SanAntonioSpurs (full stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 duncan,tim        PF 25 39.8  210  407 .516   0   4 .000  123  173 .711 21.7
 2 robinson,david     C 24 32.0  154  291 .529   0   0 .000  108  168 .643 17.3
 3 elliott,sean      SF 25 29.4   96  243 .395  18  57 .316   48   64 .750 10.3
 4 johnson,avery     PG 25 32.8  109  222 .491   1   4 .250   30   48 .625 10.0
 5 elie,mario        SG 25 27.6   72  148 .486  21  49 .429   57   62 .919  8.9
 6 jackson,jaren     SG 22 17.0   53  143 .371  27  77 .351   14   18 .778  6.7
 7 rose,malik        PF 25 14.6   50  111 .450   0   0 .000   58   84 .690  6.3
 8 daniels,antonio   PG 25 15.1   52  116 .448   3   9 .333   28   37 .757  5.4
 9 kersey,jerome     SF 20 16.2   40   99 .404   1   6 .167    2    6 .333  4.2
10 kerr,steve        PG 21 14.1   27   81 .333   7  32 .219   11   13 .846  3.4
11 king,gerald       PF  7  3.7    4    9 .444   0   0 .000    9   12 .750  2.4
12 perdue,will        C 24 11.0   17   25 .680   0   0 .000    6   14 .429  1.7
13 gaze,andrew       SF  5  2.2    2    6 .333   0   1 .000    0    0 .000  0.8

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 duncan,tim         64  2.6  25  1.0  62  2.5  62  2.5 25.8  63 2.5  268 10.7
 2 robinson,david     50  2.1  30  1.2  47  2.0  53  2.2 23.7  73 3.0  260 10.8
 3 elliott,sean       59  2.4  12  0.5  25  1.0   8  0.3 10.0  16 0.6   98  3.9
 4 johnson,avery     180  7.2  26  1.0  54  2.2   4  0.2 14.2  11 0.4   56  2.2
 5 elie,mario         47  1.9  29  1.2  30  1.2   6  0.2 10.2  16 0.6   66  2.6
 6 jackson,jaren      16  0.7  23  1.0  12  0.5   3  0.1  6.5   9 0.4   45  2.0
 7 rose,malik         20  0.8  27  1.1  30  1.2  12  0.5  7.8  52 2.1  107  4.3
 8 daniels,antonio    74  3.0  22  0.9  23  0.9   4  0.2  7.2   7 0.3   30  1.2
 9 kersey,jerome      18  0.9  15  0.8  17  0.8   7  0.3  4.2  13 0.7   54  2.7
10 kerr,steve         13  0.6   9  0.4   8  0.4   1  0.0  2.4   3 0.1   18  0.9
11 king,gerald         3  0.4   2  0.3   2  0.3   1  0.1  2.8   3 0.4    7  1.0
12 perdue,will        10  0.4   5  0.2   9  0.4   7  0.3  4.1  18 0.8   76  3.2
13 gaze,andrew         0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   1  0.2  0.3   1 0.2    1  0.2

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     6050  886 1901  .466   78  239 .326  494  699 .707 2344 113.72  93.8
Opponents  6050  804 2018  .398   94  305 .308  385  546 .705 2087  83.43  83.5

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals     554  489  225  319  169    8    1    0  285 1086  43.4
Opponents  453  561  199  349  107    8    1    2  347 1053  42.1

Record 21 -  4         Home 14 -  1         Away  7 -  3

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 duncan,tim        994  543   31.11   2   0   0  77   0  25  26.22
 2 robinson,david    769  416   35.47   0   0   0  70   0  24  25.97
 3 elliott,sean      736  258   16.27   1   0   0  50   0  25  16.83
 4 johnson,avery     819  249   20.78   1   0   0  44   0  25  14.59
 5 elie,mario        691  222   17.71   3   1   0  51   0  25  15.42
 6 jackson,jaren     374  147   18.26   0   0   0  16   0   0  18.87
 7 rose,malik        366  158   25.41   0   0   0  61   0   0  20.72
 8 daniels,antonio   378  135   23.02   0   0   0  24   0   0  17.14
 9 kersey,jerome     325   83   12.55   0   0   0  37   1   0  12.26
10 kerr,steve        297   72    8.16   0   0   0  13   0   0  11.64
11 king,gerald        26   17   36.46   0   0   0   5   0   0  31.38
12 perdue,will       264   40   17.73   1   0   0  40   0   1   7.27
13 gaze,andrew        11    4    6.55   0   0   0   1   0   0  17.45

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 duncan,tim          3.1    1.2    3.0    3.0    3.0   12.9
 2 robinson,david      3.1    1.9    2.9    3.3    4.6   16.2
 3 elliott,sean        3.8    0.8    1.6    0.5    1.0    6.4
 4 johnson,avery      10.5    1.5    3.2    0.2    0.6    3.3
 5 elie,mario          3.3    2.0    2.1    0.4    1.1    4.6
 6 jackson,jaren       2.1    3.0    1.5    0.4    1.2    5.8
 7 rose,malik          2.6    3.5    3.9    1.6    6.8   14.0
 8 daniels,antonio     9.4    2.8    2.9    0.5    0.9    3.8
 9 kersey,jerome       2.7    2.2    2.5    1.0    1.9    8.0
10 kerr,steve          2.1    1.5    1.3    0.2    0.5    2.9
11 king,gerald         5.5    3.7    3.7    1.8    5.5   12.9
12 perdue,will         1.8    0.9    1.6    1.3    3.3   13.8
13 gaze,andrew         0.0    0.0    0.0    4.4    4.4    4.4