MinnesotaT-wolves (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 garnett,kevin     PF 82 39.4  804 1611 .499  11  43 .256  368  465 .791 24.2
 2 cassell,sam       PG 81 35.0  620 1270 .488  74 186 .398  289  331 .873 19.8
 3 sprewell,latrell  SG 82 37.8  518 1266 .409  99 299 .331  240  295 .814 16.8
 4 szczerbiak,wally  SG 28 22.2  106  236 .449  20  46 .435   53   64 .828 10.2
 5 hudson,troy       PG 29 17.3   80  207 .386  31  77 .403   27   33 .818  7.5
 6 hoiberg,fred      SG 79 22.8  178  383 .465  76 172 .442   98  116 .845  6.7
 7 olowokandi,micha   C 43 21.5  121  285 .425   0   0 .000   36   61 .590  6.5
 8 trent,gary        PF 68 15.1  155  328 .473   0   6 .000   69   91 .758  5.6
 9 hassell,trenton   SG 81 28.0  177  381 .465   4  13 .308   48   61 .787  5.0
10 madsen,mark       PF 72 17.3  101  204 .495   0   6 .000   57  118 .483  3.6
11 martin,darrick    PG 16 10.8   20   67 .299   6  26 .231    9    9 1.00  3.4
12 mcleod,keith      PG 33 11.8   27   82 .329   1  10 .100   33   43 .767  2.7
13 goldwire,anthony  PG  5 13.2    5   14 .357   2   6 .333    1    1 1.00  2.6
14 miller,oliver      C 48 10.5   53  100 .530   0   1 .000   15   23 .652  2.5
15 johnson,ervin      C 66 14.6   55  103 .534   0   1 .000   17   28 .607  1.9
16 lewis,quincy      SF 14  4.6    7   20 .350   2   5 .400    0    0 .000  1.1
17 ebi,ndudi         SF 17  1.9    6   14 .429   0   0 .000    1    4 .250  0.8

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 garnett,kevin     409  5.0 120  1.5 212  2.6 178  2.2 33.3 245 3.0 1139 13.9
 2 cassell,sam       592  7.3 102  1.3 220  2.7  18  0.2 21.2  44 0.5  271  3.3
 3 sprewell,latrell  286  3.5  88  1.1 158  1.9  21  0.3 14.6  56 0.7  310  3.8
 4 szczerbiak,wally   33  1.2  12  0.4  28  1.0   1  0.0  8.8  24 0.9   88  3.1
 5 hudson,troy        70  2.4   7  0.2  34  1.2   0  0.0  6.0   4 0.1   35  1.2
 6 hoiberg,fred      109  1.4  66  0.8  44  0.6  10  0.1  9.2  21 0.3  268  3.4
 7 olowokandi,micha   24  0.6  16  0.4  54  1.3  68  1.6  7.6  78 1.8  245  5.7
 8 trent,gary         49  0.7  12  0.2  54  0.8  17  0.2  5.3  83 1.2  216  3.2
 9 hassell,trenton   133  1.6  36  0.4  46  0.6  54  0.7  6.9  68 0.8  257  3.2
10 madsen,mark        28  0.4  33  0.5  47  0.7  18  0.2  4.8 134 1.9  272  3.8
11 martin,darrick     23  1.4   2  0.1   7  0.4   1  0.1  1.9   2 0.1    7  0.4
12 mcleod,keith       59  1.8  16  0.5  29  0.9   1  0.0  3.0   5 0.2   34  1.0
13 goldwire,anthony   10  2.0   3  0.6   2  0.4   0  0.0  4.5   1 0.2    6  1.2
14 miller,oliver      36  0.8  19  0.4  33  0.7  26  0.5  4.2  46 1.0  130  2.7
15 johnson,ervin      24  0.4  27  0.4  30  0.5  43  0.7  4.5  61 0.9  232  3.5
16 lewis,quincy        2  0.1   2  0.1   3  0.2   2  0.1  0.7   1 0.1    7  0.5
17 ebi,ndudi           3  0.2   0  0.0   3  0.2   4  0.2  0.4   2 0.1    3  0.2

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19755 3033 6571  .462  326  897 .363 1361 1743 .781 7753 110.48  94.5
Opponents 19755 2741 6625  .414  395 1181 .334 1426 1893 .753 7303  93.90  89.1

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1890 1731  561 1004  462   47    2    3  875 3520  42.9
Opponents 1701 1653  547 1051  296   35    4    7 1001 3400  41.5

Record 58 - 24         Home 31 - 10         Away 27 - 14

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 garnett,kevin    3231 1987   40.61  16   1   0 202   1  82  29.52
 2 cassell,sam      2838 1603   29.06   9   0   0 247   2  81  27.11
 3 sprewell,latrell 3100 1375   18.48   6   0   0 101   0  82  21.29
 4 szczerbiak,wally  622  285   19.12   1   0   0  42   0   0  21.99
 5 hudson,troy       503  218   16.72   1   0   0  32   0   1  20.80
 6 hoiberg,fred     1804  530   19.36   0   0   0 136   0   3  14.10
 7 olowokandi,micha  925  278   16.99   1   0   0 137   3  25  14.43
 8 trent,gary       1025  379   16.92   5   0   3 129   2   2  17.75
 9 hassell,trenton  2264  406   11.90   1   0   0 200   1  74   8.61
10 madsen,mark      1246  259   13.31   0   0   0 175   2  12   9.98
11 martin,darrick    172   55    8.37   0   0   0  23   0   0  15.35
12 mcleod,keith      391   88   12.34   1   0   0  39   0   0  10.80
13 goldwire,anthony   66   13   16.18   0   0   0   5   0   0   9.45
14 miller,oliver     506  121   19.35   4   1   0  91   0   1  11.48
15 johnson,ervin     965  127   14.66   2   0   0 156   1  47   6.32
16 lewis,quincy       65   16    6.83   0   0   0  10   0   0  11.82
17 ebi,ndudi          32   13   11.25   0   0   0   6   0   0  19.50

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 garnett,kevin       6.1    1.8    3.1    2.6    3.6   16.9
 2 cassell,sam        10.0    1.7    3.7    0.3    0.7    4.6
 3 sprewell,latrell    4.4    1.4    2.4    0.3    0.9    4.8
 4 szczerbiak,wally    2.5    0.9    2.2    0.1    1.9    6.8
 5 hudson,troy         6.7    0.7    3.2    0.0    0.4    3.3
 6 hoiberg,fred        2.9    1.8    1.2    0.3    0.6    7.1
 7 olowokandi,micha    1.2    0.8    2.8    3.5    4.0   12.7
 8 trent,gary          2.3    0.6    2.5    0.8    3.9   10.1
 9 hassell,trenton     2.8    0.8    1.0    1.1    1.4    5.4
10 madsen,mark         1.1    1.3    1.8    0.7    5.2   10.5
11 martin,darrick      6.4    0.6    2.0    0.3    0.6    2.0
12 mcleod,keith        7.2    2.0    3.6    0.1    0.6    4.2
13 goldwire,anthony    7.3    2.2    1.5    0.0    0.7    4.4
14 miller,oliver       3.4    1.8    3.1    2.5    4.4   12.3
15 johnson,ervin       1.2    1.3    1.5    2.1    3.0   11.5
16 lewis,quincy        1.5    1.5    2.2    1.5    0.7    5.2
17 ebi,ndudi           4.5    0.0    4.5    6.0    3.0    4.5