AtlantaHawks (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 smith,steve       SG 36 36.5  217  540 .402  47 139 .338  191  225 .849 18.7
 2 blaylock,mookie   PG 48 36.7  247  651 .379  77 251 .307   69   91 .758 13.3
 3 henderson,alan    PF 38 30.1  187  423 .442   0   1 .000  100  149 .671 12.5
 4 mutombo,dikembe    C 50 36.6  173  338 .512   0   0 .000  195  285 .684 10.8
 5 ellis,laphonso    SF 20 26.9   80  190 .421   1   5 .200   43   61 .705 10.2
 6 long,grant        PF 50 27.6  151  359 .421   3  18 .167  184  235 .783  9.8
 7 corbin,tyrone     SF 47 22.7  131  335 .391  38 119 .319   52   80 .650  7.5
 8 crawford,chris    PF 42 18.7  110  255 .431  11  33 .333   57   70 .814  6.9
 9 johnson,anthony   PG 49 18.1   91  225 .404   5  19 .263   57   82 .695  5.0
10 gray,ed           SG 30 11.2   53  182 .291  12  42 .286   28   37 .757  4.9
11 mcleod,roshown    SF 34 10.2   62  163 .380   1  10 .100   37   45 .822  4.8
12 sheppard,jeff     SG 18 10.3   15   39 .385   2   7 .286    8   13 .615  2.2
13 williams,shammon  PG  2  2.0    0    1 .000   0   0 .000    3    4 .750  1.5
14 west,mark          C 49 10.2   22   59 .373   0   0 .000   16   45 .356  1.2

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 smith,steve       118  3.3  36  1.0  99  2.8  11  0.3 14.8  50 1.4  151  4.2
 2 blaylock,mookie   278  5.8  99  2.1 115  2.4   9  0.2 16.5  45 0.9  224  4.7
 3 henderson,alan     28  0.7  33  0.9  58  1.5  19  0.5 11.4 100 2.6  250  6.6
 4 mutombo,dikembe    57  1.1  16  0.3  94  1.9 147  2.9 19.7 192 3.8  610 12.2
 5 ellis,laphonso     18  0.9   8  0.4  34  1.7   7  0.3  8.3  25 1.2  109  5.5
 6 long,grant         53  1.1  57  1.1  74  1.5  16  0.3 10.8 100 2.0  296  5.9
 7 corbin,tyrone      43  0.9  31  0.7  43  0.9   7  0.1  6.5  37 0.8  145  3.1
 8 crawford,chris     24  0.6  10  0.2  48  1.1  13  0.3  4.1  37 0.9   90  2.1
 9 johnson,anthony   107  2.2  35  0.7  65  1.3   7  0.1  5.0  16 0.3   75  1.5
10 gray,ed            12  0.4  12  0.4  29  1.0   1  0.0  0.8   7 0.2   28  0.9
11 mcleod,roshown     14  0.4   2  0.1  23  0.7   1  0.0  2.6  12 0.4   50  1.5
12 sheppard,jeff      16  0.9   3  0.2   7  0.4   0  0.0  2.5   6 0.3   22  1.2
13 williams,shammon    1  0.5   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  1.4   0 0.0    0  0.0
14 west,mark          13  0.3   4  0.1  17  0.3  22  0.4  2.3  49 1.0  125  2.6

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    12075 1539 3760  .409  197  644 .306 1040 1422 .731 4315  89.01  86.3
Opponents 12075 1598 3883  .412  190  634 .300  784 1076 .729 4170  84.15  83.4

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals     782  987  346  706  260   16    2    2  676 2175  43.5
Opponents  895 1203  379  630  243   19    1    2  581 1950  39.0

Record 31 - 19         Home 16 -  9         Away 15 - 10

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 smith,steve      1314  672   19.41   3   0   1 100   2  36  24.55
 2 blaylock,mookie  1763  640   21.60   0   0   0  61   0  48  17.42
 3 henderson,alan   1142  474   18.25   4   1   0  96   1  37  19.92
 4 mutombo,dikembe  1829  541   25.88   3   0   0 145   2  50  14.20
 5 ellis,laphonso    539  204   14.83   1   0   0  48   1  20  18.17
 6 long,grant       1380  489   18.83   1   0   0 143   0  13  17.01
 7 corbin,tyrone    1066  352   13.81   0   0   0  74   0   6  15.85
 8 crawford,chris    784  288   10.50   1   0   1 106   1  30  17.63
 9 johnson,anthony   885  244   13.17   2   1   0  67   0   2  13.23
10 gray,ed           337  146    3.60   1   0   0  30   0   3  20.80
11 mcleod,roshown    348  162   12.10   0   0   0  24   0   0  22.34
12 sheppard,jeff     185   40   11.81   0   0   0  12   0   5  10.38
13 williams,shammon    4    3   33.00   0   0   0   0   0   0  36.00
14 west,mark         499   60   11.06   0   0   0  81   0   0   5.77

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 smith,steve         4.3    1.3    3.6    0.4    1.8    5.5
 2 blaylock,mookie     7.6    2.7    3.1    0.2    1.2    6.1
 3 henderson,alan      1.2    1.4    2.4    0.8    4.2   10.5
 4 mutombo,dikembe     1.5    0.4    2.5    3.9    5.0   16.0
 5 ellis,laphonso      1.6    0.7    3.0    0.6    2.2    9.7
 6 long,grant          1.8    2.0    2.6    0.6    3.5   10.3
 7 corbin,tyrone       1.9    1.4    1.9    0.3    1.7    6.5
 8 crawford,chris      1.5    0.6    2.9    0.8    2.3    5.5
 9 johnson,anthony     5.8    1.9    3.5    0.4    0.9    4.1
10 gray,ed             1.7    1.7    4.1    0.1    1.0    4.0
11 mcleod,roshown      1.9    0.3    3.2    0.1    1.7    6.9
12 sheppard,jeff       4.2    0.8    1.8    0.0    1.6    5.7
13 williams,shammon   12.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
14 west,mark           1.3    0.4    1.6    2.1    4.7   12.0