Best Individual Game Performances for 98-99 High Game Scoring High Game Rebounds Player team pts Player team reb mcdyess,antonio den 46 wright,lorenzen cli 25 iverson,allen phi 46 grant,brian por 24 hill,grant det 46 fortson,danny den 24 vanexel,nick den 41 fortson,danny den 23 marbury,stephon njn 41 williams,jayson njn 21 iverson,allen phi 41 williams,jayson njn 21 rice,glen lak 40 webber,chris sac 21 marbury,stephon min 40 mutombo,dikembe atl 21 anderson,nick orl 40 mourning,alonzo mia 21 mcdyess,antonio den 39 fortson,danny den 21 High Game Assists High Game Steals High Game Blocks Player team as Player team st Player team bk marbury,stephon njn 20 gill,kendall njn 11 webber,chris sac 9 kidd,jason pho 19 stockton,john uta 8 ratliff,theo phi 9 kidd,jason pho 18 payton,gary sea 8 mourning,alonzo mia 9 jackson,mark ind 17 christie,doug tor 8 mourning,alonzo mia 9 strickland,rod was 16 brown,randy chi 8 bradley,shawn dal 9 payton,gary sea 16 workman,haywoode mil 7 robinson,david san 8 marbury,stephon min 16 williams,jerome det 7 ratliff,theo phi 8 knight,brevin cle 16 pippen,scottie hou 7 mutombo,dikembe atl 8 kidd,jason pho 16 pierce,paul bos 7 mutombo,dikembe atl 8 kidd,jason pho 16 payton,gary sea 7 camby,marcus nyk 8 Triple Doubles Player team pts reb as st bk to blaylock,mookie atl 19 11 10 3 0 1 divac,vlade sac 11 14 10 2 2 3 gill,kendall njn 15 10 3 11 2 0 hill,grant det 29 13 11 2 0 5 jackson,mark ind 15 12 11 1 0 4 kidd,jason pho 11 13 11 1 0 3 kidd,jason pho 14 12 16 6 0 3 kidd,jason pho 14 15 10 2 0 4 kidd,jason pho 17 10 12 0 1 2 kidd,jason pho 22 10 14 2 0 4 kidd,jason pho 26 11 14 0 0 0 kidd,jason pho 28 11 13 0 2 1 malone,karl uta 29 12 10 1 2 2 payton,gary sea 28 10 12 3 0 4 pippen,scottie hou 15 10 11 1 0 4 pippen,scottie hou 23 10 10 6 0 5 strickland,rod was 15 10 11 2 0 0 webber,chris sac 17 10 10 1 0 5
NOTE: yes the triple doubles with TOs is there for a joke.