OrlandoMagic (last 10 stats)

          Scoring Statistics
   Player           Pos  G M/Gm  FGm  FGa  PCT  3m  3a  PCT  FTm  FTA  PCT +/-/G  AVG
 1 vucevic,nikola     C 74 34.2  631 1206 .523   2   6 .333  164  218 .752  -4.1 19.3
 2 oladipo,victor    SG 72 35.7  473 1086 .436  84 248 .339  262  320 .819  -4.2 17.9
 3 harris,tobias     SF 68 34.8  442  949 .466  87 239 .364  193  245 .788  -4.3 17.1
 4 fournier,evan     SG 58 28.6  253  575 .440  85 225 .378  107  147 .728  -2.5 12.0
 5 payton,elfrid     PG 82 30.4  301  708 .425  11  42 .262  118  214 .551  -2.5  8.9
 6 frye,channing     PF 75 24.9  191  487 .392 136 346 .393   31   35 .886  -3.3  7.3
 7 gordon,ben        SG 56 14.1  129  295 .437  35  97 .361   56   67 .836  -2.4  6.2
 8 green,willie      SG 52 18.3  118  306 .386  42 121 .347   28   34 .824  -1.6  5.9
 9 o'quinn,kyle      PF 51 16.2  119  242 .492  12  43 .279   44   57 .772  -2.4  5.8
10 gordon,aaron      PF 47 17.0   93  208 .447  13  48 .271   44   61 .721  -3.5  5.2
11 nicholson,andrew  PF 40 12.3   83  190 .437  13  41 .317   15   25 .600  -2.1  4.8
12 ridnour,luke      PG 47 14.5   75  176 .426  20  63 .317   18   21 .857  -2.8  4.0
13 dedmon,dewayne     C 59 14.4   91  162 .562   0   1 .000   34   64 .531  -0.4  3.7
14 harkless,maurice  SF 45 15.0   63  158 .399  10  56 .179   22   41 .537  -2.0  3.5
15 marble,devyn      SG 16 13.2   14   44 .318   4  22 .182    5   16 .312  -0.9  2.3

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player             AS AS/g  ST ST/G  TO TO/g  BK BK/g  TND  OR OR/g  TR TR/g
 1 vucevic,nikola    148  2.0  54  0.7 148  2.0  54  0.7 22.2 238 3.2  810 10.9
 2 oladipo,victor    295  4.1 120  1.7 204  2.8  19  0.3 16.4  51 0.7  302  4.2
 3 harris,tobias     123  1.8  69  1.0 115  1.7  36  0.5 17.2  73 1.1  430  6.3
 4 fournier,evan     120  2.1  40  0.7  82  1.4   2  0.0 10.2  28 0.5  153  2.6
 5 payton,elfrid     533  6.5 142  1.7 203  2.5  20  0.2 13.9 107 1.3  349  4.3
 6 frye,channing      94  1.3  47  0.6  78  1.0  40  0.5  8.4  27 0.4  293  3.9
 7 gordon,ben         50  0.9  14  0.2  55  1.0   1  0.0  4.3   6 0.1   63  1.1
 8 green,willie       68  1.3  26  0.5  48  0.9   5  0.1  4.6  14 0.3   79  1.5
 9 o'quinn,kyle       59  1.2  31  0.6  55  1.1  38  0.7  7.8  46 0.9  199  3.9
10 gordon,aaron       33  0.7  21  0.4  38  0.8  22  0.5  6.3  46 1.0  169  3.6
11 nicholson,andrew   22  0.6   6  0.1  24  0.6  12  0.3  4.0  17 0.4   82  2.0
12 ridnour,luke       96  2.0  20  0.4  38  0.8   4  0.1  4.9   8 0.2   68  1.4
13 dedmon,dewayne      9  0.2  16  0.3  51  0.9  50  0.8  6.3 118 2.0  295  5.0
14 harkless,maurice   25  0.6  32  0.7  27  0.6   9  0.2  4.0  38 0.8  106  2.4
15 marble,devyn       17  1.1   9  0.6   9  0.6   2  0.1  3.2   5 0.3   31  1.9

         Team Scoring Totals
            Min  FGm  FGa   PCT   3m   3a  PCT  FTm  FTa  PCT  PTS   TND   AVG
Totals    19756 3076 6792  .453  554 1598 .347 1141 1565 .729 7847 103.93  95.7
Opponents 19760 3112 6720  .463  682 1853 .368 1410 1878 .751 8316 120.02 101.4

         Team Rebounding Totals
            AS   PF   ST   TO   BK   TC   EJ    FF  OR   TR   AVG
Totals    1692 1714  647 1175  314   15    0    0  822 3429  41.8
Opponents 1921 1467  634 1140  441   14    0    0  825 3564  43.5

Record 25 - 57         Home 13 - 28         Away 12 - 29

          Scoring Statistics
   Player            Min  Pts  Tnd/48  TC  EJ  FF  PF  DQ STA   +/- PTS/48
 1 vucevic,nikola   2528 1428   31.24   3   0   0 220   3  74 -302  27.11
 2 oladipo,victor   2572 1292   22.06   1   0   0 187   1  71 -306  24.11
 3 harris,tobias    2367 1164   23.66   3   0   0 134   1  63 -294  23.60
 4 fournier,evan    1659  698   17.11   1   0   0 117   0  32 -146  20.20
 5 payton,elfrid    2490  731   22.03   1   0   0 193   0  63 -205  14.09
 6 frye,channing    1867  549   16.28   2   0   0 191   2  51 -247  14.11
 7 gordon,ben        789  349   14.56   1   0   0  60   0   0 -137  21.23
 8 green,willie      953  306   11.94   0   0   0  81   0   2  -85  15.41
 9 o'quinn,kyle      825  294   23.00   1   0   0 110   0  17 -121  17.11
10 gordon,aaron      797  243   17.80   0   0   0  83   0   8 -163  14.63
11 nicholson,andrew  491  194   15.84   0   0   0  51   0   3  -83  18.97
12 ridnour,luke      683  188   16.30   0   0   0  66   0   0 -131  13.21
13 dedmon,dewayne    849  216   20.92   2   0   0 141   2  15  -23  12.21
14 harkless,maurice  674  158   12.68   0   0   0  66   0   4  -88  11.25
15 marble,devyn      212   37   11.49   0   0   0  14   0   7  -15   8.38

          Rebounding Statistics
   Player            AS/48  ST/48  TO/48  BK/48  OR/48  TR/48
 1 vucevic,nikola      2.8    1.0    2.8    1.0    4.5   15.4
 2 oladipo,victor      5.5    2.2    3.8    0.4    1.0    5.6
 3 harris,tobias       2.5    1.4    2.3    0.7    1.5    8.7
 4 fournier,evan       3.5    1.2    2.4    0.1    0.8    4.4
 5 payton,elfrid      10.3    2.7    3.9    0.4    2.1    6.7
 6 frye,channing       2.4    1.2    2.0    1.0    0.7    7.5
 7 gordon,ben          3.0    0.9    3.3    0.1    0.4    3.8
 8 green,willie        3.4    1.3    2.4    0.3    0.7    4.0
 9 o'quinn,kyle        3.4    1.8    3.2    2.2    2.7   11.6
10 gordon,aaron        2.0    1.3    2.3    1.3    2.8   10.2
11 nicholson,andrew    2.2    0.6    2.3    1.2    1.7    8.0
12 ridnour,luke        6.7    1.4    2.7    0.3    0.6    4.8
13 dedmon,dewayne      0.5    0.9    2.9    2.8    6.7   16.7
14 harkless,maurice    1.8    2.3    1.9    0.6    2.7    7.5
15 marble,devyn        3.8    2.0    2.0    0.5    1.1    7.0