MilwaukeeBucks (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 robinson,glenn    SF 47 33.6  347  756 .459  31  79 .392  140  161 .870 18.4
 2 allen,ray         SG 50 34.4  303  673 .450  74 208 .356  176  195 .903 17.1
 3 cassell,sam       PG  4 24.8   18   44 .409   1   3 .333   18   19 .947 13.8
 4 brandon,terrell   PG 15 33.7   85  208 .409   7  28 .250   26   31 .839 13.5
 5 curry,dell        SG 42 20.6  163  336 .485  69 145 .476   28   34 .824 10.1
 6 hill,tyrone       PF 17 30.4   50  118 .424   0   0 .000   46   81 .568  8.6
 7 thomas,tim        SF 33 18.9  105  212 .495  16  49 .327   54   88 .614  8.5
 8 gilliam,armen     PF 34 19.6  101  223 .453   0   1 .000   79  101 .782  8.3
 9 workman,haywoode  PG 29 28.1   73  170 .429  17  47 .362   37   47 .787  6.9
10 gatling,chris     PF 30 16.5   81  168 .482   1   7 .143   25   69 .362  6.3
11 delnegro,vinnie   SG 48 22.8  114  270 .422  13  30 .433   40   50 .800  5.9
12 traylor,robert    PF 49 16.0  108  201 .537   0   1 .000   43   80 .537  5.3
13 johnson,ervin      C 50 20.5   96  189 .508   0   0 .000   64  105 .610  5.1
14 curry,michael     SG 50 22.9   90  206 .437   1  15 .067   63   79 .797  4.9
15 perry,elliot      PG  5  9.4    9   17 .529   1   1 1.00    1    2 .500  4.0
16 williams,scott     C  5  5.8    5   15 .333   0   0 .000    4    7 .571  2.8
17 honeycutt,jerald  PF  3  4.0    2    5 .400   0   3 .000    1    2 .500  1.7
18 jordan,adonis     PG  4  4.5    2    4 .500   0   2 .000    2    4 .500  1.5
19 grant,paul         C  2  2.5    1    2 .500   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  1.0
20 feick,jamie       PF  2  1.5    0    1 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 robinson,glenn    100  2.1  46  1.0 106  2.3  41  0.9 16.2  73 1.6  276  5.9
 2 allen,ray         178  3.6  53  1.1 122  2.4   7  0.1 16.2  57 1.1  212  4.2
 3 cassell,sam        17  4.2   6  1.5   8  2.0   0  0.0 13.1   4 1.0    9  2.2
 4 brandon,terrell   104  6.9  24  1.6  36  2.4   3  0.2 16.0  11 0.7   53  3.5
 5 curry,dell         48  1.1  36  0.9  45  1.1   3  0.1  9.5  18 0.4   85  2.0
 6 hill,tyrone        17  1.0  18  1.1  24  1.4   8  0.5 10.7  51 3.0  134  7.9
 7 thomas,tim         31  0.9  23  0.7  31  0.9   9  0.3  7.6  42 1.3   93  2.8
 8 gilliam,armen      19  0.6  22  0.6  36  1.1  12  0.4  7.8  33 1.0  126  3.7
 9 workman,haywoode  172  5.9  32  1.1  63  2.2   1  0.0 12.4  14 0.5  102  3.5
10 gatling,chris      20  0.7  24  0.8  33  1.1   6  0.2  5.6  31 1.0  114  3.8
11 delnegro,vinnie   174  3.6  33  0.7  55  1.1   3  0.1  8.1  14 0.3  102  2.1
12 traylor,robert     38  0.8  44  0.9  42  0.9  44  0.9  7.2  80 1.6  182  3.7
13 johnson,ervin      19  0.4  29  0.6  47  0.9  57  1.1  8.9 120 2.4  320  6.4
14 curry,michael      78  1.6  42  0.8  37  0.7   7  0.1  5.4  19 0.4  108  2.2
15 perry,elliot       12  2.4   4  0.8   2  0.4   0  0.0  7.2   1 0.2    8  1.6
16 williams,scott      0  0.0   1  0.2   2  0.4   1  0.2  1.9   2 0.4   12  2.4
17 honeycutt,jerald    0  0.0   1  0.3   1  0.3   0  0.0 -0.2   0 0.0    1  0.3
18 jordan,adonis       3  0.8   3  0.8   2  0.5   0  0.0  2.0   0 0.0    0  0.0
19 grant,paul          0  0.0   1  0.5   1  0.5   0  0.0  0.5   0 0.0    0  0.0
20 feick,jamie         0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0  0.5   0 0.0    2  1.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    12050 1753 3818  .459  231  619 .373  847 1155 .733 4584 100.00  91.7
Opponents 12050 1600 3746  .427  272  814 .334 1029 1369 .752 4501  96.64  90.0

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1030 1142  442  693  202   14    1    5  570 1939  38.8
Opponents 1018 1020  399  786  194   15    1    1  658 2055  41.1

Record 28 - 22         Home 17 -  8         Away 11 - 14

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 robinson,glenn   1579  865   23.19   4   0   2 114   1  47  26.30
 2 allen,ray        1719  856   22.62   0   0   0 117   0  50  23.90
 3 cassell,sam        99   55   25.33   0   0   0   9   0   0  26.67
 4 brandon,terrell   505  203   22.76   0   0   0  25   0  14  19.30
 5 curry,dell        864  423   22.07   0   0   0  42   0   0  23.50
 6 hill,tyrone       517  146   16.83   1   0   0  68   0  17  13.56
 7 thomas,tim        624  280   19.37   0   0   0  86   2  26  21.54
 8 gilliam,armen     668  281   19.06   1   0   1  48   0   5  20.19
 9 workman,haywoode  815  200   21.10   1   0   0  53   0  29  11.78
10 gatling,chris     494  188   16.25   3   0   2  78   0   1  18.27
11 delnegro,vinnie  1093  281   17.15   0   0   0  62   0   7  12.34
12 traylor,robert    786  259   21.47   2   0   0 140   4  43  15.82
13 johnson,ervin    1027  256   20.81   0   0   0 151   1   7  11.96
14 curry,michael    1146  244   11.38   0   0   0 135   0   4  10.22
15 perry,elliot       47   20   36.77   0   0   0   3   0   0  20.43
16 williams,scott     29   14   16.14   2   1   0   5   0   0  23.17
17 honeycutt,jerald   12    5   -2.00   0   0   0   6   0   0  20.00
18 jordan,adonis      18    6   21.33   0   0   0   0   0   0  16.00
19 grant,paul          5    2    9.60   0   0   0   0   0   0  19.20
20 feick,jamie         3    0   16.00   0   0   0   0   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 robinson,glenn      3.0    1.4    3.2    1.2    2.2    8.4
 2 allen,ray           5.0    1.5    3.4    0.2    1.6    5.9
 3 cassell,sam         8.2    2.9    3.9    0.0    1.9    4.4
 4 brandon,terrell     9.9    2.3    3.4    0.3    1.0    5.0
 5 curry,dell          2.7    2.0    2.5    0.2    1.0    4.7
 6 hill,tyrone         1.6    1.7    2.2    0.7    4.7   12.4
 7 thomas,tim          2.4    1.8    2.4    0.7    3.2    7.2
 8 gilliam,armen       1.4    1.6    2.6    0.9    2.4    9.1
 9 workman,haywoode   10.1    1.9    3.7    0.1    0.8    6.0
10 gatling,chris       1.9    2.3    3.2    0.6    3.0   11.1
11 delnegro,vinnie     7.6    1.4    2.4    0.1    0.6    4.5
12 traylor,robert      2.3    2.7    2.6    2.7    4.9   11.1
13 johnson,ervin       0.9    1.4    2.2    2.7    5.6   15.0
14 curry,michael       3.3    1.8    1.5    0.3    0.8    4.5
15 perry,elliot       12.3    4.1    2.0    0.0    1.0    8.2
16 williams,scott      0.0    1.7    3.3    1.7    3.3   19.9
17 honeycutt,jerald    0.0    4.0    4.0    0.0    0.0    4.0
18 jordan,adonis       8.0    8.0    5.3    0.0    0.0    0.0
19 grant,paul          0.0    9.6    9.6    0.0    0.0    0.0
20 feick,jamie         0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   32.0