PhoenixMercury (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 taurasi,diana     SG 32 32.8  164  402 .408  55 173 .318  113  143 .790 15.5
 2 taylor,penny      SF 28 29.6  119  254 .469  37  90 .411  102  118 .864 13.5
 3 deforge,anna      SG 32 34.4  140  352 .398  46 137 .336  102  120 .850 13.4
 4 stepanova,maria    C 15 27.3   68  144 .472   0   0 .000   26   40 .650 10.8
 5 vodichkova,kamil   C 27 29.1  119  242 .492   1   4 .250   48   70 .686 10.6
 6 pierson,plenette  PF 12 26.5   36  105 .343   0   1 .000   20   29 .690  7.7
 7 wright,shereka    SF 24 13.9   22   56 .393  11  34 .324   33   48 .688  3.7
 8 irvin,sandora     PF 11  9.0   12   36 .333   4   7 .571   10   12 .833  3.5
 9 snell,belinda     SF 19 11.3   19   53 .358  11  35 .314   16   18 .889  3.4
10 robinson,ashley   PF 33 19.3   41  127 .323   0   1 .000   18   36 .500  3.0
11 jackson,gwen      PF 11 11.0   13   26 .500   2   4 .500    3    6 .500  2.8
12 williams,angelin  SF 16  9.3   15   50 .300   4  18 .222    6    7 .857  2.5
13 ivey,niele        PG 14 10.9    8   24 .333   2  10 .200    6    6 1.00  1.7
14 christensen,kayt  PF 11  9.8    7   15 .467   0   0 .000    4    7 .571  1.6
15 harrison,lida     SF 27 11.0   15   34 .441   0   1 .000   11   14 .786  1.5

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 taurasi,diana     144  4.5  38  1.2 108  3.4  28  0.9 14.5  19 0.6  130  4.1
 2 taylor,penny       90  3.2  38  1.4  75  2.7  11  0.4 14.4  36 1.3  115  4.1
 3 deforge,anna       78  2.4  40  1.2  78  2.4   7  0.2 11.5  29 0.9  111  3.5
 4 stepanova,maria    23  1.5  20  1.3  22  1.5  38  2.5 13.7  29 1.9   80  5.3
 5 vodichkova,kamil   61  2.3  28  1.0  57  2.1  22  0.8 13.4  58 2.1  186  6.9
 6 pierson,plenette   13  1.1  10  0.8  32  2.7  13  1.1  5.0  19 1.6   59  4.9
 7 wright,shereka     20  0.8  14  0.6  25  1.0   3  0.1  4.4  16 0.7   46  1.9
 8 irvin,sandora       3  0.3   3  0.3   2  0.2   4  0.4  3.9  10 0.9   27  2.5
 9 snell,belinda      18  0.9   6  0.3  10  0.5   1  0.1  3.8  17 0.9   33  1.7
10 robinson,ashley    30  0.9  19  0.6  38  1.2  32  1.0  3.5  48 1.5  118  3.6
11 jackson,gwen        3  0.3   0  0.0  10  0.9   3  0.3  2.6   8 0.7   23  2.1
12 williams,angelin    9  0.6   4  0.2  11  0.7   7  0.4  1.9   9 0.6   23  1.4
13 ivey,niele         20  1.4   6  0.4   6  0.4   0  0.0  2.5   3 0.2   10  0.7
14 christensen,kayt    7  0.6   7  0.6  10  0.9   5  0.5  2.5   9 0.8   22  2.0
15 harrison,lida      10  0.4   5  0.2  12  0.4   1  0.0  1.8  13 0.5   39  1.4

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     6600  798 1920  .416  173  515 .336  518  674 .769 2287  71.69  69.3
Opponents  6600  824 1931  .427  118  320 .369  503  696 .723 2269  67.00  68.8

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals     529  675  238  496  175    6    0    0  323 1022  31.0
Opponents  452  654  257  455  112   10    1    0  314  994  30.1

Record 16 - 17         Home 11 -  6         Away  5 - 11

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 taurasi,diana    1049  496   21.19   4   0   0 108   2  32  22.70
 2 taylor,penny      828  377   23.38   0   0   0  83   2  28  21.86
 3 deforge,anna     1100  428   16.01   0   0   0  62   0  32  18.68
 4 stepanova,maria   409  162   24.15   1   0   0  33   0  14  19.01
 5 vodichkova,kamil  786  287   22.02   0   0   0  82   2  24  17.53
 6 pierson,plenette  318   92    9.02   0   0   0  39   2  11  13.89
 7 wright,shereka    333   88   15.24   0   0   0  13   0   5  12.68
 8 irvin,sandora      99   38   20.61   0   0   0  17   0   0  18.42
 9 snell,belinda     214   65   16.37   0   0   0  28   0   0  14.58
10 robinson,ashley   638  100    8.63   1   0   0 106   3  14   7.52
11 jackson,gwen      121   31   11.40   0   0   0  12   0   2  12.30
12 williams,angelin  149   40    9.83   0   0   0  17   0   0  12.89
13 ivey,niele        152   24   11.21   0   0   0  17   0   0   7.58
14 christensen,kayt  108   18   12.44   0   0   0  25   1   1   8.00
15 harrison,lida     296   41    7.74   0   0   0  33   0   2   6.65

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 taurasi,diana       6.6    1.7    4.9    1.3    0.9    5.9
 2 taylor,penny        5.2    2.2    4.3    0.6    2.1    6.7
 3 deforge,anna        3.4    1.7    3.4    0.3    1.3    4.8
 4 stepanova,maria     2.7    2.3    2.6    4.5    3.4    9.4
 5 vodichkova,kamil    3.7    1.7    3.5    1.3    3.5   11.4
 6 pierson,plenette    2.0    1.5    4.8    2.0    2.9    8.9
 7 wright,shereka      2.9    2.0    3.6    0.4    2.3    6.6
 8 irvin,sandora       1.5    1.5    1.0    1.9    4.8   13.1
 9 snell,belinda       4.0    1.3    2.2    0.2    3.8    7.4
10 robinson,ashley     2.3    1.4    2.9    2.4    3.6    8.9
11 jackson,gwen        1.2    0.0    4.0    1.2    3.2    9.1
12 williams,angelin    2.9    1.3    3.5    2.3    2.9    7.4
13 ivey,niele          6.3    1.9    1.9    0.0    0.9    3.2
14 christensen,kayt    3.1    3.1    4.4    2.2    4.0    9.8
15 harrison,lida       1.6    0.8    1.9    0.2    2.1    6.3