Best Individual Game Performances for w2005

Best Individual Game Performances for w2005
       High Game Scoring                High Game Rebounds 
   Player        team  pts       Player          team  reb
swoopes,sheryl     hou   34     ford,cheryl        det   18
nolan,deanna       det   34     ford,cheryl        det   18
nolan,deanna       det   32     baranova,elena     nyk   18
taylor,penny       pho   31     jackson,lauren     sea   17
swoopes,sheryl     hou   31     ford,cheryl        det   16
jackson,lauren     sea   31     ford,cheryl        det   16
melvin,chasity     was   30     catchings,tamika   ind   16
lennox,betty       sea   29     catchings,tamika   ind   16
whalen,lindsay     con   28     jackson,lauren     sea   15
taurasi,diana      pho   28     jackson,lauren     sea   15

  High Game Assists              High Game Steals              High Game Blocks 
 Player           team as    Player           team st    Player           team bk
johnson,shannon    san 13   catchings,tamika   ind  8   dydek,margo        con  9
nolan,deanna       det 11   darling,helen      cha  7   leslie,lisa        los  7
johnson,temeka     was 11   catchings,tamika   ind  7   smith,tangela      cha  6
staley,dawn        cha 10   beard,alana        was  7   pierson,plenette   pho  6
penicheiro,ticha   sac 10   swoopes,sheryl     hou  6   leslie,lisa        los  6
nolan,deanna       det 10   swoopes,sheryl     hou  6   hayden,vanessa     min  6
marques,iziane     sea 10   smith,tangela      cha  6   stepanova,maria    pho  5
johnson,temeka     was 10   hammon,becky       nyk  6   robinson,ashley    pho  5
johnson,temeka     was 10   griffith,yolanda   sac  6   jackson,lauren     sea  5
hammon,becky       nyk 10   catchings,tamika   ind  6   jackson,lauren     sea  5

  Triple Doubles  
Player             team pts reb  as  st  bk  to
nolan,deanna        det  11  10  11   1   0   2

NOTE: yes the triple doubles with TOs is there for a joke.

Double Doubles Player #DDs 1) jackson,lauren 12 2) ford,cheryl 12 3) catchings,tamika 9 4) leslie,lisa 9 5) mcwilliams,frank 8 6) holdsclaw,chamiq 7 7) griffith,yolanda 7 8) snow,michelle 5 9) hayden,vanessa 4 10) wauters,ann 4 11) vodichkova,kamil 4 12) baranova,elena 4 13) burse,janell 3 14) brunson,rebekkah 3 15) dydek,margo 3 16) nolan,deanna 3 17) sutton-brown,tam 2 18) ohlde,nicole 2 19) melvin,chasity 2 20) feenstra,katie 2