MinnesotaT-wolves (full stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 garnett,kevin     PF 41 39.1  388  769 .505   5  22 .227  201  242 .831 24.0
 2 cassell,sam       PG 40 33.6  279  587 .475  31  83 .373  160  180 .889 18.7
 3 sprewell,latrell  SG 41 36.5  231  593 .390  54 145 .372  112  139 .806 15.3
 4 szczerbiak,wally  SG 28 22.2  106  236 .449  20  46 .435   53   64 .828 10.2
 5 hudson,troy       PG 24 17.7   71  180 .394  29  70 .414   19   25 .760  7.9
 6 olowokandi,micha   C 28 21.8   77  184 .418   0   0 .000   28   48 .583  6.5
 7 hoiberg,fred      SG 38 19.0   68  151 .450  36  69 .522   42   49 .857  5.6
 8 hassell,trenton   SG 41 28.7   98  204 .480   1   5 .200   27   32 .844  5.5
 9 martin,darrick    PG 16 10.8   20   67 .299   6  26 .231    9    9 1.00  3.4
10 madsen,mark       PF 41 16.0   54  104 .519   0   2 .000   24   58 .414  3.2
11 trent,gary        PF 31  8.9   38   96 .396   0   3 .000   22   30 .733  3.2
12 miller,oliver      C 30  8.4   25   53 .472   0   1 .000   10   14 .714  2.0
13 johnson,ervin      C 32 15.1   24   47 .511   0   1 .000   11   19 .579  1.8
14 ebi,ndudi         SF  2  1.0    0    1 .000   0   0 .000    1    2 .500  0.5

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 garnett,kevin     202  4.9  69  1.7 107  2.6  87  2.1 33.9 113 2.8  568 13.9
 2 cassell,sam       286  7.2  57  1.4 116  2.9  10  0.2 20.3  25 0.6  135  3.4
 3 sprewell,latrell  136  3.3  36  0.9  55  1.3   9  0.2 13.5  32 0.8  143  3.5
 4 szczerbiak,wally   33  1.2  12  0.4  28  1.0   1  0.0  8.8  24 0.9   88  3.1
 5 hudson,troy        63  2.6   5  0.2  28  1.2   0  0.0  6.6   1 0.0   30  1.2
 6 olowokandi,micha   18  0.6  11  0.4  30  1.1  44  1.6  9.0  60 2.1  190  6.8
 7 hoiberg,fred       41  1.1  26  0.7  16  0.4   5  0.1  8.5  12 0.3  137  3.6
 8 hassell,trenton    77  1.9  16  0.4  30  0.7  26  0.6  7.3  33 0.8  123  3.0
 9 martin,darrick     23  1.4   2  0.1   7  0.4   1  0.1  1.9   2 0.1    7  0.4
10 madsen,mark        14  0.3  15  0.4  27  0.7   5  0.1  4.3  74 1.8  153  3.7
11 trent,gary         10  0.3   5  0.2  19  0.6   5  0.2  2.5  28 0.9   61  2.0
12 miller,oliver      17  0.6  11  0.4  19  0.6  15  0.5  3.0  22 0.7   63  2.1
13 johnson,ervin      13  0.4  16  0.5  13  0.4  22  0.7  4.7  35 1.1  120  3.8
14 ebi,ndudi           0  0.0   0  0.0   1  0.5   0  0.0 -1.1   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     9840 1479 3272  .452  182  473 .385  719  911 .789 3859 111.01  94.1
Opponents  9840 1363 3324  .410  183  561 .326  718  964 .745 3627  93.91  88.5

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals     933  862  281  496  230   24    1    0  461 1818  44.3
Opponents  849  822  278  499  158   19    4    5  497 1713  41.8

Record 29 - 12         Home 17 -  5         Away 12 -  7

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 garnett,kevin    1602  982   41.59   6   0   0  98   1  41  29.42
 2 cassell,sam      1346  749   28.97   5   0   0 116   2  40  26.71
 3 sprewell,latrell 1498  628   17.70   2   0   0  47   0  41  20.12
 4 szczerbiak,wally  622  285   19.12   1   0   0  42   0   0  21.99
 5 hudson,troy       425  190   17.90   1   0   0  26   0   1  21.46
 6 olowokandi,micha  610  182   19.77   1   0   0  91   3  12  14.32
 7 hoiberg,fred      723  214   21.43   0   0   0  57   0   0  14.21
 8 hassell,trenton  1175  224   12.16   1   0   0  90   0  41   9.15
 9 martin,darrick    172   55    8.37   0   0   0  23   0   0  15.35
10 madsen,mark       654  132   12.95   0   0   0  98   2   1   9.69
11 trent,gary        275   98   13.27   2   0   0  38   0   0  17.11
12 miller,oliver     252   60   17.10   4   1   0  51   0   0  11.43
13 johnson,ervin     484   59   14.98   1   0   0  84   0  28   5.85
14 ebi,ndudi           2    1   -9.99   0   0   0   1   0   0  24.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 garnett,kevin       6.1    2.1    3.2    2.6    3.4   17.0
 2 cassell,sam        10.2    2.0    4.1    0.4    0.9    4.8
 3 sprewell,latrell    4.4    1.2    1.8    0.3    1.0    4.6
 4 szczerbiak,wally    2.5    0.9    2.2    0.1    1.9    6.8
 5 hudson,troy         7.1    0.6    3.2    0.0    0.1    3.4
 6 olowokandi,micha    1.4    0.9    2.4    3.5    4.7   15.0
 7 hoiberg,fred        2.7    1.7    1.1    0.3    0.8    9.1
 8 hassell,trenton     3.1    0.7    1.2    1.1    1.3    5.0
 9 martin,darrick      6.4    0.6    2.0    0.3    0.6    2.0
10 madsen,mark         1.0    1.1    2.0    0.4    5.4   11.2
11 trent,gary          1.7    0.9    3.3    0.9    4.9   10.6
12 miller,oliver       3.2    2.1    3.6    2.9    4.2   12.0
13 johnson,ervin       1.3    1.6    1.3    2.2    3.5   11.9
14 ebi,ndudi           0.0    0.0    9.9    0.0    0.0    0.0