SacramentoKings (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 thornton,marcus   PG 27 38.1  213  473 .450  53 147 .361   95  118 .805 21.3
 2 evans,tyreke      PG 57 37.0  382  933 .409  43 148 .291  205  266 .771 17.8
 3 cousins,demarcus   C 81 28.5  433 1006 .430   3  18 .167  276  402 .687 14.1
 4 udrih,beno        PG 79 34.6  412  824 .500  65 182 .357  197  228 .864 13.7
 5 landry,carl       PF 53 26.5  238  484 .492   0   3 .000  155  215 .721 11.9
 6 garcia,francisco  SG 58 24.0  207  475 .436  81 224 .362   65   76 .855  9.7
 7 thompson,jason     C 75 23.3  271  534 .507   0   3 .000  121  200 .605  8.8
 8 casspi,omri       SF 71 24.1  224  545 .411  92 247 .372   68  101 .673  8.6
 9 dalembert,samuel   C 80 24.2  268  567 .473   0   2 .000  108  148 .730  8.1
10 taylor,jermaine   PG 26 15.5   78  164 .476  12  40 .300   16   22 .727  7.1
11 greene,donte      SF 69 16.4  156  386 .404  45 154 .292   43   65 .662  5.8
12 head,luther       SG 36 16.3   68  164 .415  25  64 .391   39   50 .780  5.6
13 jeter,eugene      PG 62 13.9  106  259 .409   6  30 .200   37   41 .902  4.1
14 jackson,darnell   PF 59  8.3   77  157 .490   3  11 .273   30   49 .612  3.2
15 wright,antoine    SF  7  4.7    1    8 .125   0   4 .000    0    0 .000  0.3
16 whiteside,hassan  PF  1  2.0    0    0 .000   0   0 .000    0    0 .000  0.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 thornton,marcus    92  3.4  45  1.7  56  2.1   5  0.2 19.7  36 1.3  127  4.7
 2 evans,tyreke      319  5.6  85  1.5 184  3.2  30  0.5 16.8  46 0.8  275  4.8
 3 cousins,demarcus  205  2.5  85  1.0 268  3.3  68  0.8 13.9 218 2.7  699  8.6
 4 udrih,beno        386  4.9  94  1.2 141  1.8   9  0.1 16.4  41 0.5  265  3.4
 5 landry,carl        50  0.9  30  0.6  82  1.5  20  0.4 10.6 127 2.4  253  4.8
 6 garcia,francisco   71  1.2  51  0.9  45  0.8  49  0.8  9.3  24 0.4  133  2.3
 7 thompson,jason     87  1.2  28  0.4  99  1.3  44  0.6 10.2 144 1.9  454  6.1
 8 casspi,omri        74  1.0  54  0.8  68  1.0  13  0.2  9.2  74 1.0  307  4.3
 9 dalembert,samuel   67  0.8  36  0.5 132  1.6 116  1.4 11.8 212 2.6  657  8.2
10 taylor,jermaine    30  1.2  12  0.5  40  1.5   3  0.1  5.5  25 1.0   53  2.0
11 greene,donte       48  0.7  36  0.5  60  0.9  20  0.3  4.8  49 0.7  147  2.1
12 head,luther        70  1.9  10  0.3  32  0.9   9  0.2  6.0  16 0.4   60  1.7
13 jeter,eugene      162  2.6  29  0.5  51  0.8   2  0.0  5.2   9 0.1   70  1.1
14 jackson,darnell    14  0.2  12  0.2  23  0.4   3  0.1  2.9  48 0.8   93  1.6
15 wright,antoine      0  0.0   1  0.1   1  0.1   0  0.0 -0.5   2 0.3    3  0.4
16 whiteside,hassan    0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0   0  0.0 -1.0   0 0.0    0  0.0

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19885 3134 6979  .449  428 1277 .335 1455 1981 .734 8151 104.33  99.4
Opponents 19860 3260 6826  .478  480 1353 .355 1589 2085 .762 8589 116.82 104.7

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1675 1805  608 1282  391   38    0    0 1071 3596  43.9
Opponents 1779 1723  666 1154  464   30    0    0  868 3378  41.2

Record 24 - 58         Home 11 - 30         Away 13 - 28

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 thornton,marcus  1030  574   24.76   1   0   0  60   0  23  26.75
 2 evans,tyreke     2111 1012   21.82   1   0   0 143   1  53  23.01
 3 cousins,demarcus 2310 1145   23.36  15   0   0 332  10  62  23.79
 4 udrih,beno       2733 1086   22.80   0   0   0 181   2  64  19.07
 5 landry,carl      1406  631   19.22   0   0   0 125   0  16  21.54
 6 garcia,francisco 1390  560   18.59   4   0   0 126   0  34  19.34
 7 thompson,jason   1750  663   21.02   6   0   0 212   1  39  18.19
 8 casspi,omri      1708  608   18.30   3   0   0 115   0  27  17.09
 9 dalembert,samuel 1935  644   23.42   5   0   0 225   2  46  15.98
10 taylor,jermaine   404  184   16.87   0   0   0  35   0   8  21.86
11 greene,donte     1132  400   14.14   1   0   0  88   0  21  16.96
12 head,luther       587  200   17.70   2   0   0  43   0  14  16.35
13 jeter,eugene      863  255   17.97   0   0   0  54   0   1  14.18
14 jackson,darnell   491  187   16.45   0   0   0  61   0   2  18.28
15 wright,antoine     33    2   -5.09   0   0   0   3   0   0   2.91
16 whiteside,hassan    2    0   -9.99   0   0   0   2   0   0   0.00

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 thornton,marcus     4.3    2.1    2.6    0.2    1.7    5.9
 2 evans,tyreke        7.3    1.9    4.2    0.7    1.0    6.3
 3 cousins,demarcus    4.3    1.8    5.6    1.4    4.5   14.5
 4 udrih,beno          6.8    1.7    2.5    0.2    0.7    4.7
 5 landry,carl         1.7    1.0    2.8    0.7    4.3    8.6
 6 garcia,francisco    2.5    1.8    1.6    1.7    0.8    4.6
 7 thompson,jason      2.4    0.8    2.7    1.2    3.9   12.5
 8 casspi,omri         2.1    1.5    1.9    0.4    2.1    8.6
 9 dalembert,samuel    1.7    0.9    3.3    2.9    5.3   16.3
10 taylor,jermaine     3.6    1.4    4.8    0.4    3.0    6.3
11 greene,donte        2.0    1.5    2.5    0.8    2.1    6.2
12 head,luther         5.7    0.8    2.6    0.7    1.3    4.9
13 jeter,eugene        9.0    1.6    2.8    0.1    0.5    3.9
14 jackson,darnell     1.4    1.2    2.2    0.3    4.7    9.1
15 wright,antoine      0.0    1.5    1.5    0.0    2.9    4.4
16 whiteside,hassan    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0