DallasMavericks (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 finley,michael    SG 50 41.0  389  876 .444  45 136 .331  186  226 .823 20.2
 2 trent,gary        PF 45 30.3  287  602 .477   0   5 .000  145  235 .617 16.0
 3 ceballos,cedric   SF 13 27.1   59  140 .421  11  28 .393   34   49 .694 12.5
 4 davis,hubert      SG 50 27.6  174  397 .438  65 144 .451   44   50 .880  9.1
 5 pack,robert       PG 25 18.7   75  174 .431   0   4 .000   72   88 .818  8.9
 6 bradley,shawn      C 49 26.4  167  348 .480   0   4 .000   86  115 .748  8.6
 7 nowitzki,dirk     SF 47 20.4  136  336 .405  14  68 .206   99  128 .773  8.2
 8 nash,steve        PG 40 31.7  114  314 .363  49 131 .374   38   46 .826  7.9
 9 strickland,erick  SG 33 17.2   89  221 .403  18  59 .305   53   65 .815  7.5
10 walker,samaki     PF 39 14.6   88  190 .463   0   1 .000   53   98 .541  5.9
11 green,a.c.        PF 50 18.5  108  256 .422   0   8 .000   30   52 .577  4.9
12 anstey,chris       C 41 11.5   50  139 .360   0   7 .000   34   48 .708  3.3
13 sundov,bruno       C  3  3.7    2    7 .286   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  1.3
14 williams,hotrod    C 25 16.1   11   33 .333   0   0 .000    7   10 .700  1.2

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 finley,michael    218  4.4  66  1.3 107  2.1  15  0.3 19.5  69 1.4  263  5.3
 2 trent,gary         77  1.7  29  0.6  66  1.5  23  0.5 16.0 127 2.8  351  7.8
 3 ceballos,cedric    12  0.9   7  0.5  28  2.2   5  0.4 11.3  23 1.8   85  6.5
 4 davis,hubert       89  1.8  21  0.4  57  1.1   3  0.1  7.6   3 0.1   86  1.7
 5 pack,robert        81  3.2  20  0.8  49  2.0   1  0.0  7.9   9 0.4   36  1.4
 6 bradley,shawn      40  0.8  35  0.7  56  1.1 159  3.2 14.6 130 2.7  392  8.0
 7 nowitzki,dirk      47  1.0  29  0.6  73  1.6  27  0.6  6.8  41 0.9  162  3.4
 8 nash,steve        219  5.5  37  0.9  83  2.1   2  0.0 10.5  32 0.8  114  2.9
 9 strickland,erick   64  1.9  40  1.2  36  1.1   2  0.1  8.1  12 0.4   83  2.5
10 walker,samaki       6  0.2   9  0.2  37  0.9  16  0.4  4.9  46 1.2  143  3.7
11 green,a.c.         25  0.5  28  0.6  19  0.4   8  0.2  6.6  82 1.6  228  4.6
12 anstey,chris       27  0.7  18  0.4  26  0.6  13  0.3  2.9  35 0.9   97  2.4
13 sundov,bruno        1  0.3   0  0.0   1  0.3   0  0.0 -1.0   0 0.0    0  0.0
14 williams,hotrod    15  0.6  13  0.5  13  0.5  18  0.7  4.0  36 1.4   83  3.3

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    12075 1749 4033  .434  202  595 .339  881 1210 .728 4581  97.55  91.6
Opponents 12075 1815 4037  .450  216  686 .315  855 1193 .717 4701 105.17  94.0

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals     921 1065  352  651  292   14    1    1  645 2123  42.5
Opponents 1073 1042  361  663  244   21    3    2  660 2179  43.6

Record 19 - 31         Home 15 - 10         Away  4 - 21

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 finley,michael   2051 1009   22.81   1   0   0  96   1  50  23.61
 2 trent,gary       1362  719   25.44   0   0   0 122   1  23  25.34
 3 ceballos,cedric   352  163   20.08   0   0   0  23   1   5  22.23
 4 davis,hubert     1378  457   13.26   0   0   0  76   0  21  15.92
 5 pack,robert       468  222   20.15   0   0   0  41   0   0  22.77
 6 bradley,shawn    1294  420   26.48   9   1   0 153   2  33  15.58
 7 nowitzki,dirk     958  385   15.92   0   0   0 105   5  24  19.29
 8 nash,steve       1269  315   15.84   0   0   0  98   2  40  11.91
 9 strickland,erick  567  249   22.69   0   0   0  44   0   2  21.08
10 walker,samaki     568  229   16.18   1   0   0  87   3   2  19.35
11 green,a.c.        924  246   17.14   1   0   0  69   0  35  12.78
12 anstey,chris      470  134   12.13   2   0   1  98   1   4  13.69
13 sundov,bruno       11    4   -9.99   0   0   0   4   0   0  17.45
14 williams,hotrod   403   29   12.00   0   0   0  49   0  11   3.45

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 finley,michael      5.1    1.5    2.5    0.4    1.6    6.2
 2 trent,gary          2.7    1.0    2.3    0.8    4.5   12.4
 3 ceballos,cedric     1.6    1.0    3.8    0.7    3.1   11.6
 4 davis,hubert        3.1    0.7    2.0    0.1    0.1    3.0
 5 pack,robert         8.3    2.1    5.0    0.1    0.9    3.7
 6 bradley,shawn       1.5    1.3    2.1    5.9    4.8   14.5
 7 nowitzki,dirk       2.4    1.5    3.7    1.4    2.1    8.1
 8 nash,steve          8.3    1.4    3.1    0.1    1.2    4.3
 9 strickland,erick    5.4    3.4    3.0    0.2    1.0    7.0
10 walker,samaki       0.5    0.8    3.1    1.4    3.9   12.1
11 green,a.c.          1.3    1.5    1.0    0.4    4.3   11.8
12 anstey,chris        2.8    1.8    2.7    1.3    3.6    9.9
13 sundov,bruno        4.4    0.0    4.4    0.0    0.0    0.0
14 williams,hotrod     1.8    1.5    1.5    2.1    4.3    9.9