SeattleStorm (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 campbell,edna     PG 16 31.9   84  215 .391  13  49 .265   41   58 .707 13.9
 2 vodichkova,kami   PF 23 21.3   68  171 .398   4  20 .200   60   78 .769  8.7
 3 threatt,robin     PG 20 18.9   60  158 .380  12  37 .324   23   35 .657  7.8
 4 edwards,simone     C 29 22.2   83  182 .456   0   0 .000   50   80 .625  7.4
 5 barnes,quacy       C 31 22.7   89  213 .418   1   9 .111   30   56 .536  6.7
 6 edwards,michelle  PG 20 22.8   51  143 .357   6  32 .188   23   35 .657  6.5
 7 redd,jamie        SG 26 14.9   49  125 .392  18  52 .346   24   34 .706  5.4
 8 henning,sonja     PG 32 30.6   53  151 .351  25  66 .379   37   61 .607  5.2
 9 lovelace,stacey   PF 23 14.1   36  103 .350   2   9 .222   25   31 .806  4.3
10 sampson,charisse  SF 21 13.3   21   46 .457   9  23 .391   25   28 .893  3.6
11 garner,andrea      C 32 17.5   38  116 .328   1   2 .500   24   38 .632  3.2
12 hibbert,katrina   SG 20 12.0   19   59 .322   8  31 .258    7    9 .778  2.6
13 smith,charmin     PG 32 16.1   16   56 .286  10  32 .312   10   18 .556  1.6
14 aycock,angela     SF  1  7.0    0    3 .000   0   2 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 campbell,edna      37  2.3  19  1.2  40  2.5   4  0.2  7.6   8 0.5   34  2.1
 2 vodichkova,kami    22  1.0  13  0.6  57  2.5  12  0.5  6.0  28 1.2   97  4.2
 3 threatt,robin      18  0.9  13  0.6  30  1.5   3  0.2  3.4  10 0.5   32  1.6
 4 edwards,simone     22  0.8  16  0.6  45  1.6  10  0.3  6.3  38 1.3  107  3.7
 5 barnes,quacy       33  1.1  19  0.6  62  2.0  33  1.1  4.0  27 0.9   84  2.7
 6 edwards,michelle   40  2.0  14  0.7  38  1.9   5  0.2  3.9   7 0.4   34  1.7
 7 redd,jamie         16  0.6  19  0.7  35  1.3   1  0.0  2.9  18 0.7   45  1.7
 8 henning,sonja      79  2.5  61  1.9  54  1.7   3  0.1  6.8  22 0.7   86  2.7
 9 lovelace,stacey    16  0.7  13  0.6  35  1.5   2  0.1  2.6  19 0.8   57  2.5
10 sampson,charisse   11  0.5  18  0.9  14  0.7   6  0.3  4.6  13 0.6   40  1.9
11 garner,andrea      25  0.8  27  0.8  43  1.3  10  0.3  3.5  43 1.3   98  3.1
12 hibbert,katrina    18  0.9   7  0.4  17  0.8   1  0.0  2.1   8 0.4   30  1.5
13 smith,charmin      53  1.7  16  0.5  32  1.0   3  0.1  2.4  14 0.4   47  1.5
14 aycock,angela       0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0 -2.0   1 1.0    2  2.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     6475  667 1741  .383  109  364 .299  379  561 .676 1822  43.49  56.9
Opponents  6475  778 1721  .452  117  334 .350  498  654 .761 2171  72.59  67.8

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals     390  648  255  502   93    4    1    1  256  793  24.8
Opponents  506  617  284  509  124    3    0    0  288 1009  31.5

Record  6 - 26         Home  4 - 12         Away  2 - 14

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 campbell,edna     510  222   11.39   2   1   0  35   0  16  20.89
 2 vodichkova,kami   489  200   13.55   0   0   0  63   0  19  19.63
 3 threatt,robin     377  155    8.69   1   0   0  36   1   7  19.73
 4 edwards,simone    645  216   13.53   0   0   0  57   0   7  16.07
 5 barnes,quacy      705  209    8.51   0   0   0 103   2  23  14.23
 6 edwards,michelle  455  131    8.18   0   0   0  29   0  13  13.82
 7 redd,jamie        387  140    9.36   1   0   1  53   0   8  17.36
 8 henning,sonja     980  168   10.68   0   0   0  73   1  32   8.23
 9 lovelace,stacey   324   99    8.81   0   0   0  42   0   1  14.67
10 sampson,charisse  280   76   16.41   0   0   0  37   0   6  13.03
11 garner,andrea     560  101    9.71   0   0   0  44   0  19   8.66
12 hibbert,katrina   240   53    8.40   0   0   0  22   0   6  10.60
13 smith,charmin     516   52    7.28   0   0   0  52   0   3   4.84
14 aycock,angela       7    0   -9.99   0   0   0   2   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 campbell,edna       3.5    1.8    3.8    0.4    0.8    3.2
 2 vodichkova,kami     2.2    1.3    5.6    1.2    2.7    9.5
 3 threatt,robin       2.3    1.7    3.8    0.4    1.3    4.1
 4 edwards,simone      1.6    1.2    3.3    0.7    2.8    8.0
 5 barnes,quacy        2.2    1.3    4.2    2.2    1.8    5.7
 6 edwards,michelle    4.2    1.5    4.0    0.5    0.7    3.6
 7 redd,jamie          2.0    2.4    4.3    0.1    2.2    5.6
 8 henning,sonja       3.9    3.0    2.6    0.1    1.1    4.2
 9 lovelace,stacey     2.4    1.9    5.2    0.3    2.8    8.4
10 sampson,charisse    1.9    3.1    2.4    1.0    2.2    6.9
11 garner,andrea       2.1    2.3    3.7    0.9    3.7    8.4
12 hibbert,katrina     3.6    1.4    3.4    0.2    1.6    6.0
13 smith,charmin       4.9    1.5    3.0    0.3    1.3    4.4
14 aycock,angela       0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    6.9   13.7