  330   45    2    3 1009 3510  42.8
Opponents 2088 2011  586 1154  420   49    2    2 1003 3385  41.3

Record 41 - 41         Home 25 - 16         Away 16 - 25

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF PTS/48
 1 barkley,charles  2632 1649   35.50  28   1   1 208  30.07
 2 johnson,kevin    2007 1047   33.08   2   0   0 144  25.04
 3 finley,michael   3212 1233   19.24   1   0   0 199  18.43
 4 manning,danny     816  441   20.68   5   0   0 121  25.94
 5 person,wesley    2609 1045   17.20   0   0   0 148  19.23
 6 tisdale,wayman   1152  672   22.38   1   0   0 188  28.00
 7 perry,elliot     1668  697   23.77   0   0   0 140  20.06
 8 green,a.c.       2113  612   20.37   3   0   1 141  13.90
 9 williams,hotrod  1652  455   18.92   2   0   1 170  13.22
10 smith,tony        528  189   17.66   0   0   0  60  17.18
11 bennett,mario     230   85   18.16   0   0   0  46  17.74
12 carr,chris        590  240   15.64   0   0   0  77  19.53
13 kleine,joe        663  164   12.09   3   1   0 113  11.87
14 coker,john         11    8   46.91   0   0   0   1  34.91
15 rencher,terrence    8    3   12.00   0   0   0   1  18.00
16 rusconi,stefano    30    8    5.60   0   0   0  10  12.80
17 wood,david         34    4    1.06   0   0   0   9   5.65

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 barkley,charles     4.8    2.1    4.0    1.0    4.4   15.0
 2 johnson,kevin      12.4    2.0    4.1    0.3    1.0    5.3
 3 finley,michael      4.3    1.3    2.0    0.5    2.1    5.6
 4 manning,danny       3.8    2.2    4.5    1.4    1.8    8.4
 5 person,wesley       2.5    1.0    1.6    0.4    1.0    5.9
 6 tisdale,wayman      2.4    0.6    2.6    1.5    2.3    8.9
 7 perry,elliot       10.2    2.5    4.2    0.1    1.0    3.9
 8 green,a.c.          1.6    1.0    1.8    0.5    3.8   12.6
 9 williams,hotrod     1.8    1.3    1.8    2.6    3.7   10.8
10 smith,tony          7.8    1.9    3.6    0.5    2.2    5.1
11 bennett,mario       1.3    2.3    2.3    2.3    4.4   10.2
12 carr,chris          3.5    0.8    3.3    0.4    2.2    8.3
13 kleine,joe          3.2    0.9    2.7    0.4    2.6    9.6
14 coker,john          4.4    0.0    0.0    4.4    8.7    8.7
15 rencher,terrence    0.0    0.0    9.9    6.0    0.0   12.0
16 rusconi,stefano     4.8    0.0    4.8    3.2    4.8    9.6
17 wood,david          2.8    1.4    2.8    0.0    2.8    7.1