CharlotteSting (full stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 sam,sheri         SF  5 32.0   28   64 .438   3  10 .300   15   17 .882 14.8
 2 smith,tangela     PF  3 32.7   15   35 .429   0   2 .000    8   11 .727 12.7
 3 sutton-brown,tam   C  5 27.4   18   30 .600   0   0 .000   12   20 .600  9.6
 4 darling,helen     PG  5 32.6    6   29 .207   2  12 .167   19   21 .905  6.6
 5 goodson,adrienne  PF  5 18.2   13   26 .500   0   0 .000    6    8 .750  6.4
 6 miller,teana       C  5 12.8   12   13 .923   0   0 .000    6   10 .600  6.0
 7 perkins,jia       SG  5 16.6   11   21 .524   0   0 .000    2    6 .333  4.8
 8 mazzante,kelly    SG  5 10.2    7   17 .412   3  10 .300    2    3 .667  3.8
 9 walker,ayana      SF  5 13.0    4   10 .400   0   0 .000    4    6 .667  2.4
10 matter,caity      SG  4  8.2    2    7 .286   1   4 .250    2    2 1.00  1.8
11 mccarville,janel   C  4 13.8    2    6 .333   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  1.2

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 sam,sheri          15  3.0   3  0.6  12  2.4   0  0.0 12.8  10 2.0   24  4.8
 2 smith,tangela       7  2.3   4  1.3  10  3.3   1  0.3 10.1   2 0.7   15  5.0
 3 sutton-brown,tam    6  1.2   6  1.2  15  3.0   7  1.4 10.9   8 1.6   29  5.8
 4 darling,helen      26  5.2   7  1.4  10  2.0   0  0.0  9.3   3 0.6   17  3.4
 5 goodson,adrienne    1  0.2   1  0.2  11  2.2   1  0.2  3.2   7 1.4   14  2.8
 6 miller,teana        1  0.2   1  0.2   5  1.0   5  1.0  5.8   3 0.6    8  1.6
 7 perkins,jia         3  0.6   4  0.8   4  0.8   1  0.2  3.2   1 0.2    3  0.6
 8 mazzante,kelly      0  0.0   2  0.4   4  0.8   0  0.0  3.1   1 0.2    9  1.8
 9 walker,ayana        4  0.8   0  0.0   2  0.4   1  0.2  3.3   2 0.4   11  2.2
10 matter,caity        5  1.2   1  0.2   2  0.5   0  0.0  2.6   0 0.0    3  0.8
11 mccarville,janel    2  0.5   3  0.8   1  0.2   2  0.5  4.5   4 1.0   13  3.2

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     1000  118  258  .457    9   38 .237   77  106 .726  322  63.60  64.4
Opponents  1000  118  302  .391   21   66 .318   77  103 .748  334  68.95  66.8

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals      70   99   32   76   18    1    0    0   41  146  29.2
Opponents   78   94   38   59   14    2    0    0   59  161  32.2

Record  2 -  3         Home  1 -  0         Away  1 -  3

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 sam,sheri         160   74   19.20   1   0   0  10   0   5  22.20
 2 smith,tangela      98   38   14.82   0   0   0   7   0   3  18.61
 3 sutton-brown,tam  137   48   19.18   0   0   0  19   1   5  16.82
 4 darling,helen     163   33   13.77   0   0   0  18   0   5   9.72
 5 goodson,adrienne   91   32    8.57   0   0   0  11   0   0  16.88
 6 miller,teana       64   30   21.94   0   0   0  14   0   0  22.50
 7 perkins,jia        83   24    9.40   0   0   0   7   0   4  13.88
 8 mazzante,kelly     51   19   14.59   0   0   0   2   0   1  17.88
 9 walker,ayana       65   12   12.18   0   0   0   6   0   0   8.86
10 matter,caity       33    7   15.27   0   0   0   0   0   0  10.18
11 mccarville,janel   55    5   15.71   0   0   0   5   0   2   4.36

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 sam,sheri           4.5    0.9    3.6    0.0    3.0    7.2
 2 smith,tangela       3.4    2.0    4.9    0.5    1.0    7.3
 3 sutton-brown,tam    2.1    2.1    5.3    2.5    2.8   10.2
 4 darling,helen       7.7    2.1    2.9    0.0    0.9    5.0
 5 goodson,adrienne    0.5    0.5    5.8    0.5    3.7    7.4
 6 miller,teana        0.8    0.8    3.8    3.8    2.2    6.0
 7 perkins,jia         1.7    2.3    2.3    0.6    0.6    1.7
 8 mazzante,kelly      0.0    1.9    3.8    0.0    0.9    8.5
 9 walker,ayana        3.0    0.0    1.5    0.7    1.5    8.1
10 matter,caity        7.3    1.5    2.9    0.0    0.0    4.4
11 mccarville,janel    1.7    2.6    0.9    1.7    3.5   11.3