SacramentoKings (full stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT  AVG
 1 thornton,marcus   PG 27 38.1  213  473 .450  53 147 .361   95  118 .805 21.3
 2 evans,tyreke      PG 21 36.0  137  320 .428  15  49 .306   89  107 .832 18.0
 3 cousins,demarcus   C 40 30.8  226  516 .438   1   9 .111  159  225 .707 15.3
 4 udrih,beno        PG 38 35.9  196  396 .495  27  78 .346   90  102 .882 13.4
 5 dalembert,samuel   C 41 28.6  185  380 .487   0   0 .000   79  107 .738 11.0
 6 landry,carl       PF 12 24.9   48   96 .500   0   0 .000   29   39 .744 10.4
 7 garcia,francisco  SG 23 24.9   85  203 .419  34 100 .340   29   33 .879 10.1
 8 thompson,jason     C 39 24.9  149  290 .514   0   2 .000   60  102 .588  9.2
 9 taylor,jermaine   PG 19 17.4   64  132 .485  11  34 .324   14   18 .778  8.1
10 casspi,omri       SF 32 24.6   99  230 .430  29  88 .330   30   48 .625  8.0
11 greene,donte      SF 36 15.6   84  194 .433  22  73 .301   28   34 .824  6.1
12 head,luther       SG 13 15.5   24   58 .414  11  20 .550   12   16 .750  5.5
13 jeter,eugene      PG 33 12.8   54  127 .425   3  13 .231   20   21 .952  4.0
14 jackson,darnell   PF 32  7.3   37   79 .468   2   6 .333   19   28 .679  3.0

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 thornton,marcus    92  3.4  45  1.7  56  2.1   5  0.2 19.7  36 1.3  127  4.7
 2 evans,tyreke      121  5.8  18  0.9  71  3.4  12  0.6 17.5  14 0.7  105  5.0
 3 cousins,demarcus  134  3.4  54  1.4 156  3.9  36  0.9 16.4 109 2.7  384  9.6
 4 udrih,beno        213  5.6  47  1.2  72  1.9   4  0.1 16.8  15 0.4  123  3.2
 5 dalembert,samuel   35  0.9  27  0.7  81  2.0  53  1.3 14.8 126 3.1  408 10.0
 6 landry,carl        13  1.1   7  0.6  14  1.2   1  0.1 10.4  28 2.3   57  4.8
 7 garcia,francisco   30  1.3  28  1.2  20  0.9  17  0.7  9.3  10 0.4   46  2.0
 8 thompson,jason     54  1.4  17  0.4  58  1.5  28  0.7 10.7  72 1.8  237  6.1
 9 taylor,jermaine    22  1.2   8  0.4  30  1.6   3  0.2  6.3  22 1.2   41  2.2
10 casspi,omri        39  1.2  24  0.8  30  0.9   5  0.2  9.1  43 1.3  139  4.3
11 greene,donte       19  0.5  18  0.5  30  0.8   7  0.2  4.6  21 0.6   58  1.6
12 head,luther        22  1.7   3  0.2  11  0.8   4  0.3  5.8   9 0.7   25  1.9
13 jeter,eugene       71  2.2  13  0.4  26  0.8   0  0.0  4.6   2 0.1   32  1.0
14 jackson,darnell     8  0.2   8  0.2  11  0.3   1  0.0  2.6  21 0.7   40  1.2

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals     9935 1601 3494  .458  208  619 .336  753  998 .755 4163 108.32 101.5
Opponents  9916 1673 3474  .482  245  704 .348  777 1025 .758 4368 119.68 106.5

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals     873  881  317  666  176   23    0    0  528 1822  44.4
Opponents  914  850  364  561  241   19    0    0  423 1648  40.2

Record 15 - 26         Home  5 - 14         Away 10 - 12

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA PTS/48
 1 thornton,marcus  1030  574   24.76   1   0   0  60   0  23  26.75
 2 evans,tyreke      757  378   23.37   1   0   0  52   0  17  23.97
 3 cousins,demarcus 1230  612   25.64   9   0   0 167   6  36  23.88
 4 udrih,beno       1364  509   22.45   0   0   0  81   0  31  17.91
 5 dalembert,samuel 1172  449   24.91   4   0   0 130   1  31  18.39
 6 landry,carl       299  125   20.07   0   0   0  25   0   0  20.07
 7 garcia,francisco  573  233   17.88   3   0   0  48   0  22  19.52
 8 thompson,jason    973  358   20.56   1   0   0 119   0  15  17.66
 9 taylor,jermaine   331  153   17.33   0   0   0  26   0   7  22.19
10 casspi,omri       788  257   17.65   1   0   0  52   0  18  15.65
11 greene,donte      562  218   14.11   1   0   0  47   0   1  18.62
12 head,luther       201   71   17.91   2   0   0  20   0   4  16.96
13 jeter,eugene      422  131   17.12   0   0   0  26   0   0  14.90
14 jackson,darnell   233   95   17.05   0   0   0  28   0   0  19.57

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 thornton,marcus     4.3    2.1    2.6    0.2    1.7    5.9
 2 evans,tyreke        7.7    1.1    4.5    0.8    0.9    6.7
 3 cousins,demarcus    5.2    2.1    6.1    1.4    4.3   15.0
 4 udrih,beno          7.5    1.7    2.5    0.1    0.5    4.3
 5 dalembert,samuel    1.4    1.1    3.3    2.2    5.2   16.7
 6 landry,carl         2.1    1.1    2.2    0.2    4.5    9.2
 7 garcia,francisco    2.5    2.3    1.7    1.4    0.8    3.9
 8 thompson,jason      2.7    0.8    2.9    1.4    3.6   11.7
 9 taylor,jermaine     3.2    1.2    4.4    0.4    3.2    5.9
10 casspi,omri         2.4    1.5    1.8    0.3    2.6    8.5
11 greene,donte        1.6    1.5    2.6    0.6    1.8    5.0
12 head,luther         5.3    0.7    2.6    1.0    2.1    6.0
13 jeter,eugene        8.1    1.5    3.0    0.0    0.2    3.6
14 jackson,darnell     1.6    1.6    2.3    0.2    4.3    8.2